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The Commonwealth of Kyldigardian Cantons
Kyldigard flag 3.png
Kyldigardian Coat of Arms.png
Coat of arms
Motto: "Our Pride is in our People"
Official languagesGarderruth
Recognised national languagesGarderruth, Scizcian
Ethnic groups
Kyleth (94%), Scizc (6%), Kitan (0.0015%)
Demonym(s)Kyldigardian (citizen); Kyleth (native species)
GovernmentTemporary Military Dictatorship
• N/A
Uaderim Vijaroscij
• The Grand Kyleth Slave Revolution
414 AR
• The Kyleth-Kveutonian War
501 AR - 530 AR
• Establishment of the Commonwealth
634 AR
• End of Segregation
1535 AR
• Revolution of 1613
1613 AR
• 1611 AR estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Per capita
21,132,151 Ching (42,349 USD)
CurrencyChing (CNG)
Date formatyy/mm/dd/hh

Kyldigard (Garderruth: Kyldigard [kɪldiɡäɹd]), officially The Commonwealth of Kyldigardian Cantons, is a country located in northwestern Pelia, strattling the edge of the Clastoclites. To its west is the Kesper Sea and to its north is the Wintry Ocean. Its capital city is Muremysct, and it has a population of about 27,000,000 Kyldigardian citizens and residents, of which 94% are of the Kyleth majority species, less than 1% are of the giant Kitan minority species, and 5% are of the minority human species, of which 3%, or about 800,000, are of the indigenous stone-age human Scizc Nation. The Commonwealth is made up of 19 cantons and 1 colonial territory, West Yeverekev. Although Kyldigard's governing body, the Council of Wardens, is very benevolent in their application of Kyldigard's de-facto state religion, Relejanism, the vast majority of Kyldigard's Kyleth population considers themselves highly devout in the faith.


The exact creation and origin of the name "Kyldigard" is unknown, however the name "Kyldigard" is nearly an exact translation from Garderruth as "Kyld eg gard" (literally "land of Kyld", with the words land and Kyld being swapped in location due to Garderruth grammatical rules). It is likewise unknown why the slight spelling change between "Kyld eg gard" and "Kyldigard", especially in regards to the switching of the central "e" for "i" and the abbreviation of the two "g" consonants into one, came into being.


Antiquity to Settlement Era (150s-420s AR)

Genesis of the Kyleth Species

Around 150-200 AR, scientists from the Empire of Kethes began experiments in the field of synthetic evolution, eventually leading them to produce the genetic ancestors of modern Kyleth to fill a niche role of servitude for the upper and ruling classes of Kethes. By 250 AR, a stable population of approximately 100,000 Kyleth was being maintained in Kethes. Due to selectively evolved docility, the first several generations of Kyleth were submissive to the wills of their creators. Due to explicit requests by their owners, the Kyleth Species were also at some later point biologically altered to be reproductively compatible with multiple other species found in Kethes at the time. Although the exact date is unknown, it is well known that by 380 AR, most of the Kyleth population had devolved the docilifying traits and developed the ability to feel and understand complex emotions and abstract concepts.

4th Century Kyleth Slave Unrest & 5th Century Revolts

Due to perceived cruel treatment of Kyleth slaves by their Kethesian masters, the Kyleth planned and on many occasions failed small local slave revolts. Underground Kyler societies began to form which rallied for liberation, with some radical sects even calling for the extermination of their Kethesian overlords. At midnight in the winter of 414 AR, after being planned for decades, the Great Slave Revolution brought the mass slaughter of around 120,000 slave-owning Kethesians, leading to a royal decree that permanently banned Kyleth production and slavery and exiling all Kyleth currently residing within Kethes.

Grand Migration and Early Territorial Wars

Due to the harsh desert terrain outside of Kethes, the Kyleth people migrated northward, discovering magic and art during the 5th Century AR on their way to what is now modern Kyldigard. Around 501 AR, the Kyleth encountered the Kveutonian Empire, sacking it as it collapsed in on itself and pushing the prior Kveutonian residents out of their cold yet fertile northwestern and north-central lands. Due to no de jure treaty having been signed, the Commonwealth of Kyldigardian Cantons was still de facto at war with Kveutonia until the Revolution of 1613, although no actual conflicts had arisen since 1308 AR.

The Kyleth settlers in the former Kveutonian Empire made easy allies with nearby indigenous clans and tribes in the pre-nation's early days after the fall of the Kveutonian Empire, however after disputes arose regarding territorial ownership and plundered wealth ownership, the two peoples would abandon being allied and go to war with each other multiple times for territory and superiority. Eventually, the much less physically powerful Scizc species accepted defeat, their society completely torn to ruins as they became nothing more than slaves to the early Kyldigardian clan people.

Clandom Era and Golden Age (430s-1190s AR)

From the 500s to the 610s AR, Kyldigard was an assortment of hundreds of warring independent clans, mostly divided by ethno-racial identity and regional cultures, and to some extent religious schisms within the Relejenist faith. The clandom era of Kyldigard saw many foreign raids on the coast, mostly by human and other pirate raiders. This led to the people of the north developing a more fortified and seafaring coastline and learning to raid, while the south stayed mostly agricultural, leading to closer cooperation and less infighting between clans in the region. In Njovusc (Novus) of 590, the Kingdom of Vrezcijev (a union of three southern kingdoms consisting of large portions of Vrezcij, Rrynjr, and Both ethnic groups in what is now multiple southern cantons) and the city-state of Athalox (one of many Gjenj-controlled trade cities) in what is now the canton of Blezcev went to war over control of the Gizcazc River, ending in an unexpected victory for the city-state and the formation of multiple allied republics, most of which constituted Athaloxian puppet states.

After a brutal series of incursions from seafaring raider clans in the early 7th century, the Kyleth clans were forced to cooperate in order to properly defend their lands. By the early 630s AR, the governmental systems of the clans had been diplomatically intertwined so heavily that they no longer functioned independently, and after what is commonly seen as the first meeting of the Council of Wardens in 634 AR, the first constitution of the Commonwealth of Kyldigardian Cantons was passed and Kyldigard was established as a single legal entity.

The Commonwealth, while changing government types and names several times from its establishment to the discovery of magic, remained prosperous and isolated for nearly a millenia, causing rapid technological and social progress as the years went on, slowly taming the warlike culture of Kyldigard as centuries of racial intermingling and without significant conflict shaped the Kyleth culture.

Catastrophe Era (1200s-1387 AR)

First Great Catastrophe, 1269 AR

After the discovery of both indigenous and foreign magic by a partially industrialized Commonwealth of Kyldigardian Cantons, a massive spell was cast to strengthen the Kyleth species even further against the cold, inspired by Kethesite genetic experiments in an attempt to create the "perfect species". Catastrophically however, this spell unintentionally created an epidemic of cancer which wiped out a tenth of Kyldigard's population in just twelve years. This cancer outbreak is commonly known as the Great Ice Plague, despite not technically fitting the definition of a medically-recognized "plague". After this, safety measures were put in place to restrict magic to more competent mages, however, after seeing great success in modifying the genes of the 90% of the population that remained (as well as the very small number of individuals who survived the near-fatal cancer), the government gave the go-ahead to magical experimenters to experiment with more alteration magic in the future. This would soon lead to the creation of multiple artificial fruit trees, which expanded the Kyldigardian diet massively and helped solve a food crisis at the time.

Second Great Catastrophe, 1281 AR

In an attempt to breach the psionic barrier that allows only specific zealous individuals to communicate directly with the Relej, a psionic, ethereal being oftentimes worshiped or revered in Kyleth religions, a massive experiment involving 10,000 individuals in a desolate facility was undertaken, in an attempt to greater bond the individuals to the Relej. However, the Relej rejected this attempt and deflected the attempted spell. With this option out of the way, the mages instead attempted to forge their own psionic network between the individuals without the involvement of the Relej. This led to the creation of a hive mind of the 10,000 individuals, which seemed promising but to the dismay of the government mages, these individuals' physical bodies began to break down and turn gelatinous and amorphous due to the spell's side effects, resulting in the emergence of the Manguwerigj Hive Mind. After the news broke of their creation, people began to attack it relentlessly, fearing its possible spread into the rest of Kyldigardian society. However, after many tests (as well as a multitude of citizen arrests after further violence against the Manguwerigj) it was proven that the Hive Mind was incapable of spreading without direct intention on part of the Hive Mind itself, which at this point in time it did not wish to involve itself in doing. After witnessing violence against itself and watching its drone population get slaughtered multiple times by Kyldigardian civilians, the Manguwerigj burrowed into the deep crust of Sparkalia, where it settled in multiple connected Hives deep underground, away from possible surface-dweller interference. Over time, their bodies continued to deteriorate until the Hive Mind was a singular, amorphous mass capable of splitting itself apart without dying or losing neural connectivity, peacefully leaving alone all surface dwellers who do not come down to interfere.

Third Great Catastrophe and Kitan War, 1334-1387 AR

Once again attempting genetic perfection, government mages attempted to create a superior version of the Kyleth species. This version of the Kyleth species would have had greater psionic potential, greater physical strength, slightly larger average height and mass, and long-term survivability in bodies of water without the need to surface for oxygen.


Physical Geography

Kyldigard is a geographically diverse land with many different biomes, although the majority of the country resides in subpolar tundra. Due to genetic and magical immunities, the kyleth species functions as a unique form of extremophile, allowing the species to thrive in this climate. Other biomes are represented in large portions of the country as well, such as the cold desert biome, which is mostly found in the country's easternmost incorporated canton, Blezcev, with small areas of Vaŋev being affected as well. The rocky Clastoclite Mountains serve as a large resource reservoir for both Kyldigard and the surrounding peoples, oftentimes being the cause of many archaic wars in the Kyleth clandom era. Overall, Kyldigard is notoriously cold and hard to grow crops in, in part due to the extreme cold climate of most of the country excluding the more temperate southern cantons and border cantons, and in part due to the lack of fertile soil available in large enough areas to have organized farms. Because of this, Kyldigardian lifestyle has adapted to be largely carnivorous with the exception of foreign imported luxury crops, underwater plant farms, spices, and for kyleth citizens, oils and lead.


Kyldigard, especially offshore and in the southern and western cantons, is rich in minerals such as silver, tin, and lead. Due to the kyleth species' ability to consume and affinity for consuming lead as a luxury spice, lead mining is the second largest economic factor in Kyldigard, behind kraken oil harvesting, a resource which is also occasionally consumed by kyleth, however kraken oil is only consumed as a luxury in times of plenty due to its immense outward economic value to both Kyldigard and other nations. Most of northern Kyldigard is thought to still be rich in minerals and precious metals, but with the exception of areas around modern major settlements such as Scimji and the Bucjal Island peninsula whose temperatures are unusually high, current technology in Kyldigard is unable to mine deep enough to retrieve it without freezing in the winter.


Offshore volcanoes erupt erratically and to different degrees of strength. A notable eruption is thought to have occured before the kyleth settlement of Kyldigard during the reign of the Kveutonian Empire about 100 metres offshore, which left a sizeable rift in the ocean floor which continues to be a fascination of Kyldigardian and foreign ocean scientists to this day. Offshore volcanoes can be easily studied by the kyleth species due to natural qualities but most other species are in significantly more mortal danger when in proximity to these volcanoes due to radiation, extreme heat, and lack of long-term lung capacity.

Seismic Activity










State Structure

Map of Cantons

Foreign Relations



