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Nova Solarius

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The Federal Republic of Nova Solarius

Flag of Solarius
Motto: "For Peace and Liberty."
Anthem: Glory to Sol
StatusIndependent State
and largest city
Official languagesSolaren, 한국 솔리안
Government  Constitutional Monarchy, Federal Republic
• Head of State
Emperor Solus XXIII
• Head of Government
Chancellor Valorium Xaivus
• The Provisional Government of Solarius
• The Solarian Revolution
• Federal Republic of Nova Solarius
• Total
300,000 km2 (120,000 sq mi)
• 2195 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencySola (Sol)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+95
Internet TLD.sol

Nova Solarius, offically the Federal Republic of Nova Solarius, is a Isle nation in the Solus Sea. The small population of 7 Million is mostly situated in the capital of Solarius. The capital of Nova Solarius is the city of Sol. The nation was founded in 12BGD by Solus I Vextor, who was stranded on the island after falling from the heavens. The nation was ruled by a mix of Roman & Korean cultures, The nobles and the city was inspired by Roman culture while the the lower middle-class & Peasants were more influenced by Korean culture. It wasn't until 247, when King Taejo I ascended to the throne, making him the first Korean to become King. The Kingdom of Nova Solarius lasted for over 2,200 years, ending with the Revolution, which made the King a ceremonial figurehead, with the Chancellor becoming head of Government.

The Nation of Solarius has had military victories over its neighbors from the Azaki Tribe to the Faelo Kingdom. Each war was won by the military might of Solarius and only lost one war, the Xau War. The Solarian people preferred isolationism, but the Kings wanted expansion over the land near them. It was around 1000GD that all the islands where under Solarius control.

The Feast of Apollo is the longest surviving holiday in Solarius, starting in 1BGD, it has been a popular holiday and many flock to see the fireworks and shows during the Holiday. The Celestial Pax is a holiday that celebrated the founder of Solarius, Solus I, and the rest of the Royal Family. The Guardian of Life is a celebration for dead relatives and to remember & celebrate them when they have left the world. It is the oldest secular holiday in Solarius, starting in 197GD, it was after a catastrophic event that left 1,000 people dead.

During the 15th Century, off-worlders had arrived on the planet, and the War of Space started against these invader and the Solarian People. It was after this war, that technology advanced rapidly, and living conditions improved in the 1450-1490s Era or the Progression Era. Many in Solarius wanted a stronger military after the war, and soon, it became one of the strongest militaries in the world.


Geology, topography and hydrography

The Solarian Tectonic plate surrounds the island nation, with it starting on the coast of Pelia to the Mountains of the Island of Vausas. The last tectonic plates movement was 500 years ago when the city of Delmore was destroyed by an avalanche of Rocks coming down on the small town. The Sirene Mountains are the highest point in Nova Solarius, Mount Apollous, in the Sirene Mountain Range. The Vexius Plain was consisted of the island of Sol, surrounded by the Solus Sea, & the coastal area on the main island surrounding the Solus Sea. These were the fertile lands that kept the nation of Solarius alive for centuries. The Highest point of Solus Island is Mount Xia, which is about 1050m, this makes it the third tallest Mountain in all of Nova Solarius.

There are two rivers on Solus, the Magnum Flumen or Great River, that drains from the snow of Mount Xia. The Southern river is named 크리스탈 리버 (keuliseutal libeo) or Crystal River, named for it's copious amount of crystals found near it. These rivers drain into the Solus Sea.

The island chain that Solarius resides in is the Celestial Island Chain.


The Environment of Nova Solarius is a mix of sub-tropical to temperate forest and plains. with mountainous terrain on the East side of the nation. Much of the farm land is on the far West side on the continent of Pelia.

Location and borders

This is the territory of Nova Solarius

Administrative divisions


Ancient times

The Isle was inhabited by Homo-Sapiens tribesmen by 100,000BGD. The people on Solus Island had been experienced craftsmen and weapon constructures not found anywhere else on the world. The development of advance agriculture and architecture & complex societies were all over the island, with the earliest society founded around 5,000BGD, the Xais Dynasty. While on the inland Island, the Velzo Kingdom was founded around 5,000BGD. The city of Venuo was the most complex city and archaeological site in all of Solus. The most south of the island were the Seiong-jin Tribe that were hunters and fishermen & were the ancestors to the Koreans of today. The Saius Civilization of the massive island of Vaux, were founded near the Dire River, and had been hunter-gatherers & nomadic tribes men. They were the founded to be master architectures, with their tents being wind resistant due to the storms on Vaux Island, still found in the Calvors State of Nova Solarius.

The Faelin Civilization, the two predominately tribes were the Kiji & Raui Tribes. They were important to the measurements used in Nova Solarius, the Grae Measurements, used by the Faelin tribes of both islands of Faesol & Daegol. They also were the only civilizations until antiquity to use chariots pulled by Horses. The Daegol people were into archery & were masters at horse archery, and were recruited by the Kingdom of Solarius during times of war.  

There was one other predominately civilization, though not on the main island of Solus, they were on the island south of Solus, named Telcor, where the Texis Civilization had been and thrived, and were good at navigating the seas and ocean, having even reached the West Coast of Pythia, with ancient artifacts from the Texis Civilization with bows and swords only native to the island because of the unusual shape, they were very disquisitional from other Pythian tribes.

The Estimated population of Pre-Solus Civilization was around 100,000 by 1,000BGD. Due to the limited land area, the population couldn't go more than 1 million and had reached that population by 550BGD.

The Founding of Sol

In the Autumn of 15BGD, Solus Vextor fell from the Heavens, and landed on the Island of Sol, then called the island of Haijo, and began conversing with the population. He used his charisma to sway thew leaders of the villages on the Island to form into one united City. The Elders agreed, and appointed him Chief Elder of the city. It was a 3 years later, that on October 15, that he was proclaimed King of Sol. He starting building projects all around the city and developed architecture that was resembling the Old Roman Structures. It soon began the biggest construction of a city for 10 years, and was the biggest Solarius ever seen for 500 years. The streets were laced with Marble Roads, and drainage systems never have seen before on the island. This level of engineering was almost impossible for those people in the Antiquity Age, but it was done by the mind of Solus, and the Strength of Greco Julus. Solus didn't prioritize the palace, instead, he wanted the the citizens to be sheltered first. During the Construction, Solus stayed in a luxurious Apartment called the "Holy Room". This Apartment is the oldest building in Solus as of 2195. The houses had brick roofs and white walls with different color strips that each resident picked for their homes. Most had chimneys, but where just vents to the outside. The Celestial Palace was built in 5BGD and was the official residence of Kings/Emperors of Solarius.

Antiquity of Solarius (12BGD-500GD)

Solus Vextor was proclaimed King of Solarius in 12BGD. The Nation had experienced technological advancement during the Century Era (12BGD-235GD). Many inventions such as the Printing Press was invented & naval & Military advancements had progress throughout the era. The Aqueducts which provided freshwater to the city of Sol, and upgrading towns from mere villages to towns. Advancements in farming led to help feeding a bigger population, with fertilizer & bone meal being introduced.

Situated in the Sol Island Chain, the Island of Solas was the island that the Solarian people had been living on for centuries. During the reign of Solus I, Solarius had expanded to the rest of Solas, peaceful or Militarily, either way, he soon united the island in 5GD. During the Isle Wars, Solus I expanded into the surrounding Islands, though, it would take another 200 years for Solarius to take control of all of the Islands. The Faelo Kingdom & the Kaix Dynasty were two of Solarius biggest rivals in the region. It would be at the Battle of Aqrequm would the final island be conquered. It was due to the expansion, many adventurers ventured to the Grand Island of Vaux, which was home to many cultures and people. Hearing news of this, the Kings of Solarius sent out diplomats to the tribes and nation of the island, establishing relations with the island by 100GD. After the Isle Wars, a period of peace known as Pax Insulae (270-485GD), which lasted 215 years, with only minor wars and skirmishes from pirates and tribesmen. During the 3rd Century, political turmoil erupted, with a coup in the Royal Court, where ministers were killed due to their opposing views After the Pax Insulae, rebellions and wars soon turned on Solarius. The rebellions were crushed by Seong I, ending a period of the 5 Long years.

During this period, Kingdom of Solarius is named Vetus Solarius, that marks the beginning of Solarius. During the Vetus Era, the nation was ruled by 26 Kings, each improving Solarius.

The Era of Celestia(500GD-1215GD)

The Meso Revolt & Coup

Reinstitution of the Monarchy

Institution of the Senate

Proclaimation of the Empire

The Great Debate of Arthos



  The Sol Unity Party: 197 seats
  The Freedom Party: 105 seats
  The Faelin Party: 12 seats
  The Republican Party: 87 seats
  Federalist Party: 155 seats
  The Imperium League: 95 seats
  Democratic Party: 85 seats
  Sol Socialist Party: 44 seats

Foreign Relations




Ethnic groups


