Nova Vinelandia

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Nova Vinelandia

Flag of Nova Vinelandia
"Honour the past, reach for the future" (English)
and largest city
L'Anse aux Meadows
GovernmentUnitary Republic
LegislatureVinelandian House of Assembly
• Census
64 972 061
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$1.043 Trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2023)Negative increase 33.0
HDIIncrease 0.849
very high
CurrencyVinelandian Rune (VIR)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+42
Internet TLD.ti

Nova Vinelandia is a nation on Sparkalia. It is bordered by The Mapleville League to the west. It's capital city of L'Anse aux Meadows is it's oldest and most populous, with nearly 36% of the nations population residing in the city. The country is geographically diverse with tall mountains and glaciers in the north slowly rolling into flat wetlands near the coast, where most of the population resides.

The region was formerly a part of the great Nourevian Federation, though it's geography meant the land was never viewed as prime for settling, and little immigration occurred. Only after the Federation's breakup did people begin exiting from the core lands of the federation, seeking a new home. Along the coast, the settlement of L'Anse aux Meadows, meaning "Bay of Meadows" was founded by a group of these emigrants who seeking a peaceful, segregated, and prosperous existence away from the Federation or it's successor states. L'Anse aux Meadows became known as a safe, economically prosperous, libertarian heaven for those who felt unwanted by their home nations. The settlement founded by the Offworlders grew into a diverse multi-species nation and began expanding it's territory inland, eventually reaching the border of The Mapleville League. It was declared officially to be Nova Vinelandia, meaning "New Prosperous Land".

The area is rich in energy resources, particularly uranium, as well as other minerals like iron and zinc. The extraction and sale of these resources still largely powers the Vinelandian economy, though fishing and the services sector contribute significantly as well. The nation does pursue some interventionism when it deems it necessary, but is generally a very free market with low taxes. The total tax rate is around 17% for the average household. The nation is incredibly linguistically diverse and multi-cultural. Though for practical purposes government business is conducted in Arguardian, it is not uncommon to see villages with signs in the local language or dialect, and a variety of schools are available which teach in a multitude of different possible languages. To simplify this, rather then have a centralised public education system, the nation engages in school choice, in which parents are given vouchers by the government to send their children to private schools.





Government and Politics


Nova Vinelandia is a democratic republic ruled by a unicameral legislature, The Vinelandian House of Assembly as well as a separately elected head of state, the Governor. The Governor is elected via Instant-Runoff Voting every 5 years on a fixed date. The Governor is officially the commander of the armed forces, and also in charge of appointing members to the various ministries of the executive. The members of the House of Assembly are elected every 5 years as well, exactly 2 years after the gubernatorial election. Members are elected in multi-member districts, called Zones, using the Single Transferable Vote system. Bills are passed by simple majority in the house, in case of an even split the Governor gets to break the tie.

Vinelandian politics have been traditionally split between two major ideologies. The Unitarians, who seek a more uniform, standardised, and centralised state and the Devolutionists, who wish for the Vinelandian state to be as minimal as possible and for people to be accorded the maximum amount of liberties. Traditionally, 3 parties, who were known as the Big Three, were dominant in Vinelandian politics. However recently, there has been a massive rise in mixed-method parties, who believe the ideal state is a balance between the ideologies of the two. in what became known as The Mixed Revolution. The revolution severely disrupted the political status quo, loosening the grip of the Big Three, and opening the doors for previously niche parties to begin playing a bigger role.

List of Parties

Advancement Coalition

The Advancement Coalition was the main party who spearheaded The Mixed Revolution. They are social libertarians who follow the doctrine of the equilibrium of freedoms. The philosophy states that there are positive freedoms (like the freedom of press) and negative freedoms (like the freedom from poverty) and that Nova Vinelandia should aspire to be as free of a society as possible by balancing the two. They largely agree with Together! on many issues, except for the fact that they believe that certain amounts of economic regulation are necessary to protect people's negative freedoms.

Conservative Unitarian Party

The Conservative Unitarian Party was founded very early on, designed to be a more right wing and culturally traditionalist alternative to the Liberal Unitarian Party. However, the party did not see much success, as the LUP successfully pitched itself as a big tent of all Unitarians. This changed due to two factors. First, the LUP was becoming more and more criticized for being stagnant and corrupt, and The Mixed Revolution, which fundamentally altered Vinelandian's perceptions of the political status quo. In an election which became known as "the unitarian schism", the CUP jumped from 0 to 19 seats, most of them being flipped from the LUP.

Green Party

The Green Party was, in many ways the original mixed-method party. Their first slogan was "Not unitarian. Not devolutionist. Environmentalist". They received a minor boost from The Mixed Revolution and have since maintained a small presence based on environmentalism and green politics.

Liberal Unitarian Party

The Liberal Unitarian Party is the oldest party, and one of the original Big Three, founded by a group of the original founders shortly after the establishment of the republic. They are a Unitarian party and have long been the main party representing the ideology. They are traditionally the rivals of Together!, a party which has similar policies except for being Devolutionist. They are social-liberals, self described centrists, and support a free-market with some state interventionism. In power, they have typically accomplished projects of centralisation and standardisation, like the adoption of a Arguardian as the official language of government.


Solidarity is the only non-centrist party of the original Big Three, being a left-wing party. While the party positions itself as an alliance of all leftists, it skews very strongly Devolutionist, being in favour market-oriented left-libertarianism. At their most radical, they believe that a state should collect taxes, distribute welfare to the needy, and do nothing else. They also distinguish themselves as one of the few strongly anti-military parties. Solidarity is notable that, in holding with their anarchist views, they do not have a party leader. Instead, they practice collective leadership, in which the roles and responsibilities traditionally assigned to a party leader are divided and shared amongst all the party members. They wish to abolish the Governor and have the role replaced by a similar kind of collective leadership, though they still do appoint a spokesperson who runs in the gubernatorial elections out of obligation.


Together! is the second oldest party, one of the original Big Three, and was the main rival of the Liberal Unitarian Party for several elections. They fall under the Devolutionist category, and are self described centrist libertarians. Their stated goal is to be a broad alliance unifying the left and right in a desire for freedom and personal independence. Typically while in power Together! has sought to pull back government regulations and restrictions. They are not fundamentally opposed to taxes and social spending as long as it doesn't infringe on personal freedoms, they were the pioneers behind the nation's school choice system.

True Freedom

True Freedom is a minor minarchist party which criticizes Together! for being fake libertarians. They go beyond typical Devolutionists in wanting an extremely minimal state to the point of near anarchy.

Elections Summary



Major Industries












Active Missions

Equipment of the Nova Vinlandian Armed Forces

Personal Equipment

Small Arms


Land Vehicles


Naval Ships

Foreign Relations