This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Honorific titles in Sparkalia

Revision as of 22:50, 15 May 2023 by Flying Tonk (talk | contribs)
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This is an overview of honorifics on Sparkalia.

List of Honorifics

Country Position On envelopes Salutation in letter Oral address
 Japuile Representative Representative (last name) Representative (last name) Representative (last name)
 Japuile Noble/Lady Noble/Lady (Full Name) Noble/Lady (Full Name) Noble/Lady (Full Name)
 Japuile Grand Duke/Grand Duchess Grand Duke/Grand Duchess (Full Name/First Name) Your great majesty (Name) Your great majesty (Full Name)
 Axeut Lordship DȜ (initials) Dȝóibsúh (first name) Dȝóibsúh (last name)
 Axeut City Defense ȜR (initials) Ȝiðirom Ȝiðirom (Full name)
 Nova Solarius Emperor Emperor (Regnal Name) Invictus Imperator Universalis (Formal, Diplomatic) / Laus Imperator(Informal) Magnus Regius (Regnal Name)
 Nova Solarius Chancellor Fidelis Cancellarius (Full name) Supremus Cancellarius Senatus Honestum (Full Name)
 Tepror Council head Executive council head Council head (last name) My honorable councilmen/women
 Tepror Ministers Minister of (ministry name) Minister of (ministry name) Minister (full name)
 The Dze Confederation Tsǫt'aan Tsǫt'aandzetǫ Attsǫt'aanta Tsǫt'aandzetǫ (name or nominal title)