New Cold War (Sunalaya)

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New Cold War
Date1999 - Present
Status Ongoing

Union of Ventismarian Nations:

Allied States:

Eastern Bloc:

Aligned States:

Miraya Defense Assistance Alignment:

Allied States:

Union of Unaligned States

Commanders and leaders
  • EngleanKaiserreichFlag.png Konrad
  • EngleanKaiserreichFlag.png Siegfried
  • Englean Democratic Republic Konstantin Schedl
  • Sunrisia Césâ Gáûdĕr
  • Sunrisia Addél Dîlectên
  • Sunrisia Léma Tempéstĕr
  • Acario Masciantonio
  • The New Cold War is the name given to a period of geopolitical tension between the Englean Empire, Sunrisia and their respective allies. The name "New Cold War" is used due to this period occurring after the end of the War of the Brush Fires, which was known as the "Cold War" lasting from 1947 to 1993.


    The Late 90s

    Early 2000s

    Late 2000s


    A sharp increase in hostility between the factions.


    The Conflict on the Island of Vesvai ends with Vesvai separating from the Union of Oblaren and Vesvai. Vesvai's northern region of Herbora (Green Coast) separates from the independent Vesvai and stays within the Union. Union of Oblaren and Vesvai becomes the Union of Oblaren and Herbora.

    Young political outsider and moderate reformist Léma Tempéstĕr gets elected President of Sunrisia. An easing of tensions with the international community begins.

    Revolutionary wave of 2021

    Coral Revolution in Edereon

    Coral Revolution, a peaceful themed revolution in Edereon, overthrows a Sunrisian-backed nationalist-leaning government and installs a more moderate and internationally open one.

    Flug movement, protests in Daredland and the Second Daredi Revolution

    Several separate waves of protests have been held in Daredland continuously over suspicions that the government led by the Klare Sicht alliance was using criminal framing tactics to repress political rivals and opposition in Daredland. The most recent wave of the protests was taken over by the emerging Flug political movement, which has been calling on the government to resign. After the escalation of protests into violent clashes between police and protesters in the capital city Freihat, a State of Emergency was declared in Freihat. During the clashes, ex-Vice Chancellor of the Daredi Confederacy and ex-Confederal Minister of Justice and Police of the Daredi Confederation Felix Gudatan was broken out of detainment. After hundreds of injuries on both sides, the Konföderaleswehr was called in to intervene in Freihat but declared a military mutiny. A new round of government and opposition talks was held after which the Daredi government agreed to resign in its' entirety while all positions were handed over to members of the Flug movement, creating an interim government until snap elections.

    Pameravan Revolution

    Pameravan Revolution leads to the overthrow of the separatist absolute monarchy in Pamerava, a withdrawal of Pamerava from the Strategic Ventismar Defence Council and an Association Agreement with the Union of Ventismarian Nations, and a return to Baggnagia as an autonomous territory.

    Gates to Corentia movement and the Crimson Revolution in Vesvai

    The Factions