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Valle Crucis

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City-State of Valle Crucis
La Ville-État
Flag of Valle Crucis
Motto: Tendit in Ardua Virtus
Virtue strives for what is difficult
Valle crucis ortho.png
Other languagesEnglish
GovernmentRepresentative democracy
Andrieux Castel comte de Chauve
• First Counsel of State
George Colthurst Leynthall
2,533 km2 (978 sq mi)

Valle Crucis (La Ville-État) is an independent city-state in the southern ocean of Astyria. It lies south of Teudallum, 1,327 kilometres (825 mi) from its nearest neighbour, Aztec National League, and southwest of Cassonne. To the west-northwest, Kelonna is 1,888 kilometres (1,173 mi) away, while 1,675 kilometres (1,041 mi) to the northwest is Torim Viqalka, a territory of Cadenza. It is the second most remote sovereign state in Astyria after Serretes.

Valle Crucis is among the smallest countries in Astyria, with a land area of just 2,533 square kilometres (978 sq mi). The landmass is volcanic in origin and higher toward the centre of the main island; the highest point, Mons Silva, is the granite plug of an extinct shield volcano.

Wine and crusaders.


Medieval period

Early modern period

Valle Crucis was a regular stopover for ships sailing between Kelonna and eastern Teudallum or Hesperidesia, but it was too distant from the other major trade routes to prosper overmuch from its poor placement. In the mid-1500s, however, Valle Crucis assumed a central position in the southern Astyrian tuna trade, leading to a meteoric rise in its importance as a port. The War of the Seventy-Three Tunas, a disturbance that occurred in 1554, saw merchants from Kur'zhet and Exponent in armed conflict within the city-state. The state developed strict residency laws during this century to protect its native traders and their livelihoods.


"Viridi Fields, Pagus of Carolin" was a place in 1301.[1]


Foreign relations

In 1975, Valle Crucis established the Pennington Protocols as a formalisation of a new approach to Crucian foreign relations. The Protocols, also known as the Valle Crucis Free Trade Agreement, were a series of bilateral free trade agreements.[2] The first national or supranational signatory to the Protocols was the Ethlorek Community (now comprising Arimathea, Cadenza and Kur'zhet), in 1975. Among other Astyrian signatories, Nikolia signed the Protocols in 1979, followed by Aquitayne, Cassonne and Symphonia in 2017.
