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Orbital characteristics

Gaia is the third planet from Ilios and the only planet in the Solar System suitable to support biodiverse life.


List of countries

Name Capital Population Continent Head of State Government type
 Ashihara Ashihara Dai-Yosai 258,945,000 Continent Name TBD Shōjin Constitutional Monarchical One-Party State
 Crethia Wapen graafschap Holland.svg Donhaven 5,093,757 Hallania Mia Hall Parliamentary republic
 Hytekia Hytekia Krasno 36,517,298 Germania Magnus Seglins Parliamentary republic
 Mascylla Mascylla Königsreh 38.972,039 Germania Dorothea I Constitutional monarchy
 Ronnland Ronnland Sildeag 12,384,429 Dysia Adhamh Gaddis Parliamentary republic
 Tuskval Arms of ONeill.svg Rhinmond 21,431,256 Hallania Vidar Bruun Presidential republic

External links