Weranian Empire

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Weranian colonial empire
Ostischer Kolonialreich
Flag of Weranian
Weranic republican flag ensign.png
Left: The flag of Werania.
Right: The colonial ensign of Werania
Weranian colonial empire 19th century-20th century   Werania   Colonies   CN trust territories
Weranian colonial empire 19th century-20th century
  Werania   Colonies   CN trust territories
StatusColonial empire
Common languagesWeranian
• Establishment of Silberküste
• Kasine Expedition
• Creation of the trust territories
• Disestablished

The Weranian colonial empire (Weranian: Ostischer Kolonialreich) comprised the overseas colonies, protectorates, concessions and trust territories that came under Weranian rule during the 19th century. The Weranian Empire comprised of four parts - north Bahia, central Bahia, Southeast Coius and Sublustria. The empire covered modern day territories such as Maucha, Yemet, Behera, Nainan, Kuthina, Siamat and Charlotte Island. At its height in 1935 the Weranian Empire ruled over 80 million people across two continents.

The Weranian empire arouse out of the failure of further expansion into Euclea following the War of the Triple Alliance, a rivalry with other colonial powers such as Gaullica, Estmere and Etruria for raw resources and support for the civilising mission. The Weranian empire would as such attempt to spread its language and religion to colonised regions. The empire provided prestige, manpower and raw materials to Werania enabling it to become confirmed as one of the Euclean great powers.

In some places such as southeast Coius Werania relied more on client leaders through protectorates to govern the region whilst in central Bahia it administrated the region in a more centralised manner encouraging settler colonialism. In the creation of the empire the Weranian government used the civilising mission rhetoric to justify often brutal atrocities to native populations.

Following the Great War Werania was awarded former Gaullican colonies as trust territories reaching its greatest territorial zenith. However the empire would soon be caught in a brutal colonial war in central Bahia and following the Kirenian-Weranian War moved towards decolonisation. By the mid 1950s Werania had overseen the majority of former colonies either becoming loosely allied sovereign states or becoming overseas territories of Werania.


Acquisition of colonies

End of the colonial empire

Administration and colonial policies

Colonial governments

Initially, Weranian colonies were under the jurisdiction of the Weranian navy, with the Weranian Ministry of the Marine appointing colonial governors and being responsible for their administration. In 1880 the government of Joachim Schwarzenberg created the Ministry of Colonies which subsequently launched a standardisation of Weranian colonies. Directly owned colonies were named kommissariats with their personnel recruited from the metropole and governed by a kommissar appointed by the central government. Protectorates known as schutzgebiete were governed through a representative of the Weranian government known as a Bewohner-vorgesetzter (resident-supervisor). Another reorganisation in 1884 placed Weranian colonies into several colonial federations, known as High Commissariats (Oberkommissariat) led by a High Commissar (Oberkommissar) centralising colonial administrations.

Colonial population

Medicine and science




Territory Period Current countries
High Commissariat of the Bahian Coast
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
High Commissariat of the Coral Sea 1877-1953
High Commissariat of the Silver Coast 1870-1953  Maucha
High Commissariat of the Sublustrian Sea 1884-1954

CN Trust Territories

Territory Period Current countries
Weranian Behera 1935-1953  Behera
Obergond 1935-1953  Yemet
Weranian Siamat 1935-1945  Siamat
