Putin Strait

Revision as of 17:24, 23 October 2023 by ViZion (talk | contribs)
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The Putin Strait is a major geographical feature of Astyria, a region composed of two continents: Teudallum and Lorecia. The strait separates these continents and connects the Mederano Sea in the northwest with the Actlpacinarcticadian Ocean in the southeast. It is flanked by five countries: Haguenau, Nikolia, Noordenstaat, Earent, and ViZion.

The Putin Strait is the largest and most important strait in Astyria, and one of the largest in the world. The strait has a strategic significance for the region, as it facilitates the movement of goods, people, and military forces between Teudallum and Lorecia. It also reduces the travel time and distance around the two continents, as ships can avoid the long and perilous journey around the southern tip of Lorecia or the northern tip of Teudallum.

The eastern entrance of the strait is dominated by L’Isola Grande, a large island that belongs to ViZion. The island serves as a gateway to the strait, and houses a large contingency of ViZion’s military as well as some major population centers, including Kirkland. L’Isola Grande also hosts a variety of natural and cultural attractions, such as volcanoes, beaches, forests, and historical monuments.

Alternative Names

The Putin Strait has different names depending on the perspective and preference of the people who live near it. While the official name of the strait is the Putin Strait, locals in ViZion call it the Lumcia Strait, after the two continents that it divides.

Another alternative name is the Medactl Strait, which is used by some people in Bhormakaro, a country that lost its coastline along the strait to ViZion’s expansion. The name Medactl refers to the two bodies of water that the strait separates: the Mederano Sea and the Actlpacinarcticadian Ocean.