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List of national birds (Ajax)

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This is a list of national birds of Ajax. These birds may hold either official or unofficial status.

National birds

Country Name of bird Scientific name Official status Picture Notes
 Charnea White vulture Neophron percnopterus Yes Egyptian vulture.jpg
 Dzhuvenestan Ayar nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos ayariana Yes Luscinia megarhynchos vogelartinfo chris romeiks CHR4443.jpg
 Garima Golden eagle Quila chrysaetos Yes Black eagle.jpg
 Garza Common puffin Fratercula arctica Yes Atlantic Puffin.jpg
 Gelonia Northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus Yes Northern-Lapwing-Vanellus-vanellus.jpg
 Ghant Great auk Pinguinus impennis Yes Pinguinus impennis illustration by Archibald Thorburn.jpg
 Kembesa Vulturefowl Acryllium vulturinum Yes Acryllium vulturinum -Tsavo East National Park, Kenya-8.jpg
 Latium Imperial eagle Aquila heliaca Yes Eastern Imperial Eagle cr.jpg
 Mniohuta Great horned owl Bubo thituwana Yes Greatowl.jpg
 Mutul Royal seriema Cariama minima Yes Phorusrhacos.jpg
 Onekawa-Nukanoa Pouākai Hieraaetus rex Yes Pouākai1.jpeg
 Ostrozava White stork Ciconia ciconia No OstroStork1.jpg Not the official bird, but often playfully associated with the Ostrozavan countryside due to their tendency to build nests on power poles and chimneys during their mating season.
 Ottonia Kroemi Corvus corax

Possibly Corvus corax varius
Yes Krummi 1.jpg There is some debate as to whether the Ottonian national bird, officially designated as the "kroemi", refers to the Common raven in general, or a specific subspecies common in the northern and western regions of Ottonia which is generally less-glossy and has some differences in coloration from other members of the species.
 Pulacan Komontu sea eagle Icthyophaga vocifer No African fish eagle just caught fish.jpg Also used as a symbolic bird for the Komontu peoples.
Shoe-billed stork Balaeniceps rex Yes Eskisbik.jpg
 Pulau Keramat Ayuhaya fireback Lophura phankham Yes Ayuhaya Fireback.jpg The Ayuhaya fireback serves as the national bird of the Pulaui Confederacy, with other species representing each of the individual states that make up the nation. The species received its scientific name in commemoration of Pulaui naturalist Sengprachanh Phankham.
 Sante Reze Brown booby Sula leucogaster Yes Atobá-pardo.jpg
Harpy eagle Harpia harpyja No Harpia harpyja -Sao Paulo Zoo, Brasil -adult-8a.jpg The harpy eagle is held up as the national bird by several houses and tribes. The debate is ongoing.
 Sudemark Mute swan Cygnus olor Yes Mute swan Vrhnika.jpg
 Sydalon Great tit Parus major Yes Great tit side-on.jpg
 Talahara Hermit ibis Geronticus eremita No Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita).jpg
 Tyreseia Great black cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Yes Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (7). Photo in U.K..JPG
 Uluujol Belochran shumkar Falco subbuteo Yes Falco subbuteo2.jpg
 Vardana Blue peafowl Pavo cristatus Yes Pfau imponierend.jpg
 Yisrael Yisraeli dove Columba oenas Yes Columba oenas1.jpg The dove and its characteristics are considered the archetype of the Yisraeli people, dating back to the Hebrew Bible.
 Zacapican Great white heron Ardea alba Yes Heron (2).jpg
 Zamorodna White stork Ciconia ciconia No White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Białowieza.jpg