President of Venadia

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President of Venadia
Президент Республика Венадия
Mikhail Kapustov
since 16 May 2005
ResidencePresidential Palace, Venagorod
SeatVenagorod, Venadia
AppointerDirect popular vote
Term lengthFive years
Renewable twice
Formation11th of July 1847
First holderDobromir Agapov
SuccessionPrime Minister of Venadia
Salary85,766 NSD annually

The President of the Republic of Venadia (Venadian: Президент Республики Венадия, transcript: President Respubliki Venadiya) is the Head of State and holder of the highest office within the Republic. The Venadian President has a wide array of powers and duties, but overally holds more soft power than hard power. The office of President was created in 1847, permanently replacing that of the Grand Prince as Head of State in Venadia. The President's duties is as the supreme representative of the Venadian Republic, and he does not sit directly in the executive government.

There have been a total of 21 Presidents of Venadia.

Requirements to hold office

  • Be a full citizen of Venadia.
  • Been a resident of Venadia for at least twenty years.
  • Be at least thirty years of age.
  • Be no older than seventy years of age.
  • Not be a minister or clergy of any church or religious denomination for the past three years.
  • Not be in active military service for the past year.
  • Have not served three full terms as President in the past.


Since 1915, the President of Venadia has been elected by a direct vote with universal suffrage and a two-round system if no candidate gets a clear majority in the first round. Between 1847 and 1915, the President was elected with more limited suffrage, and by simple plurality in the first round. The Presidential term lasts for five years, and the first round of the Presidential election has to be held in the month of April on the final year of the current President's term while the second round must be held in the month of May, and an incumbent's term can only be renewed twice.

Parties with deputies in the Great Veche can nominate a presidential candidate. Independents can contest the Presidential election, but are required to provide fifty thousand signatures by of-age Venadian citizens. Registered parties with regional representation are required to provide thirty thousand signatures to nominate a presidential candidate. Presidential candidates need to register with the Venadian Electoral Commission by October the year before the Presidential election to stand on the ballot. Write-ins are not possible under the Venadian electoral system.

Campaign financing is strictly regulated in Venadia, with a cap on 10,000 NSD as donations by private citizens and 250,000 NSD by associations and companies. Candidates who receive at least 4% in the first round are reimbursed 50% of their campaign expenditures, up to five million NSD in total. Advertising on TV and radio is forbidden, but debates are hosting on national television during Presidential elections, and each candidate receives a five minute campaign broadcast on the national television channel five days before the election.

The President is sworn in by the Prince of the Great Veche no more than a week after the election, and during this period public organizations, political parties and other presidential candidates are free to challenge the results of the election to the Venadian Electoral Commission.

Powers and duties

The President of Venadia holds the most senior and highest ranked office in Venadia, and with the permission of the Prime Minister and Prince of the Great Veche may implement a state of emergency where he takes full executive control of the nation. Normally, the President holds significant influence over matters of foreign policy and wields some amount of influence over executive, legislative and judicial areas.

  • The President may propose bills to the Great Veche
  • The President may pardon convicted criminals, and commute their sentences.
  • The President appoints Venadian ambassadors.
  • The President has legal immunity for the duration of his term, barring such crimes as high treason and corruption.
  • The President appoints several other public officials, including half of the Supreme Court.
  • The President is the highest ordinary military officer in Venadia, answering only to the Great Veche (who collectively acts as commander-in-chief).
  • The President receives foreign ambassadors.
  • The President may negotiate with foreign powers on behalf of Venadia, but any treaties are subjected to approval by the Great Veche.
  • The President may issue non-binding decrees and interpretations of existing laws.

In addition, the President has several powers alongside the Prime Minister and the Prince of the Great Veche. Most of these require any two of the three mentioned. Usually, the President, Prime Minister and Prince are dubbed 'the triumvirate' for these purposes.

  • The Triumvirate may authorize the usage of nuclear weapons.
  • The Triumvirate may dissolve the Great Veche.
  • The Triumvirate promulgates laws.
  • The Triumvirate may veto a law for a period lasting until the next legislative election.
  • The Triumvirate may declare a state of emergency.

Oath of Office

Upon taking office, the President of Venadia raises his right hand to his heart and takes the following oath:

"I swear to follow and uphold the Constitution of the Republic of Venadia, and the laws passed by the Great Veche, and to perform with vigor and patriotism the Office of President which the People have entrusted upon me."


Upon death or impeachment, the current Prime Minister takes over as Acting President until the next scheduled elections. The Great Veche may declare early elections in such cases, but the situation has only occured once in Venadian history (after the assassination of President Kristofor Nazarov). An Acting President is not considered to have served any terms if he is elected in the scheduled Presidential elections, and may then serve a full three terms. If the Prime Minister cannot take over as Acting President, the Prince of the Great Veche becomes Acting President. If the Prince cannot, the highest ranking military officer assumes the roles of Acting President.

2015 Election

Candidate Party 1st round votes 1st round % 2nd round votes 2nd round %
Mikhail Kapustov Socialist Party, CRP 35,412,330 38.0% 49,483,600 56.0%
Pavel Pushkin Liberal-Republican, GP 20,030,796 21.5% 38,998,975 44.0%
German Sitnikov Independent, endorsed by DP 16,545,832 17.6%
Nikodim Babkin UP, PP, GVP, CDP 7,963,642 8.7%
Aleksandr Myatlev Communist Party 5,126,382 5.5%
Mikhail Pronin Independent 2,139,374 2.3%
Inga Lytkina Independent 1,955,214 2.1%
Aleksandra Abramova Apalkovist Union 1,213,565 1.3%
Saleem El-Sayed Islamic Alliance 1,119,281 1.2%
Sergey Lidin Libertarian, Federalist 840,183 0.9%
Mihkel Paasuke Independent 463,285 0.5%
Georgiy Pavlov Worker's Party, CPV(ML) 373,183 0.4%
Yaroslav Ugolev Independent 1,485 0.0%
Total valid 93,183,553 96.5% 88,482,575 96.6%
Invalid/blank votes 3,364,805 3.5% 3,099,898 3.4%
Total (Turnout: 77.8%) 96,548,358 100 91,582,473 100
Source: Venadian Electoral Commission

List of Presidents

Name Term of office Party
Mikhail Kapustov 2005- Socialist Party
Leonid Aslanov 2000-2005 Liberal-Republican
Maksimilian Entin 1995-2000 Independent
Aleksei Entin 1990-1995 Socialist Party
Nikolay Kornev 1985-1990 Independent
Dmitriy Belov 1970-1985 Liberal-Republican
Ivan Osintsev 1965-1970 Liberal-Republican
Iskander Kruglov 1955-1965 Socialist Party
Boris Vasiliev 1950-1955 Socialist Party
Radomir Shishko 1935-1950 Independent
Yan Balakin 1930-1935 Republican Party
Yuriy Mordvinov 1920-1930 Socialist-Revolutionary
Rasim Bebnev 1915-1920 Republican Party
Baron Wolfgang Baasch 1904-1915 Constitutional
Kristofor Nazarov 1897-1904 Constitutional
Stepan Zhiglov 1892-1897 Principlist Party
Baron Konstantin Solodnikov 1877-1892 Constitutional
Graf Vladimir Babkin 1867-1877 Principlist Party
Baron Mitrofan Smotrov 1862-1867 Constitutional
Iosif Zykin 1857-1862 Constitutional
Dobromir Agapov 1847-1857 Constitutional