Rubrumian Landings

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Rubrumian Landings on Joyonghea
Part of the Asianna and the Pacific Campaign of the Second Europan War
Canadian landings at Juno Beach.jpg
Troops of the Royal Winnepeg Rifles prepare to land on Oboe Beach
DateJanuary 15, 1944 - March 25, 1944
Western Joyonghea, Joyonghea
Result Allied Victory

Empire of Quenmin

Commanders and leaders

The Rubrumian Landings at Joyonghea was the first major operation undertaken by the Rubrumian and Jutlandish Army in Joyonghea. After the stunning victory by the Allies in the Sakhalin Campaign, a part of the Rubrumian and Jutlandish Forces were ordered by Sea Lord Sir. Kiriya Mountbatten to invade Joyonghea from the west since the Allied forces in Joyonghea had a hard time trying to reach the western part of the Joyonghean peninsula, where Quenminese Marshal Hồ Danh Sĩ Quốc and Archadian Marshal Hugo Cavallero had set up their headquarters.

The Rubrumian landings faced fierce Imperial resistance but they were ably supported by the Zanarkian and Joyonghean forces inland led by Edward Samegawa. By March 25, 1944, the Rubrumians were able to secure their beachhead and advanced towards northern Joyonghea.


The Battle
