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Lemovicia is a federal constitutionally socialist council republic, with the head of state being the Presidency since the adoption of the current Lemovician constitution in 1992, and the head of government being Premier Sergiusz Galecki, who was first elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020.

The only political party legally allowed is the Lemovician Section of the Workers' International, with the Lemovician Section of the Worker's International controlling 95 of the 110 seats as of 2020, with the remainder of the seats being allocated to independent politicians.


The official executive of Lemovicia is the presidency (Lemovician: лєгєндакаріца, lehendakaritza, Miersan: przewodnictwo), comprising of four individuals, of which two are from the Lemovician community, one from the Miersan community, and one from other communities in Lemovicia.

The executive is elected from the people, with elections every four years to select the four members of the Presidency. Once elected, the position of Chairman and Vice-Chairman rotate once a year, with the Chairman required to not come from the same group as that of the Vice-Chairman. As of 2020, the current executives are Chairman Postumo Boloquy, Vice-Chairman Damian Rogal, Andremantzia Sorondo, and Surány Tibor.


The legislative branch of Lemovicia according to the current Lemovician constitution is the unicameral Lemovician Assembly (Lemovician: Менділурарен бацара, Mendilurraren batzarra, Miersan: Zgromadzenie Łemowicze), comprising of 110 legislators.

The legislature is elected every four years via party-list proportional representation, with the head of government being a member of the Lemovician Assembly, currently Sergiusz Galecki, who was elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020.

Legal system

Traditionally, the legal system of Lemovicia was based off the lehen legeak, which was their own customary law code used by the Lemovicians. However, due to its location within central Euclea, and its history of foreign rule, the Lemovician legal system has been greatly influenced by both the legal systems used in Miersa, and in Narozalica.

Following its independence, Lemovicia adopted a legal system heavily influenced by the socialist legal system used in East Miersa and Swetania, with its system of courts being influenced by that of the legal system of East Miersa.

Policing in Lemovicia is provided by the Lemovician Police Force, while defense of Lemovicia is provided by the Lemovician Armed Forces.

Foreign relations

Due to Lemovicia's status as a partially-recognised state, in conjunction with Lemovicia's socialist ideology, Lemovicia has been perceived by many entities, particularly Samorspi, as being an East Miersan puppet state with very little independence.

As of 2020, it is recognized by X countries, of which it has diplomatic relations with Y, mostly among members of the Association for International Socialism, of which it has applied to join, but has yet to be accepted into its ranks, due to a variety of reasons. It is not a member of the Community of Nations, due to the fact that Narozalica supports West Miersa's claim over Lemovicia.

Administrative divisions

Lemovicia was traditionally divided into seven provinces (Lemovician: пробінція, probintzia, pl. пробінціяк, probintziak, Miersan: województwo, pl. województwa), covering the entire country. The provinces date back to the original Kingdom of Lemovicia, and were reinstated following Lemovicia's independence from West Miersa in 1979.

Since the end of the Lemovician War in 1992, only four provinces are officially under the control of the Lemovician government, with the remainder being part of the West Miersan voivodeship of Malomiersa. It also controls what it considers the Slirnian Autonomous Region, which according to West Miersa is part of the voivodeship of Nadmorzem.

Map Province Capital Population (2017)
Czarnoziem Domwiej 0
Równiny Sechia 21,957
Zelaia Włocłamyśl 301,052
Egunsentian Bailara 191,255
Slirnian Autonomous Region TBD 69,753
Ibaiak Goikoetxea 0
Ilunabarra Zubiharra 0
Bidegurutzean Topagunea 490,602