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The Switterlind are butterfly-like creatures often found in idyllic places, carrying with them a magical aura of wonder and fascination. Looking at their wings can set the observer into a dreamy state of childlike wonder, becoming less aware of the happenings around them. The Switterlind use this ability to lure individuals astray, letting the victims chase them, away from their home or previous path. Their favorite victims are small children or people with a tendency to let their minds wander into wonderous worlds. They will not let their victims leave if they are able to keep them.

Need for attention

The Switterlind’s nature requires them to be observed. An unwitnessed Switterlind slowly loses its Glamour, until they eventually wither away and die, as Glamour gives them their vitality. Especially attention from imaginative and creative individuals is valuable. Because of that, Switterlind love to display themselves and be admired. They are eccentric and friendly, curiously advancing even potentially dangerous strangers and risking their fragile bodies with a lack of sense of danger.


Switterlind sometimes belong to a certain Kindred. They usually share similar traits of appearance, character, and abilities. The Kindreds are often named after colors or gemstones (azure, scarlet, emerald), with accordance to their wing color. Interbreeding between different Kindreds is not uncommon and sometimes even encouraged, resulting in a large variety of unique types of Switterlind. But the Court of Indefinite Color always makes sure there remains a large purebred collection of each Kindred, to keep a reservoir of untainted ingredients for combinations.


Family is an important part of Switterlind culture, as the Glamour is horded and passed down within it, and the status of nobility of a family is decided by their extent of Glamour. This Glamour is partly shared within the family, meaning they give and receive their share, thus ensuring their existence in unfortunate times and overall encouraging a certain cooperation within the family.

Birth of new Switterlind requires liquified Glamour "Sunblood", a precious golden nectar that gives them their magical nature and abilities. If they do not receive this during maturation, if they survive, they are born 'ignoble'. Ignoble ones often have health damage and do not possess the elegance and magical aura of the noble ones.

Children are investments and the property of parents and can therefore be used, traded, and sacrificed.


The Switterlind are obsessed with metamorphosis. They consider themselves the pearls of nature, believe that they have been developed by nature into one of the highest forms and constantly strive for transformation in order to further perfect it.

Since sensory input is the only way to experience the world, the Switterlind hold stimulating sensations as the greatest ideal. They therefore value art and beauty in all forms above all. Being the source of pleasurable sensations, such as elegant wings, a melodious voice, or a sweet smell, is therefore a noble aspiration.