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Imperial Circle of Slethar

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Imperial Circle of Slethar

Σλεθαρη Ρεξιονη Ϡικλος
Label used by the Imperial Circle
SeatsVarying, currently ~30[a]
Political groups
  •   Imperial Quorum (~30)
  •   Emperor of Slethar
None; appointment by the Emperor
Meeting place
Palazzo dei Normanni back view, Palermo, Sicily, Italy (9459180952).jpg
Lōpsuan Palace, Lōpsus
  1. Membership can vary based on the decision of the Emperor

The Imperial Circle of Slethar (Sletharine: Σλεθαρη Ρεξιονη Ϡικλος; romanized: Sletharė Rexionė Tsiklos) is the decisionmaking body of the Empire of Slethar. It is officially a body functioning as a respresentation of a imperial court, but is in effect the dictating legislative and partially also executive body, to which the Thringat and government are subservient.


The decision to create a small expert advisory body to the Emperor, consisting of some representatives of the imperial court and the Imperial Quorum was made in late 2006, shortly after the Gold Turmoil. This council, presided by the Emperor himself, was originally the legislative and authoritative body of the Empire until the Thringat was established in July of 2007. Even after that, the council continues to meet on Emperor's request to advise him on decisions he has to make.

After the Emperor Sarafim I was assassinated in August 2014, the council quickly served as a transitional body, establishing martial law and quickly pushing forward the coronation of his son, Zeplot VI, who was already the member of the council as the crown heir. The new emperor quickly used his powers to do a purge of the Inner Circle, adding some members at first, hoping to outweigh the power of the old loyalists. At the peak, due to the new appointments, the circle grew to about 43 members, after which many of the old loyalist members were purged and removed from position of power, while 7 were executed, dropping the number of members to 19 by early 2017, after which the number began to increase again.


Imperial Circle consists of mostly imperial family members, high-ranked royalists and other feudals selected by the Emperor to help him consult and decide on the direction of the country. Currently, about 30 members are attending the meetings of the Imperial Circle. Historically (since 2006 reestablishment of the monarchy in Slethar), the number of members fluctuated between 18 at the lowest and 43 at the highest.

Imperial Circle's membership is based on the decision and ruling of the Emperor and as such is not limited by any other regulation. Members can be any gender, religion, sexuality, nationality or estate. Currently, however, due to the nature of system, the Circle is predominantly male, Orthodox and between 40 and 65 years of age. Major exception of this rule is the current successor to the throne, the Crown Prince Aldabert, who is only 19.

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Legislative process

The Imperial Circle has no defined legislative process, as it is only a semi-official body of advisors, however, most of the meetings have a clear outlined template preferred by the Emperor.

First, the council, or most of the council, gathers to discuss the topic at hand. The council is called by the Emperor. The Emperor outlines the problem and the council is then asked to discuss the options at hand, as well as all possible resolutions to the problem. When the topic at hand concerns one or more of the bureaus, usually, the opinion of the bureau is presented besides the opinion of the members of the council.

After the discussion ends, or is stopped in its tracks by the Emperor, the Imperial Council disbands and the Emperor is free to undertake the action he sees as the best for the Empire and for himself. Because of this, the Imperial Circle is often labelled as a "think tank" or a "advisory board".