Historical Timeline of Sunalaya

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- 3299 BCE

14,000 BCE - The first humans reach Dogmana

6,000 BCE - The Avadian Civilization collapses in the Goldwynian archipelago, leaving behind several island tribes

Ancient History

3100 BCE - 799 BCE

2,050 BCE - The Laaban Empire emerges, spanning large parts of the island of Rhode and Western Rhodevus. First large-scale building projects in Rhodevus.

900 BCE - The Sunti Empire emerges from central Rhodevus.

Classical History

800 BCE - 499 CE

600 BCE - Sunti Empire collapses from undetermined causes

300 AD - The Illyesian Empire is politically divided into a west and east

479 AD - The city of Illyes is sacked by barbarian hordes, marking the end of the Western Illyesian Empire

Medieval History


542 - The Rhomaion (Eastern Illyesian) Empire begins its reconquest over western territories

605 - Goldwyn conquers the Goldwynian Archipelago and absorbs it into its kingdom.

746 The Rhomaions lose land to Islamic invasions

784 - Nikephorus I Philoponus launches reconquest in attempt to regain Rhomaion territories lost to Islamic forces

821 - Partition of the Imperium Ripuarium. (name wip don't kill me)

1057 - Iconoclasm begins in the Rhomaion Empire and marks a schism between Eastern and Western Christianity

1086 - Iconoclasm in the Rhomaion Empire is out to an end

1095 - The First Crusade is declared to retake lost Rhomaion territory and the Holy Land

1100 - The great schism between Eastern and Western is mended

1103 - The Kingdom of Galaria is formed

1326 - The island of Rhodevus is discovered by Ripuarian sailor, Beaumant LaFriore.

1328 - Sailors begin to visit Rhodeve coasts to fish salmon and trout allowing for the first documentation of natives by a colonising source.

1364 - Kingdom of Ripuaria and Capsland formed.

1366 - Kingdom of Ripuaria and Capsland splits.

Early Modern History


1423 - Constantinople is sacked by the Ashu, marking the end of the First Rhomaion Empire

1430 - Port of Acadia built by Ripuaria.

1435 - Port of Port Joy built by Capsland.

1451 - Ripuaria colonizes Northern Rhodevus, first interactions with Rhodevan Natives are documented.

1454 - Capsland colonizes Southern Rhodevus.

1471 - War Of The Gates Begins.

1518 - War Of The Gates Ends.

1671 - The Failed Revolution for Rhodevus begins against Capsland and De Fleuves.

1673 – War of independence for Rhodevus concludes, Rhodevus stays under colonial rule.

1701 - Rhodevus is granted its independence.

1703 - Hellenic War of Independence begins against the Ashu

1713 - Ripuarian Revolution begins, The Ripuarian Monarchy falls, Ventismarian Coalition established to restore order.

1715 The Rhomaion Orthodox Church comes into communion with the Papacy

1716 - The Hellenic Republic begins colonizing northern Sunafrica

1719 - Ripuarian-Rondaly Wars begin. Rhodevus conquers Galaria

1721 - Ventismarian Coalition dissolved the Revolutionary Republic, Ripuarian Monarchy restored.

1722 - Rhodevus conquers Mackenzie and Athabaska

1729 - Ripuarian-Rondaly Wars end.

1730 - Rhodevus annexes and colonizes The dictatorship POD.

1731 - First trading outposts are established in Malesta

1733 - Rhodeve - Ripuarian war starts.

1734 - The Rhomaion Empire is restored by Queen Placidina II

1734 - The Rhomaion Empire launches an invasion against Shastara

1735 - Rhodeve - Ripuarian war ends.

1737 - The Treaty of Reisstaun cedes Shastara to the Rhomaion Empire.

1745 - Rhodevus launches an invasion on Rhomaion-ruled Shastara

1755 - Rhodevus colonizes Oblaren.

1757 - The Rhomaion Empire withdraws from Shastara, bringing it under Rhodeve control

1766 - Rhodevus colonizes Malesta and The Bohin.

1771 - The Rhomaion Empire attempts a second invasion of Shastara

1780 - The Rhomaion Empire withdraws from Shastara, leaving it to Englean and Rhodeve forces

Modern History


1840 - The Rhodeve Collapse begins

1845 - The Rhodeve Collapse ends with the Treaty of Bussón

1860 - The Shastarans invade parts of the Rhomaion Empire

1887 - The Turkic revolts begin in the Rhomaion Empire

The First Great War

Inter-War Period

1924 - The Ripuarian Civil War Begins

1928 - The Ripuarian Civil War Ends

The Second Great War

1940 - The Stelten Massacre takes place

Post-War Period

Sitting War ("Sitzkrieg")

?? - Sunrisian Rebellion is won by Nationalists and Neo-Isolationists. The short-lived Provisional Republic of Sunrisia, modeled after the First Republic, is overthrown.

?? - Sunrisian Transition to Nationalism begins. Sunrisia advances into a strongly isolationist, anti-Western and anti-Eastern foreign policy, yet being paradoxically interventionist, basing it on Neo-Isolationism over traditional isolationism. Sunrisia cuts itself off from the world, while staying engaged in international affairs.

?? - Flaming Revolution in Daredland overthrows a a pro-Englean government.

?? - Sunrisia changes its' Nuclear Doctrine from “No First Use” to “Optional Preemptive Strike against a Direct Attacker or Invader of Sunrisia and/or Allies.”

?? - First Vesvai War fought by the Rhodeve-backed Dominion of Vesvai and Sunrisian-backed New Vesvai.

?? - Adoption of a new constitution in August solidifies the Nationalist Republic of Sunrisia as the modern incarnation of the Sunrisian state.

?? - A political crisis in Sunrisia over the "Shadow Government Scandal" leads to the resignation of the President, dissolution of the Convet (legislature/parliament) and the murder of many Sunrisian politicians from past and present era. The government crisis results in the intelligence services and military elements switching from being a "deep state" to temporarily taking power in the country openly, until snap elections.

?? - The armed forces of Sunrisia launch "Operation Solar Wind" against domestic militant groups - the pro-Republic New Sunrisian Republican Army (NSRA) and the joint pro-Monarchy and pro-Theocracy Sunrisian Theocrat and Monarchist Corps (STMC).

?? - A naval skirmish breaks out between the navies of the Nationalist Republic of Sunrisia and the Englean Kaiserreich near Corentia.

?? - A Sunrisian airstrike destroys an anti-missile system in Vesvai, supplied to it by Rhodevus. Sunrisia perceived the system as a threat to its' nuclear deterrent.

?? - Rezuan-Sunrisian Confrontation begins as a slow-moving war made up of a series of various types of military clashes between Rezua and Sunrisia around the Western Hemisphere, starting out with a naval skirmish near Rezua‘s Isles of Soril.

?? - Pamerava unilaterally secedes from Baggnagia, provoking a 5-day military conflict between Baggnagian armed forces and Pameravan separatists which ends with a ceasefire. Baggnagia "freezes" the conflict and refuses to recognize Pamerava, while revitalizing its' alliance with Sunrisia. Meanwhile, Pamerava focuses on Union of Ventismarian Nations and Strategic Ventismar Defence Council membership.

Future History

2050 - The VU becomes the Ventismarian Federation.