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Republic of Gapolania
Repubblica Gapolanesa
Flag of Gapolania
of Gapolania
Coat of arms
Motto: Uniti per sempre
United forever
Anthem: Le braci dei nostri cuori
Our heart's embers
Location of Gapolania in Kylaris
Location of Gapolania in Kylaris
Official languagesVespasian
Recognised regional languagesChanuche
Ethnic groups
  • 68.3% Mixed (Razzamista)
  • 9.9% Bahio-Gapolanese
  • 9.2% Native Asterian
  • 6.4% White Gapolanese
  • 3.5% Gowsa
  • 2.7% others or unspecified
GovernmentConstitutional parliamentary unitary republic
• President
Mosè Maggiacomo
• Prime Minister
Ivano Cerbone
Independence from  Etruria
• Declared
18th October, 1808
• Recognized
• Current constitution
• Total
634,224 km2 (244,875 sq mi)
• 2018 census
Increase 19,625,443
• Density
30.9/km2 (80.0/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
Increase $237.330 billion
• Per capita
Increase $12,093
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
Increase $131.961 billion
• Per capita
Increase $6,724
Gini (2019)44.5
HDI (2019)0.758
CurrencyGapolanese Moneta (GPM)
Time zoneUTC-9 (Western Lumine Time)
Driving sideright
ISO 3166 codeGP

Gapolania, officially Republic of Gapolania (Vespasian: Repubblica Gapolanesa) is a sovereign country in Asteria Inferior. It borders Jossia to the south-west, while bordering the East Arucian Sea to the north-west and the Lumine Ocean to the north and east. The country is a parliamentary unitary republic, divided into 11 governorates (governatorato) and a capital domain of Nassea, which is also the republic's most populated city.

The territory of modern day Gapolania was initially inhabited by semi-nomadic Chanuche people, living primarily on the western of northern coast of the land. Starting in the fourth decade of the 16th century, the region became a subject to an intense Povelian colonization, leading to the creation of the Viceroyalty of New Povelia in 1579. Following the political turmoil in Etruria, the nation declared its independence in 1808 and states Gapolania and Semara emerged as sovereign states in 1810, uniting in 1818. Despite the rapid development in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the republic descended into political and economic instability after siding with the Entente in the Great War. After the war, the country faced a series of coups, interchanging with waves of democratization, the last one taking place in the 1978, when the Hibiscus Revolution led to an establishment of the new government and creation of the new constitution.

Gapolania is a developing economy, classified as an upper-middle-income country. Despite that, it's the least developed Asterian nation, highly dependent on industry and agriculture, particularly sugar, cut flowers, fruits, crude petroleum and minerals. While known for its relatively high gender and ethnic equality, Gapolania suffers from many internal, particularly environmental, conflicts, as well as from high crime rate attributed mostly to drug usage, drug trafficking and corruption. It's a member of the Community of Nations, International Council for Democracy, Asteria Inferior Common Market and Organization of Asterian Nations.


Probably from Capo-, meaning cape, attributed to Gapolania being the northernmost nation of Asteria Inferior.


Precolonial history

The territory of modern day Gapolania was inhabited by the Chanuche people, who settled mostly on the western coast and in the river valleys. Separated into several major tribes, their economy was agriculture-based, with developed fishing and crop cultivation traditions. While not organized, they created a wide trade network that was highly reliant on territorial divides and peaceful cooperation, preventing any tribe from waging major war or subjecting other tribal states. The Chanuche were most distinguished by their handicraft, mostly copper- and silver-work, as well as textiles. They were also stone and wood builders, with many statues and monuments dedicated to Chanuche gods and spirits.

A Poveglian fleet led by Giacomo Borghese arrived in the Eastern Arucian Sea and started trading with the native people of the land, exchanging goods and information. The Chanuche were exposed to metalworking and various animals, like cows and horses, sparking shift to a herding society.

Conquest and colonial era

Nunzo di Rosignelle was the first governor of Astia.

The first settlement in Gapolania, Astia was founded in 1545 on the western coast of the country and soon became a major trading hub in the region, with the port's advantageous geographic position as a prime factor of its rapid development. Further east, Nassea was raised in 1549 by another Povelian fleet, intended to form an outpost for future expeditions towards the Lumine Ocean. Together with the port of San Rose in modern-day Jossia, the Tricolony was formed, centering administrative power around the towns. Initially friendly relations with the Chanuche, growing territorial claims and the introduction of Sotirianity led to a series of conflicts against the indigenous population - in 1551, the admiral Nunzo di Rosignelle launched a military campaign, killing over 10 thousand of the native people and forcing nearly twice as many to escape into the interior. These tribes would often disrupt and halt Povelian colonization of the mountainous Gapolania. Di Rosignelle was named the first governor of Astia in 1553, while Sebastian Callanera, a noble of the Povelian court, was granted the rule over the colony of Nassea in 1554.

The Tricolony was organized into the Viceroyalty of New Povelia in 1579, centralizing power in hands of a Viceroy, a subordinate of the Povelian Doge that had direct power over the colony. Viceroyalty itself was divided into governorates, of which Governorate of Gapolania and Governorate of Semara constituted a part of modern-day Gapolania. The sparsely populated region, not able to answer metropolis' demands efficiently, soon became a target for slave trade. Since 1583, Gapolania received almost 100'000 slaves, mostly from Bahia. They were primarily used as workers on laitfundia owned by Povelian merchants and newly established Gapolanese elites, harvesting sugar cane, maize and coffee beans. During 17th century, when the interior of the region became better known, a development of mining sparked a mass migration towards Sierra Bianca mountains and founding settlements that would later grow into major industrial hubs. By the half of the 18th century, the region was divided into affluent western coast of both Jossia and Gapolania and largely undeveloped interior, with loose direct control over the local population. This caused a series of indigenous uprisings, the main ones happening in 1731 and 1756, both of which were crushed by the Etrurian military and resulted in partition of the native-owned land.

Nassea was a center of cultural and political revolution in late 18th century that led to a proclamation of Gapolanese Republic in 1808.

Disparities between mostly Euclean or Razzamista population and Bahian or indigenous groups led to a rise of the Pantheonisti movement, an ideology that supported equality, freedom and liberty and was widely popular within the poor. Born in Etruria, the idea gained a major following of Gapolanese scholars, who believed independent, Sotirian nation built by united society would become the God's Republic. In 1785, two priests, Giacomo Sandera and Lozano Bigantú wrote Heavenly Asteria (Asteria Celeste), advocating for independence of New Povelia, mass rebellion led by the slaves and the farmers and creation of a religious state on the continent. While not fully successful, their work inspired many Gapolanese and Semarans, most of whom had no direct connection to the Etrurian Republic and wished to become a sovereign state. Following the declaration of independence in 1808 in Jossia, Lorenzo di Ceilla, Bishop of Nassea, supported by the city's population, called for independence the same year, followed by the religious leaders in other cities. Gapolania and Semara were officially recognized by Etrurian monarchy two years later, in 1810.


19th century

20th century

Modern republic



Arcipalazzo, the seat of the Senate in Nassea

After the Hibiscus Revolution, Gapolania rewrote its constitution and shifted from the presidential to parliamentary republic, harshly reducing president's power in favour of the Senate. The government is separated intro three independent branches: legislative, executive and judiciary. Gapolania is a representative democracy, with suffrage being equal, direct, secret and proportional.


The legislative branch is unicameral, made up only of the Senate. 155 members are elected during the general elections, using the D'Hondt method. Only parties that gain more than 5% of all the votes can be granted seats in the Senate. Members of the Senate are chosen every four years but the Prime Minister has an authority to dissolve it earlier, though it has happened only once in the history - in 1981.

The structure of the governments focuses on the Council of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President, commonly following the ruling party's recommendations. The President also appoints the cabinet, currently consisting of 16 ministries. The Prime Minister serves as a representative of the cabinet as a whole, delegate its agendas and coordinate the work of the ministers.

Administrative divisions

Gapolania is divided into 11 governorates and a capital domain. Each of the governorates, as well as the capital domain elect their own legislative and executive powers. The governorates are further divided into communes (comuni), while the capital domain is divided into districts (quartieri).

Name Type Capital Area (km2) Population
Governorate Appalasta flag.png Appalasta Governorate Duclea 153,087 1,244,095
Governorate Aurelion flag.png Aurelion Governorate Santo Aurelio 19,738 884,269
Governorate Bartolomeu flag.png Bartolomeu Governorate Omìsierre 63,879 1,858,440
Governorate Belcasera flag.png Belcasera Governorate Trapanto 27,572 2,266,458
Governorate Ellorio flag.png Ellorio Governorate Altoparadiso 60,426 1,794,577
Governorate Fangaria flag.png Fangaria Governorate Nestaia 38,754 857,421
Governorate Misano-Alessandrou flag.png Misano-Alessandrou Governorate Vaì 116,927 1,682,505
Nassea flag.png Nassea Capital domain Nassea 272 2,166,983
Governorate Nuovo Novelia flag.png Nuova Carvagna Governorate Zeta 40,619 2,316,499
Governorate Orenda flag.png Orenda Governorate Orenda 61,698 1,152,883
Governorate Secoria flag.png Secoria Governorate Nuova Accadia 21,018 2,062,584
Governorate Torrena flag.png Torrena Governorate Astia 31,284 1,338,729

Foreign relations


Yes we have one.






Energy supply


Largest cities



Indigenous groups


