Confederate Brytisc Fleet

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Confederate Brytisc Fleet
Fleot Brytene
Ensign of the Confederate Brytisc Fleet
Founded606AD (de facto)
Current form1709AD
Service branchesR-DARK
Bureau of Military Information
HeadquartersFleet Command, Lundene
Commander-in-ChiefCenwulf Teorell
Lord AdmiralAntonio Botas
Fleet CommanderDavid Forge
Military age18-45 years old
Available for
military service
18,675,352 males, age 18-45 (2014 est.), 18,717,460 females, age 18-45 (2014 est.), age 18-45 (2014 est.)
Reaching military
age annually
217,092 males (2014 est.), 217,567 females (2014 est.) (2014 est.)
Active personnel86,021 military
33,021 Gendarmes
Reserve personnel140,115
Percent of GDP3.0%
Domestic suppliersHlaford Shipyards
Kuribayashi Arms
Annual imports Carloso

Brytene is defended by the Confederate Brytisc Fleet, also known as the Fleet, an all-volunteer professional military force consisting of 106,021 active-duty personnel and 153,115 reserve-status personnel as of 2018. Administered by Fleet Command, the Fleet is answerable to the Witenagmot and its commander-in-chief is the Bretwalda of Brytene. It is a professional force, reliant on highly-motivated volunteer personnel and veteran reservists to achieve its goals, and is well-equipped and funded, operating with smaller numbers and relying on precision to achieve operational goals.

The fleet is comparatively well funded, receiving more than $85 billion dollars per year, which is 3% of the total GDP of Brytene. The secretive R-DARK intelligence service receives 9.5% of the entire defense budget, slightly high for a developed nation, and employs 6,500 of the total full-time strength of the Fleet.

Brytene recently, and publicly, dismantled its nuclear armoury, stating that the expense was simply too high and that it did not consider nuclear war to be a viable option in any case. Brytene relies on friendly and allied powers to act as a nuclear deterrent in the international sphere.


Originally founded in 606AD as the full-time Heerbann of the King of Lundene, the Fleet has a long and illustrious history. Helping to establish Saxon control over the mainlands, the Heerbann first became truly seaborne when in 1304/5 the Vikings of Dyflin invaded mainland Brytene. Repelling the attackers, the warriors of Brytene took ship for Dyflin and, after a three-month siege, took the city and annexed the kingdom.

In 1344AD the soldiers of Brytene failed to hold the city of Lundene against an assault by the Caliphate of Bahariya during the Great Jihad, but a year later in 1345AD they inflicted a crushing blow on the invaders at the Battle of Lowencraic.

In 1595AD, the Fleet was involved in The Whaler's War against the Empire of Castarcia. The Fleet was dealt a crushing blow at the Battle of Port Aspen, but two years later at the Battle of Contwaraburg, they managed to stall a Castarcian attack, resulting in a negotiated ceasefire and an end to the war.

In 1709AD, recognising the changing role of navies in the field of war, Ealdorman Grey of Susseax famously stated the Army should be a projectile to be fired by the Fleet. The military was reorganised, with ground forces being redesignated as 'Marines' and all military operations being placed under the authority of Fleet Command. Upon the advent of the combat aeroplane, these too were adopted by the Fleet as another weapon to be carried upon deck or in the hold of the hulls of Brytene.


The Great Charter of Brytene defines the mission of the Confederate Brytisc Fleet as:

  • Defending the citizens and personnel of the Confederacy of Brytene
  • Defending the territorial integrity of Brytene and her allies
  • Protecting Brytisc trade and property
  • Promoting the principles of this charter across the globe

The motto of the Fleet is "You're Going To Die". To this day it is a matter of contention as to whether this is a threat to the enemy or a warning to new recruits, but it is a popular and blunt battlecry.

Organization and Command

Fleet Command is responsible for overall administration and control of the Fleet. The head of Fleet Command is the Fleet Admiral, supported by the Fleet Commander. R-DARK operates on a slightly different structure and reports directly to the Witenagmot and the Fleet Admiral.


Naval Assets

See more: Ships of the Confederate Brytisc Fleet

For an island nation, the navy of Brytene is comparatively small, operating only one aircraft carrier, the CFS Pelegiad, 3 AAV's, 6 submarines, 6 destroyers and a selection of smaller craft including 6 corvettes. Despite the comparatively small numbers of its Fleet, Brytene invests heavily in its naval presence. The capital vessels of the Fleet are continuously upgraded and maintained, regardless of cost, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness during any and all operations. The navy is considered a true bluewater navy, with only a few vessels incapable of making long cross-ocean voyages. The vessels of the Fleet, when not deployed, are used to patrol nearby waters, atolls, and archipelagos, in order to promote local security and provide essential sailing experience for personnel and officers.

The navy is designed with ground and air support roles in mind, and is built around its five carrier-pattern lead ships, which can support fixed-wing, S/VTOL, and amphibious landing craft in order to place marines and armour where needed effectively and safely. Destroyers, cruisers, submarines and other vessel classes provide security, screening, and patrol service to the rest of the fleet.

C4ISR capabilities are now becoming an increasingly important measure of battlefield capability, and the Fleet has spent considerable sums ensuring that its intelligence, sensory suites, and electronic networks are cutting-edge. The increased information flow from drones and satellite technology has been accounted for and the Fleet is operated upon the principle that knowledge is the key to victory.

Air assets

See also: Equipment of the Brytisc Fleet

A Brytisc 'Sea Eagle' VTOL mid-landing.

The Fleet has invested heavily in VTOL technology, allowing for rapid and precise insertions and withdrawals whilst maximising the effectiveness of the AAV ship format. The most common VTOL in operation is the Sea Eagle VTOL from IDAItech, which can be outfitted for a number of mission objectives.

The Fleet also maintains a small selection of fixed-wing craft, designed for longer-range attack missions, fire support, and threat interception. The majority of these craft are stationed aboard the CFS Pelegiad or on land to provide homeland security.

Ground assets

See also: Equipment of the Brytisc Fleet, IDAItech Warrior System

Brytisc Marines during live-fire training exercise

The ground assets of Brytene are mostly reserved for homeland defense or for amphibious/airborne assaults. All infantry and cavalry personnel are listed as 'Marines'. The marines tend to be light on heavy armour, preferring mobile and fast-moving armoured vehicles combined with excellent communications and overwatch to achieve operational objectives. Marines are also trained to be capable of operating when cut off, as deploying via air in particular carries a high risk of isolation if the tide of battle turns against them.

Ground forces are expected to be able to operate in the presence of enemy electronic countermeasures, and are trained and equipped with a high level of survivability in mind. Most vehicles in the Fleet are equipped with a BV (boiling vessel) because tea is essential to any military operation. The standard ammunition calibres for the Marines are 5.56mm and 7.62mm, meaning most infantry weapons can share ammunition, vital for missions with constrained storage or supply parameters.

The Saxon Elkhound is the most widely-used service dog in the Brytisc military, and is used for a range of tasks from IED spotting, recon and patrol duties to peacekeeping and drug detection.


Recruitment and Training

Marines training at Camp Aelle.

The Fleet is an all-volunteer force. Any native citizen can sign up for Basic and then Specialist Training followed by a two-year tour of duty as an enlisted officer. Commissioned officers are typically graduates of either a public university or a military academy course, and must complete both Basic and Officer training before signing on for a four-year tour of duty. Upon completion, they and their immediate nuclear family will receive Brytisc citizenship.

Non-Brytisc citizens may sign up for service in the Fleet as enlisted personnel, with the caveat that they must complete a four-year tour of duty.

Training is carried out at a range of locations based upon the recruit's intended role, but Basic Training takes place at Camp Aelle in South Brytene. Basic Training takes 6 weeks, followed by a two-week aptitude training programme. Enlisted personnel are then placed in a 4-month Specialist Training programme, which will equip them for the rigours of their chosen role; everything from naval gunnery officer to VTOL mechanic or marine sniper. Commissioned Officers meanwhile go on to complete Officer Training at the Arkengarth Academy outside of Eoferwic, which lasts for 8 months before being assigned their first officer posting.

Training is ongoing, with personnel expected to keep their skills honed through daily training whenever they are not in active combat, whilst specialists and officers receive semi-regular training to familisarise them with new equipment, techniques, and operating standards.

Benefits and Pay

Pay for the lowest-ranked personnel is kept in line with Brytisc minimum wage, and compared to other industries the Brytisc military do not enjoy outstanding salaries, but the benefit system for serving personnel is extensive and generous, and personnel incur 0% costs whilst serving, meaning that their salary can go towards savings and/or family expenses. Service personnel have the option to study a variety of courses to convert skills learned during their service into bankable qualifications, from mechanics to translation.

Families of serving members receive generous tax rebates and a grant towards the education of children aged 5-21. Service personnel also typically enjoy military discounts at many participating chains across Brytene.

Military pensions are generous and can be unlocked upon completing two tours of peacetime duty, one tour of duty during wartime, or upon injury or citation for meritous service. The more tours of duty completed, the more generous the pension. For unwounded personnel, pensions can be claimed starting at age 55, ten years lower than the standard Brytisc retirement age.

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