This article belongs to the lore of Elezia.

Anthony apportionment method

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The Anthony apportionment method is the first of the three Anthony methods used in the electoral system of the Parthenian Economic Union. It is used to apportion mandates within the Parthenian Parliament and representatives of the Parthenian Convention, ensuring the representation of each member states' population based on the principle of degressive proportionality.


The main equation for the apportionment is following:


SΣ is the total number of seats to be apportioned (currently, SΣ=500)

S(P) is the number of seats reserved for the Parthenian-wide constituency (currently, S(P)=50)

S1 is considered to be a reserved minimum of seats (currently, S1=1)

p(x) is the population of the country x

n is the number of member states as of the time of apportionment (currently, n=13)

λ is the leveling constant (currently, λ=0.66666666666667)

Reserved minimum

The reserved minimum {S1 is the minimum of seats one nation can recieve. Currently, the number is set to 1, ensuring that even a nation with a minimum of people living in it recieves at least a single mandate during the apportionment.

Secondary apportionment

Secondary apportionment is the main process of apportionment, between 425 and 437 mandates are apportioned in it.

Those mandates are distributed based on the principle of degressive proportionality based on the application of the leveling constant on member state's population in a way of a modified wikipedia:Penrose method. The sum of mandates apportioned to a member state through the reserved minimum and the secondary apportionment constitutes the number of mandates the member state recieves in the institution, disregarding the compensatory seats.

Leveling constant

The compensatory constant λ is the fraction that describes the power to which the population of the member states is raised. Currently, this constant is equal to 0.66666666666667. That means, that if there are two nations, with the populations of 27,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants respectively (meaning that the values pλ are equal to 900 and 10,000 respectively), the small nation, despite constituting only approximately 2.63% of the population recieves 8.26% of the seats.

Parthenia-wide constituency


Compensatory seats


New members


Current apportionments

Currently, there are 13

State Population Seats Remainder Inhabitants per MPP
 Almagria 47,702,401 64 0.706 745,350
 Angland 49,884,032 66 0.634 755,819
 Bogmia 12,304,654 26 0.815 473,256
 Brynmor 5,156,286 15 0.456 343,752
 Charmelcia 5,466,011 16 0.029 341,626
 Eisenland 17,724,731 33 0.926 537,113
 Leciria 10,637,713 24 0.427 443,238
 Livania 63,222,442 77 0.866 821,071
 Monteblanco 7,925,465 20 0.253 396,273
 Telekia 7,890,346 20 0.196 394,517
 Vermand 68,003,293 81 0.693 839,547
Parthenian Economic Union Parthenia-at-large 50 5,918,347
Total 295,917,374 492 8