Northern Cantalle Islands

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Northern Cantalle Islands
Map of the Northern Cantalle Islands
Map of the Northern Cantalle Islands
RegionCantalle Ocean
Island States
 • Total44,364 km2 (17,129 sq mi)
 • Total17,128,250
 • Density274.9/km2 (712/sq mi)
  • Northern Cantallean
  • North Toyanan

The Northern Cantalle Islands, often abbreviated as the NCI or known as the Northern Toyanas, are a group of islands in the northeast Cantalle Ocean, forming the Ossinia Sea between them and mainland Euronia. Most of them are part of a long, partially volcanic island arc stretching from the northwest to the southeast, separated into two groups: the Tayans, which form the northernmost and westernmost islands, are divided into Saint Lorrain, Saint Astaba and Beck, Lillestola, Laurichesse, Isla Ima, and Janapa; the Josettes, which form the southernmost and easternmost islands, are divided into Arrey, Lower Aseu, Marivista, and Ossinia. Together, these make up the Northern Cantalle Islands.

Geographically, the Northern Cantalle Islands are generally considered a subregion of Euronia. Culturally speaking, though most islands have indigenous populations, the majority were colonized by Quetana, Skith, and Elbresia in the 15th-19th centuries. In terms of geology, the Josettes are made up of continental rock, as distinct from the Tayans, which are mostly young volcanic or coral islands. The NCI's are frequently lashed by tropical cyclones, which vary in intensity.




See: List of hurricanes in the Cantalle Ocean

Political divisions

Sovereign states

Name Population Island Group Capital
 Arrey 67,500 Josettes New Antisia
 Isla Ima 207,000 Tayans Isla Ima
 Janapa 5,093,000 Tayans Janapa City
 Laurichesse 516,000 Tayans Coquelet
 Lillestola 702,000 Tayans Lille Centre
 Lower Aseu 2,704,800 Josettes Aseu Port
 Marivista 826,500 Josettes Port Carpal
 Ossinia 7,233,000 Josettes Périnnois
 Saint Astaba and Beck 2,231,000 Tayans Goose Harbor
 Saint Lorrain 616,000 Tayans Basseterre

Non-sovereign states and territories

The island of Antry, which is incorporated into the Zamastanian province of Alenchon, is part of the Northern Cantalle Islands archipelago.