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Monarchy of Sydalon

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Queen of Sydalon
Rega dji Sydalon
Sydalon Royal Coat of Arms.png
Melisende III, 2018.jpg
Melisende III
since 3 September 2017
StyleHer Majesty
Heir apparentHugh, Prince of Petra
First monarchJordan I
Formation19 June 1237
ResidenceSee list

The Monarchy of Sydalon, or the Sydalene Monarchy is the monarch, head of state and government of Sydalon. The title of the Monarch is either "King" or "Queen" depending on the gender of the reigning Monarch. There were 26 kings and 10 queens in total. Since the Hauteville Accords of 1460, the Head of the House of Aultavilla has also served as Co-Prince of Ascalzar. The current monarch is Queen Melisende III.

The Monarchy was formed following the First Crusade in 1237 and the creation of the Kingdom of Sydalon when crusader Jordan of Garza was crowned king by Pope Leo III. The Monarch was the nominal liege lord of all crusader states formed following the First Crusade, and occasionally new crusader states formed in subsequent crusades.

House law, controlled by Royal Decree, dictates succession to the Sydalene throne. If the Monarch is unmarried or has no children, the Royal Family typically consists of the heir presumptive and siblings of the Monarch. Succession to the Sydalene Crown relies on the succession laws, which have been based in gender-neutral primogeniture since 1529.

Powers and abilities

The Monarch exercises executive power through Royal Decrees issued directly by the Monarch or through the Haut Cour, and the Council of Ministers. The Monarch has exclusive authority to appoint Ministers, and the Chancellor, who comprise the Council of Ministers. While the National Assembly has the ability to draft and pass legislation, most often legislation originates from the Haut Cour or the Council of Ministers. The Monarch is required to sign passed legislation before it can be enacted as law; however, the Monarch may refuse to sign and withhold Royal Assent.

Judicial power is invested in the Monarch, who delegates tasks to a professional, permanent, and semi-independent judiciary. The Monarch appoints judges to all royal courts, and courts in the Royal Domain. Judges serve at the Monarch's pleasure, which in theory, and often times in practice, can lead to unexpected turnover at high-level courts, including the Court of the Queen's Bench.


Titles, Styles, and honors

Numerous titles have been accumulated by the Monarch due to inheritance, repeal of titles by rebellious vassals or lords, or simply due to confiscation. The full title and style of the reigning Monarch of Sydalon is:

By the Grace of God, Most Christian Queen of Sydalon, Co-Prince of Ascalzar, Princess of Ostracine and the the lands adjacent, Princess of Garza, and of Audonia, Countess of Elysia, of Belveer, of Cincari, of Seressi, of Saone, and of Auzegera, and Countess of Caymont, Countess of Hauteville, Custodian and Protector of the Holy Land, Guaranteer of the Holy Cities of Fabria and Sarpeta, Guardian of the Gateway to Scipia, Protector of Pilgrims, Mother of the Nation, and Grand Master of the Blessed Order of the Spear of Destiny.

In most instances, a simplified version of the Royal title is utilized; in the case of Queen Melisende III, she is most often referred to as simply "The Queen".


The Monarch's official residence in Ostracine is Palis de Aultavilla. It is the site of most state banquets, investitures, royal christenings and other ceremonies. The Sovereign's official residence in Sydalon is Castra Rubea.

See also