This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Education on Sparkalia

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This overview of education on Sparkalia that includes both early and late stages of education.

Primary and Secondary Education


Education in Choslow is free and mandatory from the ages of 6 to 20. The primary education is split between three stages: Quat (similar to primary school), Quat-du (similar to secondary school), and the curriculum is based around the basic subjects of history, Crystallic and Thestrian, mathematics, magic, science, geography, and political understanding. They will be 18 when they finish those courses. Finally, there are two paths that they will take. The first path is if they showed high levels of magical apitude, they will get to go to The Octonary if they so choose. The other option is going to one of the various free city universities that each have their own specialization.


The Grand Duchy of Japuile offers a diverse range of educational options for its citizens, with both state-run and private institutions available. The goal of both types of education is to provide the next generation with the best possible teaching, both in terms of knowledge and skills, and to prepare them for successful careers. The government provides additional funding to selected schools across the country to support this goal. Compulsory education in the Grand Duchy starts at the age of five and concludes with secondary school at the age of 18. Many parents also choose to start educating their children at home as early as two years old. The variety of schools available is extensive, including high schools, as well as specialized art schools such as music, painting and sculpting. The Grand Duchy places a high value on education in both universities and industry, recognizing the importance of both theoretical and practical skills in achieving success.


Ostrov has a single, comprehensive schooling system. The Ministry of Education does not set a curriculum beyond requiring that schools deliver sufficient education in Common, Lurynian and Mathematics. However, it supplies funding to schools for resources, occasionally inspects schools to ensure compliance with the basic curriculum, and administers the Leaving Examinations to all eighteen-year-old students in schools at the end of each year.

Many towns will have their own schools, both at primary and secondary level, where town-dwellers attend; they follow a loose curriculum the three mandatory subjects as well as other core subjects such as the sciences, history and geography, although many schools choose to deliver arts and physical education as well. Homeschooling is legal under the common law and practiced by many farming families; they must teach the three mandatory subjects but are not required to ensure their children take the Leaving Exams.

Most Ostrovians will end their studies aged eighteen. However, there is one small university on the island, the Polytechnic of Ostrov, which specialises in science, medicine, engineering, mathematics and economics. About 300 domestic students (a quarter of the annual cohort) are accepted for study there each year, although the vast majority of them study in in Southport, which has the best-funded schools of any town and where the University is located. 18-year-old Ostrovians who seek to attend an off-island university may do so, but must meet the other university's requirements and make their own preparations.

Santi Rasta

Education in Santi Rasta is free up and mandatory up till High School level. Tertiary Education is free though isn't mandatory. When students are applying to Universities or Colleges, the Social & Educational Harmony Commission will determine the IQ, EQ, SQ, & AQ of individual students through several nation-wide tests. Universities will use this data and also conduct their own tests depending on the subjects the students are going into to determine their level & knowledge in the subject area.

Nova Solarius

Education in Nova Solarius is free up to High School and ages 4-18 are mandatory to be in school, which included 1 year of college, which 17-18 year old's would attend.


Education in tepror is entirely nationalized, however for high end education from a high end school a payment is required. But most school is free and mandatory. But in the poorer districts of tepror a free home education kid is offered, so the skimtari may continue working to fund their family.


In Voidkree, Primary and Secondary education are free and mandatory with Tertiary education being free but not mandatory. Most schools both have primary and secondary education with classes/grades being differentiated by a number through 1-12. Most every county in Voidkree has multiple schools located in and around the counties' capitals. These schools are pressured by the government to keep a set standards and "scores". If a school falls below either the "score" or standards it is issued a warning and a letter of guidance. If the school does not fix either of the statistics it's budget will be cut or a new school principle will be chosen along with a state mandated advisor to overlook the new administration.

Primary education involves topics both crucial to a child's future and to their creativity such as: Voiditen, Basic Mathematics, Common, Basic Literature & Writing, Arts and Craft and Physical Education. Primary education ends at around 5th grade. Secondary education involves higher range topics related to their future and possible future occupations, adding topics such as Geography & Geology, Complex Literature, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Secondary education can be optionally ended at around at the 9th grade.

Tertiary Education

List of Higher Educational Institutions

Institution Type Location Founding date No of Students Types of Degrees Duration of Degrees Specialization Notes
Ostrov Polytechnic of Ostrov Privately run Southport 1417 c. 1,225 Undergraduate; opportunities for PhD study offered 3-4 years STEM and Economics Commonly called the "Polytechnic." All students start on the Masters' (MSc) path, although about half finish at Bachelors' level (BSc).
Japuile Grand Ducal Academy of Sciences Private-Public University Artane, Limne, Oros 1550 2500 PhD, Doctorate 2-4+ Computer Science, Biology, Engineering Each Great City has its own branch, which has its own unique directions. Oros has philosophical and religious majors, while Limne has military and sports majors.
Choslow The Octonary Private University The Octonary 289 AR est. 80,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 2-5+ years Magic Application, Magic Theory, History, Politics Oldest school in Choslow, and hub for most magical innovations for Choslow
Choslow Dziewanna University Public University Dziewanna 947 1,259,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 2-4+ Technology, Math, Magic Theory, History, Religion Each city has their own university, but they are all based on Dziewanna University and have their own specialization. Most will attempt to go here for the extra prestige.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Sneha University Public Research University Sneha 1611 est. 25,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 5-8+ Cell/cellular & molecular biology; Computer & information sciences; Neuroscience; Public health; Bioengineering & biomedical engineering 1 of the 12 founding Public Universities in Santi Rasta that were built during 1611. Specializing in STEM, particularly in the Medical or Biology Section.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Ksitija Institute of Technology Public Research University Ksitija 1611 est. 21,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 4-6+ Computer science; Mechanical engineering; Mathematics; Physics; Econometrics & quantitative economics; Aerospace, aeronautical and astronautical/space engineering; Bioengineering & biomedical engineering; Electrical & electronics engineering 1 of the 12 founding Public Universities in Santi Rasta that were built during 1611. Specializing in STEM, particularly in the Technology, Engineering & the Mathematical Side.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta University of Prema Public University Mukti 1611 est. 170,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 4-6+ Computer & information sciences; Psychology; Biology; Information science/studies; Economics; Finance; Kinesiology & exercise science 1 of the 12 founding Public Universities in Santi Rasta that were built during 1611. University of Prema has several different campuses in different cities residing in land leased by the government. They are one of the largest universities that encompasses a broad range of Degrees & Studies.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Suryasta University Public Research University Suryasta 1611 est. 34,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 4-5+ Business administration and management; Environmental studies; Social work; Language & literature; History; Sociology; Philosophy; Multi-/interdisciplinary studies 1 of the 12 founding Public Universities in Santi Rasta that were built during 1611. Known mostly for humanities and the universities ability to customize students degree through their interdisciplinary studies program. Along with known for their research into Child to Adult Education.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Suryodaya University Public University Suryodaya 1611 est. 30,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 4-5+ Business/commerce; International relations & affairs; Education; Registered nursing/registered nurse; History; Fine/studio arts; Political science & government; Management science 1 of the 12 oldest Public Universities in Santi Rasta. Known mainly for being in the heart of Santi Rasta's political institutions and connections to political figures and the party itself.
Template:Country data Santi Rasta Akasiya University Public University Akasiya 1611 est. 41,000 Undergraduate, Post-graduate, PhD 4-5+ Psychology; Business, management, marketing, and related support services; Cinematography and film/video production; Digital communication and media/multimedia; Drama and dramatics/theatre arts; Fine/studio arts; Visual and performing arts; Playwriting and screenwriting 1 of the 12 founding Public Universities in Santi Rasta that were built during 1611. Known to be the university in advancing Santinese culture, arts, and creativity, hosting several events in different cities and mainly in Akasiya either being Religious, Cultural, or National events such as parades or plays.
Nova Solarius Universitas Galaxia Solaris/University of Solar Galaxy Public University Sol 10BGD / 594 BR est. 100,000 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate, PhD 4-5+ Business, Psychology, Marketing, Cinematography, Anthropological criminology, biological anthropology, Biocultural anthropology, Cultural anthropology, Digital culture, Folklore, Legal anthropology, Political Science,Civil engineering, Mathematics, Linguistic anthropology, Aerial archaeology, Archaeological culture, Archaeological theory, Archaeometry, Industrial engineering, Physics, Chemistry, History, Drama and dramatics/theatre arts, Sociology, City/urban, community and regional planning, Astrophysics, Urban studies/affairs, Ancient History, Modern History, Linguistics and languages Oldest University in Sparkalia
Nova Solarius 솔태극대학교(soltaegeugdaehaggyo)/University of Sol Taegeuk Private University Sol 100GD / 484 BR est. 55,000 Undergraduate, Post Graduate, PhD, Doctorate 4-5+ Mathematics, Business, Language, Political Science, Cinematography, Pharmacy, Law, History. Oldest Korean University in Sparkalia
Nova Solarius Institutum Technologiae et Scientiae Private Research University Sol 589 GD / 5 AR est. 25,000 Undergraduate, Post Graduate, PhD 6-7+ Science, Psychology, Law, Dance Oldest Institute in Sparkalia
Nova Solarius Institutum Philosophiae Public Institute Sol 1157 GD / 573 AR est. 12,000 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate 3-4+ Philosophy, Theology, Folklore, Linguistics, Education A center of Philosophical learning
Nova Solarius Universitas Faesol/ University of Faesol Private School Fais 5BGD / 589 BR est. 7,600 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate 4-5+ Science, Folklore, Law, Cultural anthropology, Mathematics, National Languages Founded in 5BGD by King Vakus I of the Faelo Kingdom.
Nova Solarius University of Equila Public School Paraskínia 55BGD/529 BR est. 12,500 Undergraduate 4-5+ Science founded by Archon Supreme
Nova Solarius Negotium Collegium Equilae / Business College of Equila Public School Paraskínia 723GD / 139AR est. 5,200 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate 3-4+ Business, Finance, Law Founded by Victorus Forlix.
Nova Solarius Universitas Votorum / University of Wishes Public School Semior 216 GD / 368 BR est. 16,100 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate 2-4+ Criminal Justice, Political Science, Mechanical engineering, Accounting, Mathematics, Civil engineering, Industrial engineering, Astrophysics, Urban studies/affairs Founded by the Goodluck Charity
Nova Solarius Academiae Eclipsis / Academy of Eclipse Private School Sol 123 GD / 461 BR est. 20,800 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate 3-5+ TBD Founded by Academic Instructor Karls Dosfol
Nova Solarius College of Sariard Public School Sariard   29GD / 555 BR est. 9,000 Undergraduate 3-4+ Agriculture, Disabilities Study, Aviation, Teacher Education, Bilingual Studies, Foreign and Local languages study, Dentistry, Medical Clinical Sciences, Health and Medical Prepatory Programs, Chiropractic studies, History, Criminal Justice, Mathematics, Statictics, Fishing and Fisheries Science and Management, Wildlife and Wildlands science, Culinary Arts, Social Sciences, Philosphy, Religion studies, Science Technologies. Founded by Daemon II as Military School of Sariard.
Tepror The templin institute public school The ministry 1600 est. 5,000 Undergraduate, Post-Graduate, PhD 5-6+ Applied physics, theoretical physics, applied theoretical physics, Mathmatics, biology, quantum physics The Templin institute is the first (and only) university to offer applied theroetical phycics as a class
Indefinite Color The Rainbow College Public University Shatter-Skies Undefined ~ 20,000 N/A N/A Color Theory (Color Magic), Arts, Philosophy, Culture, Linguistics Focused on Arts. Studies the magical properties of color.
Indefinite Color The Lyric Law Research Department Private University Shatter-Skies Undefined ~ 3,000 N/A N/A Chaos Theory, Drama, Irony, Luck, Causality, Philosophy Part of the Lyric Law Ministry. Focused on studying the events and threads of the world holistically.
The Regal See Academas yi Ardenaraii Ethoritaas Public University Deschareis 1384 est. 54,000 Undergraduate/Postgraduate, PhD 4-6yrs Magecraft, Liberal Arts, Linguistics, Alchemy, Military Science The most prestigious institution in Ardenarai, usually catered to schooling students belonging to noble families, while more practical subjects are left to private universities.