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Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng
Flag of Bìnànsuǒ
of Bìnànsuǒ
Coat of arms
Motto: "Jǐnguǎn cúnzài chāyì, dàn réng tiǎoxìn"
"Defiant In Spite of Differences"
Anthem: Xīwàng MediaPlayer.png
National Animal
Largest cityHaltensiehieran
Recognised national languagesZhōngwén, English, Français
GovernmentRepresentative Democracy
• President
Aarne Siltala
• Prime Minister
Boniface Delaplace
LegislatureAssemblée Nationale
Grande Assemblée
Assemblée Générale
• 1611 AR estimate
• Density
45/km2 (116.5/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)1611 AR estimate
• Total
Q 720,000,000
• Per capita
Q 30,000
Gini (1611 AR)33.3
HDI (1611 AR)Steady 0.85
very high
CurrencyQián (Q)
Time zoneUTC+2
Driving sideleft

The democratic federation of Bìnànsuǒ is largely located in the continent of Pelia, Sparkalia, situated in regions made up of deciduous woodland and grass steppes that range in temperature from −55 to -30 degrees Celsius in the coldest months while hovering around 30 to 45 degrees Celsius during the hottest. This means that the entire region has an average temperature of -42.5 degrees Celsius during the coldest months, 37.5 degrees Celsius during the hottest months, and an overall average of -2.5 degrees Celsius all year around. Bìnànsuǒ shares a political border with nations like Azeria and Prestore, and though it, as a nation, doesn’t interact much with its neighbours, the four provinces within the federation have differing goals and approaches to foreign diplomacy. These provinces, collectively known as the “Sìgèzhōu”, have very different governments and ideologies governing their respective lands with national unity being seen as a necessity due to threats both within and outside of their borders. These “Sìgèzhōu” are as of the following: Huāyuán, Toller-Staat, Rénmín Liánhétǐ, and New Horizon Territories. The capital city of Dìyīcìzhuólù itself is built in the province of Huāyuán, with other metropolitan areas include, but not limited to Xīnjiā, Huāyuán, Festung, Hafeneins, Grenzfestung, Horchposten, Haltensiehieran, Shèqū, Dìèrshèqū, Hǎibīnshèqū, Independent Hill, Norfedge, Forardset, and Watchmen.

Bìnànsuǒ considers itself a relatively strong nation in its region with both a strong defensive military and expansive trade networks around Pelia, Dacia, and eastern Pythia. Most of the nation’s population is interconnected through highways and local roads which are regularly inspected for damages, the northern states have the largest industrial base out of the entire nation and reportedly produce 2% of the world’s goods in circulation while the south has been known for its modern architecture, fascinating landscape, and a strong tourism industry that in-directly fuels the service industry around the federation. Every foreigner has different names for the people of Bìnànsuǒ, and while many residents within the nation prefer to go by their provincial demonyms, the population as a whole has accepted to refer to themselves as Tànxiǎnjiā when talking to people coming from other nations.



Before their expulsion from the Ancien Monde, the Âmesperdues were a civilization built on scientific progress at the cost of their moral conscience and compassion for their fellow race. The Âmesperdues had sought nothing but advancement and prosperity for themselves, not caring who they trampled on to achieve it or how they experimented with their test subjects. This complete lack of disregard for other’s life would ultimately bite back after they imprisoned and brutally experimented on a few living subjects from a race of extraterrestrial beings more advanced than Ancien Monde. A war ensued between the Âmesperdues and these extraterrestrial forces quickly after news reached them about the fate of their missing people, these extraterrestrial, known only as the Unbekannter Feind, acted as swiftly as they were merciless in their pursuit for revenge, completely decimating Ancien Monde’s defences before demolishing their governments, city by city. Everywhere they went, destruction and displacement followed as millions were expelled from their lands and crammed into cargo spacecrafts repurposed to support 10,000 lifeforms each. It didn’t matter if people were poor or wealthy, dumb or intelligent, the Âmesperdues were forcibly loaded into these vessels indiscriminately and sent off into the vacuums of space, not knowing of the fate which others who refused or weren’t able to board would face as they departed from their home planet. On one of these vessels, the AAU Intsinzi, were the inhabitants of Dernierespoir, a city which fell to the Unbekannter Feind around 299 BR. Its remaining population, and any captured soldiers from their military at that point, were loaded into the vessel and launched into the unknown, being given with facilities that could produce basic supplies alongside some reusable resources to keep the ship powered and stocked. Families were mixed in with individuals, criminals amongst civilians. It didn’t take long for panic to take over the passengers with chaos following shortly after. Banditary and violence quickly fueled fear on the ship, leading to a breakdown in any semblance of social structure as people sought to horde as much supplies for themselves, by any means necessary. For a short time on the spacecraft, it became survival of the fittest, where those who couldn’t defend themselves were taken advantage of by others who either formed violent gangs or aggressive communities, all seeking to control the flow of resources for power and influence over everyone else. This culture of factionalism and  social darwinism reached it’s peak around 299 BR when a few factions emerged out of the struggle by forming large communities, establishing their own social and leadership structure differing based on each faction, as well as managing to control and retain their influence over certain parts of the AAU Intsinzi that produced resources needed to keep themselves alive.

Zuìchū Chǎn Zhànzhēng

By the end of 294 BR, many factions had either banded together to form mega-factions or had been forcefully integrated into one of these mega-factions by force or through subtle pressure. One of these factions were the Hépíngwèishì which formed under an agreement between many different factions to finally rebuild a society on this ship in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to all onboard the AAU Intsinzi. It didn’t take long for them to organize under a new, coherent political structure and began an aggressive campaign of persuading the inhabitants to join their side while building up an large volunteer army to intimidate others who chose to resist. Amongst those who chose to resist against their ideals were the Potens, a powerful criminal organization who sought to plunder everything in their territory and strike fear into their subjects who were nothing but slaves to their greed. The organization directly opposed the Hépíngwèishì with violence, seeing the mega-faction as a rival to their unchecked authority that was feared by many and loathed by all. They wanted the Hépíngwèishì to fear them too and to treat the rising mega-faction as exploitable subjects as well, so they sent their thugs out to intimate their political leaders by threatening their families and ordering hit squads to take out key figures to sow chaos in their system. However, by directly ordering these things to happen in Hépíngwèishì territory was a clear sign of war, so their government quickly drafted and announced that the two factions were now in open hostility, beginning the Zuìchū Chǎn Zhànzhēng in 289 BR. The Zuìchū Chǎn Zhànzhēng started with the Hépíngwèishì rapidly mobilizing the New Liberation Army into a consentrated front against the Potens, who fought in small gangs of a few dozen thugs and were drastically less organized compared to the well-drilled and well-armed NLA who fought in companies of a few hundred soldiers. The NLA mainly had numbers and superior weaponry on their side, while the Potens used unconventional tactics against their opponents and massacred dozens of people as they retreated further down the ship. Public opinion remained firmly against the Potens which caused one of their enclaves, the Nouvelle Commande, to rebel against their rule and proclaim self-governance in 285 BR, declaring that it would fight against their former oppressors alongside the Hépíngwèishì to free the AAU Intsinzi from the oppressive hands of the evil criminal organization. By then, both sides were draining themselves of manpower and resources for nearly four years, but this sudden rebellion against the Potens gave enough hope to the NLA that they began to plan a massive offensive, just so they could connect with the Nouvelle Commande and fight together. This offensive, Operation Shénshèng, was put into motion in 280 BR and was a huge success in their war effort. It not only saw the army being able to link up with the Nouvelle Commande resistance fighters, but also broke Potens’ morale causing many to flee in the face of combat. They manage to push the Potens down further, reducing it to little more than the final floor of the ship in 250 BR as those who remained fought a bitter defence against the oncoming Hépíngwèishì tide. The Potens tried reorganizing themselves for counterattacks but it was too little, too late as their forces were decimated and resources fell short of lasting more than a few years. As the allied forces celebrated their new found success in their headquarters, the Potens languished in a siege, hoping to create an opportunity by seizing an arms cache and kidnapping people to fill their ranks. However, as the NLA continue to pursue containment of their forces in the lower deck, their newly acquired supplies would quickly find themselves in fruitless offensives that saw little to no gain of anything strategic. Faced with little other options than surrendering or dying from dehydration, most of the Potens decided to surrender to the NLA and lay down their arms to show the war’s end, though some still continued to resist, they would either be dead or imprisoned by the year’s end.


In 1411 the converted cargo ship was sailing by Sparkalia when the engines experienced severe technical difficulties and was estimated to implode if not seriously dealt with, so the council decided to manuever into Sparkalia to search for replacements and perform repairs but as they turned towards the planet the engine started to burn which was quickly reported back up to the bridge who in their haste decided to perform an emergency landing nearby, so the Wàixīngrén were informed of the situation and told to follow procedures to minimize the chances of injuries which the passangers followed as the pilots tried their best to level the spacecraft landing on a patch of land which softened the blow to the ship’s integrity, when the landing ended most Wàixīngrén came out unscaved with only a few injured alongside the destruction of both engines on the ship which the council ordered an inspection of the ship to whether the situation was still salvageable after an evacuation was done to make sure that the inhabitants were safe incase of imminent destruction, while the teams went to search the Wàixīngrén started to set up camp not far from the crash site deciding to settle down as a precaution in case anyone hostile came to investigate the broken ship, the investigation concluded that the ship was operable and functioning but was unable to take flight again laying out that they could scavenge everything from the ship and establish a settlement far away as to avoid any potential predators or converting the ship into a permanent settlement and using the nearby land to further expand their population, the team advised that they should stay with the ship to not abandon the protection and facilities it offers arguing that that moving far away would require many days of transportation with vehicles they didn’t have adding in that if anyone hostile came to raid the ship they had both the weapons and ammunition to last for several years, in the end the council agreed to stay with the ship leaving the temporary settlement as an observation post to alert any approaching forces towards the spacecraft which would later be renamed as the city of Dìyīcìzhuólù in 1412.

The founding of Dìyīcìzhuólù was marked by the first homes were built just outside of the ship which was a decision by the council to get the inhabitants to start living outside of the ship so it could be converted into an administration building for storage and political meeting, after the construction 700 residential buildings the engineers set about to construct walls around the town in order to help secure the residents with a further three guard posts built on the walls to prevent any unauthorized entry from foreign individuals, the natives on the land were neither hostile nor hospitable as they were both willing to trade with the Wàixīngrén while conducting raids on the spacecraft causing tensions between the Wàixīngrén and the locals that wouldn't clear until 1420.

Xīběi Kuòzhāng

1426 AR marked the start of the north-western expansion into the unknown lands of Sparkalia commissioned by the council to expand the population of the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng, many brave men took on the tasks to explore further into the wild thus their nickname Tànxiǎnjiā from the Wàixīngrén and when they set out they were usually accompanied by 50 other citizens in the hopes of finding new prosperous land that they could settle in for farming and trade, so that’s how the cities like Xīnjiā and Shèqū were founded with Xīnjiā being the second Bìnànsuǒ settlement in 1437 AR established by Tànxiǎnjiā families who settled down due to the abundance of pasture available for them followed by the city of Shèqū in 1450 AR which was established by prominent scholars after they discovered ancient ruins of a past civilization deciding that they should research and recreate this ancient society, many other settlements were declared following the founding of Shèqū making it increasingly impossible to help support, supply, and communicate with those who had struck out far from Dìyīcìzhuólù which caused the newly formed government there to start sending communication teams to these newly settled lands so that the Yìhuì could monitor their growth and send direct messages through to them if something urgent arose, these teams acted as a temporary measure for connection but the Dìyīcìzhuólù government knew it wouldn’t last forever so they ordered the construction of cable towers and telegrams to be produced in large quantities in order to provide a more convenient way to send messages between cities and future expeditions. The reintroduction of the telegram in the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng helped hasten communication and business as store owners invested into the technology to be used for shipment requests to their operating city meaning that now banking could be tracked much easier with all banks required to install a system inside their headquarters in able to report balances and loans to other branches so they’re informed when the legitimacy of a client’s requests for a withdrawal or loans, there was also an additional technology that advanced commerce and that was the horse which allowed the Tànxiǎnjiā, who didn’t widely have access to motorized vehicles at the time, to travel great distances within a shorter amount of time allowing them to explore further with what few rations they were able to carry with them and to transport more goods to another settlement for trading or resupply, these capabilities further expanded the already large republic who by now was experiencing it’s first population boom as the republic conquered and occupied land previously owned by natives who either peacefully surrendered to the Tànxiǎnjiā and in turn the Tànxiǎnjiā promised to recognize their sovereignty as long as the new settlers were able to settle in/nearby the locals or fought against the Tànxiǎnjiā in their bid to hold on to their territory and drive the Tànxiǎnjiā away from the lands that they claimed was theirs which would normally result in the obliteration of the native’s forces in the first battle before they surrendered in the face of annihilation.

"Magia Regnum" Jiànmiàn

When both Hǎibīnshèqū and Hafeneins was established many Tànxiǎnjiā became fishermen to fish the local marine life to sustain the newly founded cities with its growing population where an increasing amount of merchants sought out these fishermen to guide their voyages due to their skill in deep-sea navigation which is when two brothers requested and paid a team of fishermen in 1459 to sail west in search of a recently discovered land to the far ends of the sea, the voyage took 5 long days as the ship fought against the current and weather but at long last they saw glimpses land presuming this is where the new continent would be they asked the sailors to pull them near the beaches so they could explore further promising them a greater sum of money if they were to anchor their ship and set forth with them, a conversation was had by the crew who decided to trust these two young men that they would receive a better reward if they were to comply so the ship sailed forward and beached onto the sand allowing the two merchants alongside three sailors to set ashore while the captain and another sailor stayed on the ship to make sure it wasn’t stolen by any natives that would’ve been on the island, the expedition explored around the perimeter before going further into the unknown lands of this new continent finding the climate and terrain similar to the ones back in Bìnànsuǒ deciding that perhaps an outpost could be set up for further expeditions on the continent but before they could move further inland they were stopped by a few girls, at first the expedition were confused of the situation they'd found themselves in starting to question each other what they should do next but then one of the girls approached them stammering out the words "Forbidden... Leave... Danger." which left the merchants and their associates even more confused on how they posed a threat when they were unarmed but deciding something bad might ensue if they didn't return back they reluctantly obliged and started walking back to the beach, when they arrived the team pondered whether they should try their luck again to see if they an circumvent the group but seeing as the natives tailed them back and were observing from a distance they quickly began to prepare the vessel for a voyage back to Bìnànsuǒ.

Mófǎ Fāxiàn

In 1460 scholars in Shèqū were visited by two girls who sought refuge within their research institution which the scholars confused but kind-hearted agreed to but having no rooms to provide shelter with they decided to convert an empty laboratory into a makeshift bedroom for the two as they presumed that the strangers would only stay for a couple of days before they would leave to a nearby embassy, the converted room was spacious for a living quarter, safe with the double-layered steel-reinforced door, and with some camping supplies from storage managed to make a decent place for the two girls to stay in, the scholars had business to attend to so they went back to their studies & research on ancient text they’d recently discovered from an excavation site near Hǎibīnshèqū but when they returned to check up on the two at the end of the day they discovered the girls had transformed the room into a wilderness wonderland with a couple of trees that formed the pillars for their hammock alongside flowers & grass all over the floor, the scholars are baffled by this discovery questioning the girls how the room had turned into such a sight which they revealed that they were able to perform mystical feats verbally claiming that many others exists throughout the land with such powers with many being seen as outcasts due to their irregular ability, the scholars having read of these abilities in pages from the ancient civilization which described those with such powers as gifted was taken by surprise by this fact and asked the two girls to stay which the two were eager to accept, the scholars informed their overseer about the recent discovery and asking for permission to allow the subjects to stay promising that it would provide a huge leap in scientific advancement if they were allowed to observe the two girl’s behaviour and abilities which the overseer agreed enthusiastically expecting fascinating results from the coming years, the next few years saw the rise of mysticolgy along with significant progress in the study of magic as more and more magicians flocked to the Rénmín-liánhétǐ seeking refuge from prosecution in their home territories resulting in the first district made of primary magic users ever in the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng and soon the research institution which has studied mysticolgy has been turned into a learning institution both for people who knew magic already and those who had not yet developed their powers but were interested to try.

In 1470 ten years after that fateful encounter the scholars as the university christen a new name for those who used magic calling them “Shénmì Nǚhái” due to a majority of magicians being female but later those in the opposite sex were called “Mófǎjiǎolún”. Magic has been seen as a scientific field rather than religious in other nations with many scholars experimenting with increasing those with lower potential to the same level as the most prestigious student in the magical practice but eventually a convention was called after the October Incident which saw the creation of “Xié'è Mófǎjiǎolún” that wreaked havoc in Festung which is the reason why the Mófǎ Gōngyuē settled that the experimentation of Mófǎ potential would be monitored strictly under a committee for any infractions along with the training of Mófǎjiǎolún around the nation which would stunt the growth of mysticolgy until 1512 AR.

The Bachmann Fēngbō

The Bachmann Fēngbō was an event in 1470 where the Toller-Staat pulled itself away from the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng causing a diplomatic crisis between Toller-Staat and Hěnduōcǎo who demanded that the Toller-Staat remain part of the federation or else face war under the justifcation that Hěnduōcǎo was reunifying the Toller-Staat into the federation which the Yītiáoguīzé majority government of Toller-Staat pushed back saying that they would commit to a full scale conflict if Hěnduōcǎo even sets foot into the west surprising the Hěnduōcǎo thinking that the Toller-Staat would be more diplomatic about this situation but clearly seeing it fruitless to try keeping the Toller-Staat inside the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng allowed them to become independent in 1974 as long as they followed the Bìnànsuǒ Constitution which the Toller-Staat would completely ignore in the coming years as it expanded it’s influence and military, the three cities south of the Toller-Staat capital revolted against this decision seeing that they would no longer be guaranteed the safety provided by the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng so they rose up against the rouge state who sent their army to crush the revolt but was defeated at the Battle of Chǎng by a small but effective force of Shénmì Nǚhái who lead the charge against the Toller-Staat military with their magical powers and supierior “Dāorèn-Jìqiǎo” whiched helped them to swiftly cut through the enemy ranks while friendly riflemen poured shots over the enemy disorganizing and shattering any reminisce of cohesion on the other side, the Toller-Staat signed a ceasefire in 1475 alongside a peace treaty the following year that recongized the free state of Rénmín-liánhétǐ who would later enter talks with the Hěnduōcǎo to reenter the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng.

The Agricultural Disaster

The Agricultural Disaster in 1480 AR was an event that saw the north-eastern region of the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng suffer a drought that would result in the highest death count known by the Tànxiǎnjiā due to starvation, The Northern Drought of 1478 saw crops fail due to extreme heat and an insufficient amount of water provided to keep the crops from dying of dehydration causing a panic in the nation as food scarcity was ravaging through the population causing severe health problems for the citizens of Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng, though the Shénmì Nǚhái and Mófǎjiǎolún helped with small crop yield and illness diagnosis & treatment in their local area the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng was too slow to react to the situation which fuelled a growing discontent in within the rural population in the north alongside a lack of trust resulted in the second largest revolution in the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng which the south-eastern government responded to by sending in their military to suppress local uprising, the revolution was temporary suppressed when the government agreed to send food shipments from their reserves the plan fell apart when it was debated between the council on how it would be conducted with some even arguing that the next harvesting season was nearing meaning that a new wave of crops was bound to survive that year so the government reneged causing local militias in the north to turn on their occupiers within two weeks of the announcements when it was clear that aid would not come, many settlements cut ties to Hěnduōcǎo deciding to form a union against them and vie for independence so that they would be able to start the process of retracting their reliance to Hěnduōcǎo goods which saw many battles between the Hěnduōcǎo army and the rebels who increasing unified under the cause of independence naming themselves “Horizians”. The civil war was bloody with both sides holding on ferociously to territory but while the war raged on thousands starved to death as the food supplies became increasingly scarce with some sources claiming that they spotted dozens of hungry families eating grass and hunting for worms, the final straw for many government officials was when the “Shèqū Bàozhǐ” published testimonies and pictures of starving families in their newspapers calling the civil war “an act of genocide” prompting The Day of Guilt two weeks after the article came out, it’s still unknown whether this event happened because of guilt, shame, or a mixture of both but many Hěnduōcǎo news outlets reported that hundreds of government officials including the Minister of Agriculture and the Minster of Foreign Affairs had committed suicide shocking the nation and sending the Hěnduōcǎo population into a panic leading to demonstrations in the streets for the withdrawal of Hěnduōcǎo troops from the north-eastern region, after a month the government relented signing a ceasefire between the two forces and started negotiations to end the civil war during which streams of water were being built from the Rénmín-liánhétǐ towards the New Horizon Territories seeing a slow recovery of crops in the north-east which didn’t fully recover their crop production until 1488 AR two years after the signing of the treaty that separated the New Horizon Territories from Hěnduōcǎo but remaining in the Bìnànsuǒ Liánméng as an independent state.

Bìnànsuǒ Industrialization

The Toller-Staat had begun to industrialize in 1490 AR as the military began to expand their numbers and demanded a much larger supply of weapons in a short amount of time as a result of this rapid militarization, cities were beginning to start integrating factories into their architecture so that workers could live near their workplace for maximum efficiency which would help speed the process of recreating past industries like automation, firearms manufacturing, technology, and other sectors that would focus primarily on the military and sidelining public goods as a secondary objective to illuminate a false sense of innocence during this era of progress, as the Toller-Staat industrialized the Rénmín-liánhétǐ practised with the concept of an assembly line in 1491 which would allow a more organized production line and an increase in both work efficiency and speed as it gave everyone a specific job to do causing new hires to spend less time in training and more time producing, quickly after the Rénmín-liánhétǐ declared the success of the project many companies around the nation adopted their technique seeing a rapid progression in industrialization and research which would result in the rediscovery of firearms production in 1496 alongside aircraft production in 1498.