This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

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{{Region icon Sparkalia}}
{{Region icon Sparkalia}}
{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country
|micronation =        no
|conventional_long_name = The Grand Republic of Tepror
|conventional_long_name = The Grand Replublic of Tepror
|common_name = Tepror
|native_name =       "tepror"
|image_flag = [[File:Teprorflag.PNG|150px]]
|common_name =       tepror
|alt_flag =
|status =             <!--Status of country, especially useful for micronations-->
|image_coat =
|image_flag =         File:Banana.PNG
|symbol_type =
|alt_flag =           Flag
|national_motto = "Memento mori, quare ne obliviscaris vivere."
|flag_border =       no
|national_anthem = [ "Together we are forged by one chain"]
|national_motto =     "Glory be to the ministry"
|royal_anthem =
|capital =           The ministry
|image_map =
|official_languages = Ministry standard, High electrairian
|alt_map =
|ethnic_groups =     skimtari, kaharan
|map_caption =
|religion =           [REDACTED]
|image_map2 =
|demonym =           Mœth
|alt_map2 = <!--alt text for second map-->
|government_type =   grand Council
|map_caption2 =
|leader_title1 =     Council head
|capital = The ministry
|leader_name1 =       Megan griffan
|latd= | latm= | latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= <!--capital's latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/direction-->
|leader_title2 =     Council head
|largest_city = District One
|leader_name2 =       Eric griffan
|largest_settlement_type =
|population_estimate = 638 million
|largest_settlement =
|GDP_PPP = 5000$
|national_languages =  
|currency = Credit
|official_languages = High Electarian, Ministry Standard
|date_format = dd/mm/yyyy
|regional_languages =
|languages_type = <!--Use to specify a further type of language, if not official, national or regional-->
|languages = <!--Languages of the further type-->
|languages_sub = <!--Is this further type of language a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")-->
|languages2_type = <!--Another further type of language-->
|languages2 = <!--Languages of this second further type-->
|languages2_sub = <!--Is the second alternative type of languages a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")-->
|ethnic_groups = Skimtari (95.9%) Kita ju (2.1%) Bugweian(3%)
|ethnic_groups_year =
|religion = [REDACTED]
|demonym = Teprorian
|government_type = Totalitarian Council Republic
|leader_title1 = Council head
|leader_name1 = [[]]
|leader_title2 = Council head
|leader_name2 = [[]]
|leader_title3 = Minister of MoMm
|leader_name3 = [[Dr Ingrid Sporbor]]
|leader_title4 = Minister of MoEa
|leader_name4 = [[Alexa]]
|leader_title5 = Minister of MoSs
|leader_name5 = [[Snow]]
|leader_title6 = Minister of MoDa
|leader_name6 = [[Marry]]
|legislature = [[Totalatarian Council (Tepror)|The Council]]
|upper_house =
|lower_house =
|sovereignty_type = Establishment
|sovereignty_note =
|established_event1 = Escaped the Orbiter
|established_date1 = UNKNOWN
|established_event2 = Landing on Sparkalia
|established_date2 = 1502
|established_event3 = [[Panic Wars]]
|established_date3 = 1504 - 1543 AR
|established_event4 = Military's Coup in [[Mesunate]]
|established_date4 = 1537 AR
|established_event5 = The Republic of Tepror wins the [[Panic Wars]]
|established_date5 = 1543 AR
|area_rank =
|area_magnitude =
|area = <!--Major area size (in [[Template:convert]] either km2 or sqmi first)-->
|area_km2 =  2,432,648 km²
|area_sq_mi =
|area_footnote = <!--Optional footnote for area-->
|percent_water =
|area_label =
|area_label2 = <!--Label below area_label (optional)-->
|area_data2 = <!--Text after area_label2 (optional)-->
|population_estimate = {{IncreaseNeutral}} 103.03 Million
|population_estimate_rank =
|population_estimate_year = 1613
|population_census = 99 Million
|population_census_year = 1612
|population_density_km2 =
|population_density_sq_mi =
|population_density_rank =
|GDP_PPP = {{Increase}} $600 Billion
|GDP_PPP_rank =
|GDP_PPP_year = 1613
|GDP_PPP_per_capita = {{Increase}} $6'061
|GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank =
|GDP_nominal = $2.010 Trillion
|GDP_nominal_rank =
|GDP_nominal_year = 1613
|GDP_nominal_per_capita = $10'202
|GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank =
|Gini = 22.4
|Gini_ref =
|Gini_rank =
|Gini_year =
|Gini_change =
|HDI =
|HDI_rank =
|HDI_year =
|HDI_change =
|currency = Pythian Dime (PD)
|currency_code =
|time_zone =
|utc_offset =
|time_zone_DST =
|utc_offset_DST =
|DST_note =
|antipodes = <!--Place/s exactly on the opposite side of the world to country/territory-->
|date_format = dd/mm/yyyy
|drives_on =
|cctld = .TEP
|iso3166code = TEP
|calling_code = +1
|image_map3 = <!--Optional third map position, e.g. for use with reference to footnotes below it-->
|alt_map3 = <!--alt text for third map position-->
|footnote_a = <!--For any footnote <sup>a</sup> used above-->
|footnote_b = <!--For any footnote <sup>b</sup> used above-->
|footnote_h = <!--For any footnote <sup>h</sup> used above-->
|footnotes = <!--For any generic non-numbered footnotes-->
'''Tepror'''  or by its offical name of '''The Grand Republic of Tepror''', is a land locked state located in central Pythia. The republic does not have a direct land border with any nation, however it is in close proximity to [[bugwe hore]]. Tepror is a regional power that prides itself on its industry and their millitary, but also holding pride and anger in their past glory. The notion that tepror is the "only free sect" of their species has made them fiercely self reliant, this causes them into isolation and worsen relations with other nations.
==Pre landing==
===The skimtari contigency===
The earliest records of the skimtari date back billions of years, when the galaxy was in its infancy. The skimtari inhabited a tomb world in some unknown region of the galaxy. The skimtari were proficient in scavenging their barren world and making extensive use of it. The tomb world's conditions made it almost entirely impossible to develop agriculture, so skimtari society at the time advanced very slowly. But the game of scavenging for food had to end at some point, so some skimtari decided to just relocate their clans to the bounty of food. So the first developed skimtari clans started to pop up all around the world.
Once most skimtari clans adopted this practice of relocation to more lush areas of the world, the skimtari began to advance their technological capabilities. Some clans developed more efficient ways of harvesting their food, and some developed better ways of defending themselves from hostile creatures. But a very small number of nations started to develop government systems: two created monarchies, and one created a direct democracy. So, following the rise of these new skimtari nations, the world began to unify at its own pace. The three skimtari nations slowly began to annex the surrounding clans, some with promises of prosperity, others with threats of animation. Very slowly the age of skimtari clans came to a close a close as the three powers annexed the known world. But a problem arose, the three nations craved more, much more. So the powers began the race to develop the fastest.
The skimtari powers at first developed quality of life items, but no one was nudging. So their developments shifted from small scale quality of life items, to weapons of mass destruction. for 100 long miserble years the nations of the world created more and more efficient ways to kill eachother until. scilence, all comunication from the entier world went scilent. Most millitary commanders freaked out and prepared to launch everything they had at the enemy. But before the final orders where confirmed the communication came back and all strike orders where called off. the leaders came to an agreement, to unify the planet once and for all.
In the wake of the creation of the skimtari contingency, they
====age of strife====
.Once the skimtari reactionary governments had some kind of a foothold in their respective regions, the skimtari reactionary started turning their hostilities towards each other. At first it was small-scale border skirmishes , then when the reactionary governments started to revive their arms manufactures all hell started to break loose in the skimtari region.
====The first and last offensive====
Once the reactionary governments felt like they overpowered the other governments in some capacity, they launched an all out assult on the nations. For 3 long years the governments where locked on an all out offensive that where showing no signs of success tepror appeard. After a millitary coup in the Templin region it was the first appearance of the newly formed tepror.
=Geography and climate=
The climate of tepror has been drastically changed compared to when the skimtari first landed. When the skimtari landed it was a land of golden sands filled with oasis and flora, however when the skimtari started to reindustrialize the lands quickly barren and dead. flaua started to die and oasis tried up as the skimtari industry consumes more and more.
===important landmarks===
The climate in tepror is one of two things, either an incredibly smoggy day, or asid rain. And in the case for teprorian regions this is all the weather they get. But for the outlining districts its a much different story in the districts bordering the bugweian its always a nice sunny day with no clouds in sight, but to the eastern outlier districts they deal with the cold winds and snow.
The government of tepror was officially founded once the 6 way [[panic wars]] came to a close. It was formed out of the peace treaty which is hereby referred to as the [[journeymen charter]], which created the unified council out of the reactionary governments. The charter also outlines every single executive power the council has over the unified skimtari territory
However the government does not directly govern over the districts, spite the primary government holding executive power as stated in the journeymen charter. The original 3 that where created are called the [[big three]], they are called such because they are the first three ministries and the only ministries that control their own methods of funding.
===The primary council===
The primary council or commonly referred to as the council regular. The council regular is the primary governing body that is tasked with overlooking the ministries and ensuring the government runs smoothly. Elections for the council regular are to be held every 2 years on the dot, elections will always take place unless tepror is in an active war. If that is the case positions will remain with the current councilperson unless the one of the council heads remove or replace them.
===The council head===
The council head are the only two positions that have more power then the council regular. the council head is split on two positions that have the same amount of power. The council head's primary responsibility is to overlook the council regular and issue executive orders if found necessary. Elections are held once both council heads are dead, of which then district administration teams will elect one of their own to run for the council head. of which the current council regular will choose the new council heads
===The MoSs===
The ministry of state security (MoSs) is the ministry tasked with maintain publics order in tepror and conducting counter intelligence operations. The MoSs was founded via the [[journeymen charter]] after the snows provided valiant service to the skimtari race, thus they where grated a specific spot on the [[journeymen charter]]. The MoSs is currently controlled by {REDACTED BY THE MOSS} who manages and oversees the MoSs police units and counter intelligence units.
===The MoMm===
The ministry of manufacturing management (MoMm) is the ministry tasked with the management and improvement of all manufacturing districts in tepror. The MoMm was founded once the [[panic wars]] ended and one of the most influential women skimtari approached the first regular council and offered to be first minister of the treasury.
===The MoEa===

'''The grand republic of tepror''' is one of the six reactionary government that formed when the skimtari crashed onto earth. Because of drops ships null through November the skimtari made it onto sparkalia. And only after 5 year of "peaceful reunification" The republic was finally born
The ministry of ecological affairs' (MoEa) is the ministry tasked with the development and recovery of skimtari technology. The MoEa was founded when the {REDACTED} convinced the griffin administration to open a {REDACTED} division of the military.

== The age of strife==

Before the skimtari where even unified, when the dropships came crashing down there was no republic. There was only the smiktari going every Wich way in Compleat disarray. No one knew where we were, or how we would survive in this new world. During this mass confusion some of the skimtari decided that unifying all the skimtari under one banner is the only way to stop this. Unfortunately, 8 other people had that idea, So 6 separatist nations claiming to be the rules of the skimtari.
The economy of tepror is a very rigid and immovable, the economy is not driven by forgien imports but insted self reliance. Due to the forced isolation of tepror, it was required that the economy be almost entirely self reliant in order to keep the wheels of tepror oiled and alive.

== total reunification ==
===Mining industry===

After the afe of strife was officaly over the skimtri nations desided to push for total reunifcation, even if that means it comes to a bloody end. The nation that won this however was tepror, This was due to the fact that they controled dropsite null and alfa. Therefor controlled the wapons supply and the P.N.D. Then only after [REDATED] the republic won
The mining industry of tepror is one of, if not the most expansive and largest mining indistry in the world. Due to the skimtari bioligy they are able to mine in the deepest bellows in the earth and stay working. But not only are the skimtari able to work in the deps of the world but the tepror mining equipment is some of the most sophisticated in the world. These mashines hollow out the nation of tepror with devastating speeds while the mining crews construct supports so tepror dosnt sink.

[[Category:Countries (Sparkalia)]]
[[Category:Countries (Sparkalia)]]

Latest revision as of 17:25, 2 March 2024

The Grand Republic of Tepror
Motto: "Memento mori, quare ne obliviscaris vivere."
Anthem: "Together we are forged by one chain"
CapitalThe ministry
LargestDistrict One
Official languagesHigh Electarian, Ministry Standard
Ethnic groups
Skimtari (95.9%) Kita ju (2.1%) Bugweian(3%)
GovernmentTotalitarian Council Republic
• Council head
• Council head
• Minister of MoMm
Dr Ingrid Sporbor
• Minister of MoEa
• Minister of MoSs
• Minister of MoDa
LegislatureThe Council
• Escaped the Orbiter
• Landing on Sparkalia
1504 - 1543 AR
• Military's Coup in Mesunate
1537 AR
• The Republic of Tepror wins the Panic Wars
1543 AR
[convert: invalid number]
• 1613 estimate
Neutral increase 103.03 Million
• 1612 census
99 Million
GDP (PPP)1613 estimate
• Total
Increase $600 Billion
• Per capita
Increase $6'061
GDP (nominal)1613 estimate
• Total
$2.010 Trillion
• Per capita
CurrencyPythian Dime (PD)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Calling code+1
ISO 3166 codeTEP
Internet TLD.TEP

Tepror or by its offical name of The Grand Republic of Tepror, is a land locked state located in central Pythia. The republic does not have a direct land border with any nation, however it is in close proximity to bugwe hore. Tepror is a regional power that prides itself on its industry and their millitary, but also holding pride and anger in their past glory. The notion that tepror is the "only free sect" of their species has made them fiercely self reliant, this causes them into isolation and worsen relations with other nations.


Pre landing

The skimtari contigency

The earliest records of the skimtari date back billions of years, when the galaxy was in its infancy. The skimtari inhabited a tomb world in some unknown region of the galaxy. The skimtari were proficient in scavenging their barren world and making extensive use of it. The tomb world's conditions made it almost entirely impossible to develop agriculture, so skimtari society at the time advanced very slowly. But the game of scavenging for food had to end at some point, so some skimtari decided to just relocate their clans to the bounty of food. So the first developed skimtari clans started to pop up all around the world.

Once most skimtari clans adopted this practice of relocation to more lush areas of the world, the skimtari began to advance their technological capabilities. Some clans developed more efficient ways of harvesting their food, and some developed better ways of defending themselves from hostile creatures. But a very small number of nations started to develop government systems: two created monarchies, and one created a direct democracy. So, following the rise of these new skimtari nations, the world began to unify at its own pace. The three skimtari nations slowly began to annex the surrounding clans, some with promises of prosperity, others with threats of animation. Very slowly the age of skimtari clans came to a close a close as the three powers annexed the known world. But a problem arose, the three nations craved more, much more. So the powers began the race to develop the fastest.

The skimtari powers at first developed quality of life items, but no one was nudging. So their developments shifted from small scale quality of life items, to weapons of mass destruction. for 100 long miserble years the nations of the world created more and more efficient ways to kill eachother until. scilence, all comunication from the entier world went scilent. Most millitary commanders freaked out and prepared to launch everything they had at the enemy. But before the final orders where confirmed the communication came back and all strike orders where called off. the leaders came to an agreement, to unify the planet once and for all.

In the wake of the creation of the skimtari contingency, they

age of strife

.Once the skimtari reactionary governments had some kind of a foothold in their respective regions, the skimtari reactionary started turning their hostilities towards each other. At first it was small-scale border skirmishes , then when the reactionary governments started to revive their arms manufactures all hell started to break loose in the skimtari region.

The first and last offensive

Once the reactionary governments felt like they overpowered the other governments in some capacity, they launched an all out assult on the nations. For 3 long years the governments where locked on an all out offensive that where showing no signs of success tepror appeard. After a millitary coup in the Templin region it was the first appearance of the newly formed tepror.

Geography and climate

The climate of tepror has been drastically changed compared to when the skimtari first landed. When the skimtari landed it was a land of golden sands filled with oasis and flora, however when the skimtari started to reindustrialize the lands quickly barren and dead. flaua started to die and oasis tried up as the skimtari industry consumes more and more.

important landmarks



The climate in tepror is one of two things, either an incredibly smoggy day, or asid rain. And in the case for teprorian regions this is all the weather they get. But for the outlining districts its a much different story in the districts bordering the bugweian its always a nice sunny day with no clouds in sight, but to the eastern outlier districts they deal with the cold winds and snow.


The government of tepror was officially founded once the 6 way panic wars came to a close. It was formed out of the peace treaty which is hereby referred to as the journeymen charter, which created the unified council out of the reactionary governments. The charter also outlines every single executive power the council has over the unified skimtari territory

However the government does not directly govern over the districts, spite the primary government holding executive power as stated in the journeymen charter. The original 3 that where created are called the big three, they are called such because they are the first three ministries and the only ministries that control their own methods of funding.

The primary council

The primary council or commonly referred to as the council regular. The council regular is the primary governing body that is tasked with overlooking the ministries and ensuring the government runs smoothly. Elections for the council regular are to be held every 2 years on the dot, elections will always take place unless tepror is in an active war. If that is the case positions will remain with the current councilperson unless the one of the council heads remove or replace them.

The council head

The council head are the only two positions that have more power then the council regular. the council head is split on two positions that have the same amount of power. The council head's primary responsibility is to overlook the council regular and issue executive orders if found necessary. Elections are held once both council heads are dead, of which then district administration teams will elect one of their own to run for the council head. of which the current council regular will choose the new council heads

The MoSs

The ministry of state security (MoSs) is the ministry tasked with maintain publics order in tepror and conducting counter intelligence operations. The MoSs was founded via the journeymen charter after the snows provided valiant service to the skimtari race, thus they where grated a specific spot on the journeymen charter. The MoSs is currently controlled by {REDACTED BY THE MOSS} who manages and oversees the MoSs police units and counter intelligence units.

The MoMm

The ministry of manufacturing management (MoMm) is the ministry tasked with the management and improvement of all manufacturing districts in tepror. The MoMm was founded once the panic wars ended and one of the most influential women skimtari approached the first regular council and offered to be first minister of the treasury.

The MoEa

The ministry of ecological affairs' (MoEa) is the ministry tasked with the development and recovery of skimtari technology. The MoEa was founded when the {REDACTED} convinced the griffin administration to open a {REDACTED} division of the military.


The economy of tepror is a very rigid and immovable, the economy is not driven by forgien imports but insted self reliance. Due to the forced isolation of tepror, it was required that the economy be almost entirely self reliant in order to keep the wheels of tepror oiled and alive.

Mining industry

The mining industry of tepror is one of, if not the most expansive and largest mining indistry in the world. Due to the skimtari bioligy they are able to mine in the deepest bellows in the earth and stay working. But not only are the skimtari able to work in the deps of the world but the tepror mining equipment is some of the most sophisticated in the world. These mashines hollow out the nation of tepror with devastating speeds while the mining crews construct supports so tepror dosnt sink.