Seleucid Uprising

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Seleucid Uprising
Date28 December 1943 - 1 May 1965
(21 years, 4 months and 3 days)
Europa, Middle East, and Asianna

Allied Victory


Allied Forces:

Deseleni Forces

Commanders and leaders

As of 1945:

As of 1945:

The Selucid Uprising (28 December 1943 - 1 May 1965) was a worldwide conflict that happened between 1943 to 1965. It was primarily fought between the Allied Nations consisting of EWII's Allied nations and former Imperial nations who sued for peace and joined the side of the Allies against the Selucid-Imperial forces led by the Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance and supported by Selucid puppet states. The Selucid-Imperial forces fought for control of several regions in the Middle East and Asianna with the aims of establishing a worldwide empire for the purpose of a new world order, while the Allied forces fought to combat and counter the Selucid-Imperial threat. In total, the war lasted for 21 years. The war was not only a war of expansion, but also ideological, as the Selucids carried out the belief of a master race and the restoration of the Ancient Selucid Empire, but to a worldwide extent. The Selucids believed in the resurrection of the Selucid Empire and were keen on carrying out the conquest of the entirety of Eordis.

The uprising began after the East Empire launched a sudden invasion of the Militesi Empire with a swift blitzkrieg campaign. The Allies were taken by surprise, as a result, they were unable to counter the threat of expansion. It also threatened Allied forces stationed in the Middle East. Immediately, Allied commanders began a series of attempts to prevent the further expansion of the Selucid forces. The Selucid expansion to the Middle East reached until the very gates of Sania, while in Asianna, the Selucid-Imperial Forces invaded Lorica and reached up to the borders of Bethausia and Quenmin, and in Northern Joyonghea. In the Spring of 1951, the Selucid-Imperial forces turned their attention to Erebonia and launched Operation Seleucus. The objective was to subjugate Erebonia and use it as a base for an invasion of Europa and of the Lucis Isles from the sea and the rest of Scandinavia. Allied Forces immediately prepared several defensive lines that began in Liberl. Although the Allies put up stiff and heavy resistance, they slowly retreated to the centre of Erebonia as Winter was approaching. Scorched earth policy was carried out to prevent the Selucid-Imperial forces from obtaning supplies such as food and weapons. The strategic tactic of the Allies in delaying the Selucid-Imperial forces until winter came worked. By that time, Selucid-Imperial advances on Europa and in Scandinavia stalled. As a result, the Allies launched a counteroffensive, for which the Selucid-Imperials were not able to recover from.

The failure of Operation Seleucus marked the maximum extent of the Selucid Empire. As a result, the Allies continued to launch several offensives to deter the Imperials from regaining the upper hand. Later on, the Imperials would depend on the use of Imperial Wunderwaffe or "Wonder weapons" in an attempt to turn the tide in their favour. But despite it, the Selucid-Imperials were already beginning to feel the effects of the loss of resources that contributed to its decline. Although the Selucid-Imperials were successful early in the war, the Allied forces absorbed the Selucid-Imperial force's strongest blows and bogged it down in a war of attrition for which the Selucids were unable to recover from. Despite attempts to regain the upper hand, the Allies continued to push the Selucid-Imperial forces back until in 1965, when the war finally ended.


Course of the War

Tansan Janggok War

Ilarian Civil War
