2021-22 Seketese government crisis

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2021-22 Seketese government crisis
Date30 November 2021 - 17 January 2022
  • Pressure Prime Minister Semy Brasa to shift government policy to the right wing.
ParticipantsOur Revolution MCC's

The 2021-22 Seketese government crisis was a political crisis within the Seketese government caused by major defections from the governing Our Revolution over policy disagreements, leading to a loss of majority and the eventual formation of a new coalition government.

In the 2021 Seketese General Election, Our Revolution was elected in a landslide on a big tent and populist platform breaking the Seketese political system and bringing comedian Semy Brasa to the Prime Ministership. During the campaign the party was critized for it's lack of a cohesive platform and messaging, with many different factions forming from all across the political spectrum. This lead to instablity within the government and saw MP's start to defect away to more ideologically similar groups.

The crisis to ahead on 30 November, when 20 MP's from Our Revolution's libertarian wing left the government to form Freedom Alliance and thus causing the government to lose it's majority. They were further hindered on 11 December when 6 MP's from the parties left-wing faction left to form the Social People's Party. Forced into negotations, on 14 December the government annouced it would seek coalition partners rather than call an earlier election. By 17 January an agreement was reached between the Freedom Alliance and National Conservatives to prop the government up.

See also