Library:Scipia Timeline

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The page outlines important event in the histories of nations, situated on the continent of Scipia in Ajax. It is an arid continent, dominated by the Ninva Desert at its center. To its north lies the Periclean Sea, across which lies the continent of Belisaria. To its south lies the continent of Malaio, which Scipia borders by land. Scipia is comprised of the nations of Alanahr, Antilyea, Anyanwu, Aretias, Ascalzar, Charnea, Cyrassinia, Fahran, Itayana, Kembesa, M'Biruna, Mysia, Perateia, Sydalon, Talahara, Talakh, Tyreseia, Vardana, and Yisrael. The Nine Cousins of Sante Reze also either border or sit just off the coast of western Scipia.

Modern polities:

  - Sydalon
  - Yisrael
  - Aretias
  - Ascalzar
  - Talakh
  - Talahara
  - Tyreseia
  - Alanahr
  - Vardana
  - Mysia
  - Perateia
  - Fahran
  - Kembesa
  - M'Biruna
  - Charnea
  - Itayana
  - Anteliyea
  - Anyanwu
  - Sante Reze

Defunct polities:

Prehistory-2000 BCE

1999-1500 BCE

  •   c. 1500 BCE (c. 1500 BCE): Kel Aman presence along the western Rubric Coast is attested by Aradian writings.

1499-1000 BCE

999-500 BCE

  •     c. 950 BCE (c. 950 BCE): The Kingdom of Ke'sem is founded in present-day Kembesa and Fahran by ancient She'dje speakers.
  •   842 BCE (842 BCE): The most-commonly accepted year for the foundation of the ancient city-state of Tyria, according to legend.
  •   751 BCE (751 BCE): The Kel Aman city-state of Manassa is founded and forms a hegemony over the western Rubric Coast and the Adras Mountains in the interior.
  •     c. 750 BCE (c. 750 BCE): The Kingdom of Ke'sem collapses into a warring states period with smaller competing polities.
  •     500 BCE (500 BCE): The Confederation of Tamazgha is established in central Scipia, later expanding up to the coast of present-day Talahara.

499-400 BCE

399-300 BCE

299-200 BCE

  •   299 BCE (299 BCE): The warring states for the former Kingdom of Ke'sem are conquered by the Ras of Aizan, fouding the Kingdom of Yebwi based in the ancient city of Me'lewa.
  •   298 BCE (298 BCE): The city-states of Weskera, Manassa, Batana, and Rušadar break away from the Confederation of Tamazgha and form the First Kingdom of Talahara.
  •     c. 250 BCE (c. 250 BCE): The Kingdom of Talahara is conquered by the Nefzawan confederation of Kel Hadar tribes from the Adras Mountains, supported by Tyrian city-states.
  •     214 BCE (214 BCE): The Kingdom of Yebwi conquers of Tongo-Tongo Kingdom of M'bala to the south.

199-100 BCE

  •     136 BCE (136 BCE): The Kingdom of Yebwi is wracked by civil war and its borders shrink under the consoldiation of the Endis dynasty.
  •   c. 129 BCE (c. 129 BCE): Nefzawan Talahara is made a client state of the Latin Empire following military conquest of the coast.

99-1 BCE

  •   62 BCE (62 BCE): Latin forces assist the House of Hiram in conquering the remnants of the Tyrian confederation in modern-day Tyreseia, ending the Tyrian civilization and ushering in eventual Latin rule of the region.

1-99 CE


  •     c. 129 BCE (c. 129 BCE): The Nefzawan dynasty in Talahara goes extinct leading to unrest across the region. After a Latin pacification campaign, the region is formally incorporated into the province of Aradia Ultima.



  •   320 CE (320 CE): Latin missionaries arrive in the Kingdom of Yebwi to spread the Nazarist faith.
  •   358 CE (358 CE): The Nazarist Ras of Anibesa, baptized Kaleb Yohoni, overthrows the King of Yebwi and establishes the Nazarist Kingdom of K'idanibesa.


  •   433 CE (433 CE): The Gidonid dynasty succeeds the Yohonid rulers of K'idanibesa and establish the Kingdom of Kembesa with the assent of the Kembesan Rasochi.


  •       526 CE (526 CE): Kembesa incurs into the eastern Ninva, consolidating the territory of Hatesha.
  •   576 CE (576 CE): The last Latin legions withdraw from modern-day Tyreseia.


  •   Between 600 and 650: Yacuyare seafarers begin voyages into and across the Oorupaqi via the Paraguasurun islands.
  •   675: The commonly accepted year in which the Yacuyare come into contact with the Latin Empire in modern Yisrael.
  •   June 698: The Prophet Mubashir is born.


  •   October 762: Following the withdrawal of Latin legions, the Kel Aman expel the last Latin administrators from the region and found the Second Kingdom of Talahara, ruled by the Kutaman dynasty.
  •   October 771: The Almurid Caliphate is established by the Caliph Khuzayma.
  •     793 CE (793 CE): Almurid expansion leads to the recession of Kembesan borders.



  •     902-906: The Halimid Caliphate invades Talahara from the sea, forcing capitulation after four years of war.


  •     1003 (1003): The Kwastantinos Wall is constructed roughly along the present-day border between Kembesa and Fahran.
  •   1006: The Kingdom of Sante Reze forms by Rezese leaders sailing west and overthrowing their ruling clan cousins in Oxidentale.
  •   c. 1050 (c. 1050): Kaiponu Tauā mercenaries from the Tahamaja Empire establish forts and trading posts on the Kembesan coastal hinterlands leading to intermittent conflict and commerce.
  •     1055: The Kutaman dynasty launches a coup against the Gharib governors of Talahara and restores the Second Kingdom.


  •     1126-1133: A Talaharan and Tyrian trade conflict breaks out into war. Peace is concluded after a Talaharan land invasion is decisively thwarted, leaving Talahara in a disadvantaged position.


  •   1216: The Kutaman dynasty of Talahara is deposed by the Zwawan Confederation.


  •   1336: Ihemod is born.
  •   1355-1357: Ihemod invades Deshret and Tebua, establishing the Empire of Charnea with its capital in Agnannet.
  •     December 30, 1353 (December 30, 1353): The eruption of Mount Siriwang destroys the Tahamaja Empire and Ozerosi influence recedes from the continent following widespread coastal destruction.
    •   King Gidon XII of Kembesa declares that the eruption was a miracle and is canonized as a living state resulting in excommunication with the Holy See in Fabria.
  •     1360-1365: The Tenerians, led by Ihemod, invade the Zwawan Confederation to restore the borders of ancient Tamazgha. The Zwawans are forced to capitulate in 1365.
  •     1367 (1367): The Ihemodian invasion of Kembesa sees the destruction of the ancient city of Me'lewa and the Kembesan court relocates to Azwa.
  •   1390: Ihemod dies.
  •     1393-1396 (1393-1396): Kembesa restores control over Degama and Hatesha from Ihemodian remnants.


  •     1412: The Tenerians are expelled from the Rubric Coast by a Kel Aman revolt and the Third Kingdom of Talahara is established.
  •   1468: The Scipian Rezese-dominated cities federate into the Nine Cousins to present a more unified political power in both Sante Reze and western Scipia.


  •     1531: The Awakar rebellion causes the collapse of the Charnean Empire. Alanahr breaks away from Tenerian rule. The Ihemodian remnants reorganize into the Awakar Confederacy.


  •       1611-1617: Talahara wages a war of territorial expansion against the Ihemodian rump state of Awakar. The territory gained provides Talahara with increased commercial access to the southwest and sees the expansion of the Talaharan slave trade.
  •   1646 (1646): King Isayas bans Mutulese merchants from Kembesan ports.
  •       1670-1677 (1670-1677): Kembesan, Fahrani, and Vardanan forces unite to remove Mutulese influence from the island of Barriset. The war ends in defeat for the Scipian coalition.


  •   1711-1734 (1711-1734): Kembesan ports are closed to prevent the spread of plague. Domestic unrest is put down by the household soldiers of the Gidonid dynasty. Kembesa enters into a period of relative isolationism.
  •     1713-1715: The First West Scipian War.
  •     1722: The second Talaharan invasion of the Awakari Empire ends in failure.
  •   1750: The northernmost territory of the Nine Cousins, Ypau Yisaz, is sold to Yisrael to fund the rebuilding of the Rezese navy. Tens of thousands of Rezese, including many of the city's Jewish population, begin to abandon the city, devastating its economy.


  •   March 29, 1834 (1834-03-29) to June 20, 1838 (1838-06-20): The Talaharan Civil War sees the Third Kingdom overthrown by the liberal Republic of Talahara which is subsequently deposed by anarchists leading to the foundation of the United Communes.
    •     1836: Northwestern Talahara is invaded by Yisrael during the conflict which establishes a colonial protectorate.
  •   March 14, 1883 (1883-03-14): The provisional Tyreseian Republic is overthrown in a military coup d'etat led by Azmelqart Xidduni, ushering in the Workers' Federation.
  •     1890: The Rubric Coast Consortium is formed between the syndicalist states of Talahara and Tyreseia.


  •     1915-1918: The Second West Scipian War.
  •     1919: Talahara invades southeastern Yisrael and annexes the Timna Strip, a region home to a Kel minority group with rich but unexploited oil reserves.
  •   1920-1925: Modernists seize power in Agnannet, reform the Awakar Confederacy into the Second Charnean Empire.
  •   c. 1920-1948 (c. 1920-1948): Late industrialization and foreign influences cause clamour to reform Kembesa's monarchical government, culminating in the unveiling of a new constitution.
  •     1940-1941; 1949: The Third West Scipian War.
  •     1945-1947: Agala secedes from Charnea, leading to the Agala War and Teno-Itayana border war.
  •     1951: The Liberation of Kirthan sees Talahara overthrow the Yisraeli Protectorate of Tarshish.
  •   1952-2006 (1952-2006): Dissatisfaction with enacted reforms leads to further civil unrest in Kembesa. A militant ordosocialist movement embarks on a long-term campaign of violence against the Kembesan state until it is dismantled.
  •   1957: Military crackdown results in Agnannet Crush, killing hundreds.
  •     1964-1966: The Fourth West Scipian War.
  •   1974: Hatha begins November offensive, informal start of the Ninvite War.


  •   2016-present (2016-present): Ordosocialist militant activity in Kembesa resumes.
  •           January 1, 2019-present (January 1, 2019-present): The Fahrani Civil War.
    •       August 2022-present (August 2022-present): The Kembesan invasion of the as-Souhr.