List of political parties in Etruria

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This article lists political parties in Etruria.

Parties represented in the Chamber of Representatives and the State Council of the Federation

Party logo Party name Leader Chamber of Representatives seats State Council seats Seats in
state assemblies
Local government
Logo of the Patria alliance.png
PSPlogo.png Tribune Movement
Movimento Tribune
Pokret Tribina
Gibanje Tribune
Giuseppe Conte 2.jpg
Francesco Carcaterra
360 / 600
90 / 210
693 / 1,862
11,150 / 20,249
The Tribune Movement was formed in 2012 through the merger of National Action, the People's Radical Party and the Justice and Freedom Party. Initially, the Tribune Movement sat on the far-right of the political spectrum, adopting many positions common with the Neo-Functionalist right. However, under Francesco Carcaterra the new party moved toward the centre and softened many of its positions. It rose to prominence during the 2016 EC referendum, in which it led the victorious No-campaign. Three months later it won a general election in a surprise landslide. Since its been in government, the Tribunes have adopted a right-wing nationalist position. The party is allied with Onward Novalia and the Social Party of the Third Order through the Patria Alliance.
OnwardNovalia.png Onward Novalia
Avanti Novalia
Napred Novalija
Naprej Novalia
Donato Toma at the 133rd Plenary Session of the European Committee of the Regions (47016492181) (cropped).jpg
Vlatko Dobrila
23 / 600
10 / 210
138 / 1,862
353 / 20,249
Onward Novalia (formerally the Farmers and Workers Union) is the oldest political party in Etruria, having been formed in 1891 as a voice for Novalian farmers who were suffering under the Second Republic's drive for quicker industrialisation. Throughout much of its history it operated as a Novalia-centric party, only contesting seats within the state. In 2016, it ended this tradition and competed in rural seats across Etruria, its gains saw it enter into coalition with the Tribune Movement until 2018, where it lost seats to the Tribune Movement. In mid-2022, the party renamed itself to Onward Novalia and notably moved to a hard-right political platform. Its current federal leader is Vlatko Dobrila. The party is allied with the Tribune Movement and Social Party of the Third Order through the Patria Alliance.
SPTO Logo.png Social Party of the Third Order
Partito Sociale del Terz'Ordine
Socijalna Stranka Trećeg Reda
Socialna Stranka Tretjega Reda
Sergio Mattarella Presidente della Repubblica Italiana.jpg
Giuliano Eugenio Quadarella
13 / 600
0 / 210
65 / 1,862
0 / 20,249
The Social Party of the Third Order, more commonally referred to as the Social Party, is a right-wing party operating on a platform inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi. It merges Sotirian socialist economic policies with social conservatism, but is also widely perceived to also promote Etrurian nationalism. The party has been in a close electoral alliance with the Tribune Movement since 2019 and was the principal force in passing the ban on abortion and the restoration of Solarian Catholicism as the state religion in 2020 and 2022 respectively. It is a member of the Patria Alliance and its current leader is Giuliano Eugenio Quadarella.
Without coalition
PSDLOGO.png Social Democratic Party
Partito Socialdemocratico
Socijaldemokratska Partija
Socialdemokratska Stranka
Carmen Calvo 2020 (portrait).jpg
Chiara Mastromarino
165 / 600
20 / 210
384 / 1,862
320 / 20,249
The Social Democratic Party is currently the second oldest political party with federal representation. It governed Etruria from 1951 until 1960 when it was overthrown in the 1960 Etrurian coup d'état, it returned to power in 1984 following the return of democracy. Until 2016, the SDP and the Federalist Party formed the foundations for the two-party system, with the SDP as the centre-left alternative. However, the SDP suffered with the rise of the far-right Tribune Movement, who captured most of the SPD's working-class supporters. In 2018 it suffered its worst result since its creation in 1946.
AlleanzaCittadinilogo.png Citizens' Alliance
Alleanza Cittadini
Savez Građana
Zveza Dražavljanov
Carlo Calenda crop.jpeg
Mauro Cesare Capra
26 / 600
20 / 210
367 / 1,862
7,441 / 20,249
The Citizens' Alliance was formed in 2011 as a breakaway of pro-EC senators from the Etrurian Federalist Party and the Socialist Party to pressure the Emiliano Reali government on a referendum on EC membership. Following its creation, the Citizens emerged as a centrist-liberal party that grew in popularity at the expense of the EFP, due to corruption scandals and incompetent government. The Citizens succeeded the Socialist Party as the party of opposition following the 2016 election. Today, the Citizens is a radical centrist and progressive party in opposition to the far-right Tribune Movement.
E+E Emblem.png Etruria plus Euclea
Etruria più Euclea
Etrurija plus Euclea
Etruria plus Evclea
Mariastella Gelmini 2021 (cropped).jpg
Aurelia Dondero
6 / 600
0 / 210
0 / 1,862
0 / 20,249
Etruria plus Euclea is a liberal party that was formed in 2022 as a result of the defection of five members of the Citizens' Alliance, due to an internal divide over the party's policy relating to Euclean Community membership. Etruria plus Euclea's platform merges social liberalism with environmentalism and a clear policy of pursuing Etrurian membership of the EC and adopting a new national constitution to repair damage to institutions and freedoms caused by the democratic backsliding under the Tribune government. Its current leader is Aurelia Dondero
FPS Logo.png Sotirian People's Force
Forza Popolare Sotiriana
Kršćanski Narod Sila
Krščanski Ijudje Sila
Vincenzo De Luca 2020 (cropped).jpg
Vittore Eugenio Agrella
4 / 600
0 / 210
39 / 1,862
0 / 20,249
The Sotirian People's Force was established as a splinter party of the Tribune Movement on August 23 2021, by 12 Representatives of the Sotirian democratic wing, in protest over the government's passing of the failed referendum results and wider issues with democratic backsliding. Over the course of several days, it was boosted by the defection of 18 lawmakers from Democratic Alternative for Etruria.
Popular Renewal Logo.png Popular Renewal
Rinnovamento Popolare
Popularni Obnova
Priljubljena Obnova
Emma Bonino 2017 crop.jpg
Aurelia Favazza
3 / 600
0 / 210
35 / 1,862
0 / 20,249
Popular Renewal was established in wake of the collapse of the Sinistra Socialista Etruriana in 2006. It is Etruria's only prominent far-left party and mostly receives backing from students and members of Etruria's ethnic minorities; mostly the Piraean and Miruvian populations. Since 2016, the party has moved to present itself as a left-wing populist alternative to the Tribune Movement and also softening its historic hard-left image.

Parties represented in the state assemblies