List of current heads of state and government (Vasarden)

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This article lists the heads of state and government of the countries of the world.

List of Heads of State and Government

Country or Territory Head of state Head of government Notes
 Achal-Sahara Rahman II Mahmoud Abdus Salam
 Aitic Federation Arttu Sormunen Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Apelia Jacques Monteil Théo Chuquet Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Aranquia Ignacio de Lemera
 Bhasar Nakshatra Pandya Kahoda Vadekar Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Borland Sebastiaan Katenhorst Justen Verhoeff
 Camardocia Àlvar Espuna
 Cape Ark Dik Koomer Emmerich Jansen
 Caraq Union Saleem Bousaid
 Cestros Alexios IV Aris Statheas
 Corthe Freja I Roland Edlund
 Diarusia Émilie Blaise
 Ederland Ciaran MacTormod Sim Catanach
 Ekalla Hasdrubal IV Abibaal ha-Mallak
 Fellmark Alex III Junius Fridfinssen
 Granzery Karoly III István Árpád Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Hevatia Magnus Broekhaar
 Hyban Kae Yeong-jin Pae Jin-sang
 Lairea Paul II Stepan Diaconescu
 Lemerum Ozkar V Ignizio Etxebarria
 Luepola Sabina Škupovna Milan Konstantiňević Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Njataristan Bilese Mirhem Afrin Gulbihar
 Pantara Anugrah Lausan Sudiroprojo Tahyadi
 Pererra Michele Reggio
 Plosenia Václav Kubík Havel Souček
 Preisland Emil Hutto Ludwig Heisenberg
 Rotania Diego Blanco
 Sarangol Dorbei Kuchar Naranbaatar Yokhunan
File:Flag of the Highlands of Scotland.svg Savland Maja I Trond Lauritzen Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Simora Alina Branković Klement Mladević
 Sirad Abdul Shaer
 Talenna Vasil Belushi Levik Xhumba
 Tanavia Vytis Sinkunas Emilijus Paliakas
 Tierada Pablo Águila Miguel Ángel Espina Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Vierzland Kaspar Vahl Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Vonzumier Ernst Greifelt Albert Brodmann Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Vorochia Yuri Yaremchuk Mykolas Hryshko
 Vyzinia Stanislaw II Mikołaj Kamiński
 Yugaria Aleksandr Kralj Luka Mihailović
 Zacotia Klavdijo Avsenik Marko Trstenjak
 Zaihan Li Jinhai Yang Qing Member state of the Leisau Group.
 Zastria Andrei Kiryakov Filip Borev