Three Fundamentals

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Chen Xuechang originated the policy in 1942.

The Three Fundamentals (Xiaodongese: 三原理; Sān Yuánlǐ) are a series of foreign policy objectives of the Auspicious Republic of Xiaodong that have been in place since 1942. It was conceived and formulated in 1942 by Chen Xuechang, Minister of International Relations from 1940-1954 and premier from 1947 to 1966.

The Three Fundamentals were originally outlined in a speech to the Youth Front for National Revival on the 17th May 1942 called "On the Fundamentals of International Relations" where Ma stated that Xiaodong needed to formulate concrete foreign policy aims if it was to "maintain influence of Xiaodong in international affairs." The foreign policy objectives Ma outlined were -

  1. Isolate Senria in the economic, diplomatic and political spheres - Ma stated that if Xiaodong was to develop and maintain influence internationally its regional rival Senria had to diplomatically, economically and militarily isolated. This would be done by undermining Senria's domestic stability and the creation of an anti-Senria bloc that would seek to contain Senria's influence and isolate it economically by refusing trade with it.
  2. Ensure Xiaodong was the main great power in Coius - As Xiaodong was surrounded by two regional powers (Senria and the then-Etrurian Empire) Ma stated if Xiaodong was to develop it must be the main regional hub in south Coius, taking advantage of Xiaodong's large population and resources. This power projection would consist of strengthening the Xiaodongese military, expanding Xiaodong's economic sphere, encouraging the development of Xiaodongese culture internationally and taking an interventionist foreign policy.
  3. Ensure the end of Euclean colonialism in Coius and the Asteria's - As Xiaodong had come under semi-colonisation during the 19th century it was sympathetic to the global anti-colonial movement, and to remove the legacy of the Heavenly Xiaodongese Empire would support the decolonisation of Euclean territories particularly in Coius. Xiaodong played a large part in supporting anti-colonial movements notably in Zorasan and Siamat.

Since the declaration of the Three Fundamentals, successive Xiaodongese governments have attempted to fulfil its objectives to varying degrees of success. Xiaodong maintained only minimal official relations with Senria until 2004 and up until the 1980's attempted to pressure allies such as Zorasan to follow suit. Following the end of the Siamat War and Coastal Crisis in the 1970's the third principle was de-emphasised in favour of the second, with Xiaodong attempting to project regional power through economic means. However since 2005 the government of Yuan Xiannian has abandoned this approach, increasing defence capabilities (such as the expansion of nuclear weapons) to secure hard power whilst more forcefully demanding the return of lost territories, most prominently Heijiang during Operation Eastern Protection.