Aroman Empire

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Aroman Empire
  • Imperium Aromanum
  • Βασιλεία Αρχιμανία
from year – to year
200 CE – to year (Western Aroman Empire)
200 CE – to year (Eastern Aroman Empire
Coat of arms
Coat of arms
The Aroman Empire at its greatest extent
The Aroman Empire at its greatest extent
CapitalAdthens, Aroma, Tagmatika
Common languages
  • West-Arhoman
  • East-Arhoman
  • Regional / local languages
GovernmentMixed, functionally absolute monarchy
Historical eraClassical to Post-Classical
CurrencyAureus, Hyperpyron Nomisma
Today part of
3 countries

The Aroman Empire was an ancient state located in the geographical Occidental region of Epirus in western Europa on Eurth. The homeland of the ancient Aromans was bordered by Burania to the east, and Azania to the south. For several centuries, the Aromans were most powerful state in the ancient world with their armies marching to the east and south.


This name actually comes from a misunderstanding. Aroma began as a small settlement in the Occident. The city of Aroma grew into an empire which ruled over a wide area of Western Europa. The administrative region of Aroma was mistaken for the name of the entire empire.

In the earliest mentions, the Arhomanoi called themselves Armân or Arumâni, depending on which of the two dialectal groups they belong to. The initial a- is a regular epenthetic vowel, occurring when certain consonant clusters are formed. The name Aroma (and other variants such as Arhoma, Arhomaneia, Eremen, Uramu, etc.)[1] is etymologically derived from the ethnonym of an early bronze age Occidental tribe. The name has traditionally been derived from Aram, the legendary grandson of Noah.[2] Further origin of the name is debated. The Table of Nations describes Aram as the son of Shem, mentioned in the Book of Genesis:

"And from Aram there came forth the fourth tribe, inhabiting the land of Occident between the seas of Raegea [Raga] and Orankhoi [Ranke], and the lands to the north of Memopotamia."

In Suverina this old form still persists, especially in folk songs, pronounced as Arămăńi or Armâni.

In Sahrabic sources of southern Europa the area is referred to as ʿArūmmiye, as Sahrabized version of its original Arhoman name. The Qur'an and older sources mention Iram as a lost city, region or tribe.[3]

In Oharic of eastern Europa the name Ahriman (pronunciation: /ˈɑːrɪmən/) is used to indicate a "bad/evil spirit".[4] This originates from Aroma being an ancient contemporary of the first Orioni Empire. After the axial age of polytheism and before the post-classical era of monotheism, there existed a period of dichotomy between good an evil. While the Orient, where the sun rises, represented light and purity, the Occidental rival came to symbolise darkness and destruction. This idea was reinforced by the periods of chaos after the split of the Aroman Empire and its resulting collapse.


The Aroman Empire at its greatest extent
  Core empire
  Strong presence
  Temporary presence

The Aroman Empire was one of the biggest in written history. At its greatest extend it included territories in much of Europa.

Dimensions of the core empire in the Occident:

  • 1300 miles from W-Adaptus to E-Tagmatium.
  • 1900 miles from the tip of Great Burlington to the canal.
  • 2000 miles from N-Beautancus to S-Suverina.


  • N: Thalassa ton Kataigidon
  • E: Ranke Sea
  • S: Raga Sea and Amnalos Sea
  • W: Ram Sea

Highest point: Mount $Name ($number m.) Lowest point: $Name Depression (-12 m.)


330 BCE
In Occidental Europa, the boy-king Alexander of Adthens dreamed of conquering the known world. Starting in his home city of Adthens, he conquered the four known corners of the Occident. His death came prematurely.
300 BCE
(Internal struggles among successors.)
275 BCE
(Final showdown. Consolidation into new empire. Increased militarisation.)
250 BCE
The Aroman Empire emerges in northwest-Europa. Built on top of the Alexandrian empire, they expand into a much larger territory by conquering central Europa. The Empire had a policy of keeping the border tribes in a state of disarray: creating clients and allies in the Amutian tribes and reducing the power of any ambitious king or nomadic khan through bribes and assassinations. Despite this, the Aroman Empire still experienced its share of conflict with these foreign states, sending imperial legions and hiring Azanian mercenaries from overseas to continue its expansion and protect their borders.
A double-headed eagle on the vexillum represented the Aroman supremacy over East and West
200 BCE
Under the rule of $Emperor, most Aroman expansion was focussed eastward. But as General $Name led his troops past the Amutian desert, another feared general, Hortensius Clarus, led his legions south through the $Mountains until he got to the outpost known to the Aromans as 'terra Azania - populus insanissimus'. His advance was stopped when, upon taking the city of Dungro in Yuropu, he demanded the king’s daughter as a concubine. She bravely slit his throat after he insisted she shave her armpits. When the retreating army brought back the general’s decapitated body and a description of Azanian women, Arome vowed never to set foot in Azania again.
150 BCE
(Build some boats. Conquer some islands. Meet the coastal Buran.)
Foreigners pay tribute to the Aroman emperor
100 BCE
Trade is booming. Europan monarchs recognise the might of the Aroman emperor and call him their "brother".
50 BCE
(Bad: internal class struggles. A lot of people die. Society changes. )
0 CE
(Good: something good happens. People get rich. So rich in fact, that it creates new problems.)
50 CE
(Bad: something bad happens. Wall built along the $Place isthmus to keep baddies out. It should be about 60 km (37 mi) long from sea to sea.)
100 CE
(Good: something good happens. But not good enough to prevent the next bad thing.)
150 BCE
The Aroman Empire becomes too large to be governed from a single location. It is split into two self-governing halves. Internal mismanagement and external threats cause the Empire to collapse. Its Occidental core remains, while other areas are lost. The Aroman influences can still be felt by the language ties extending as far south as the Byzantine Sea, from Byzantium Nova (west) to Pirilao (east).
191 CE
After decisively defeating the Amutian tribes, the Aroman Empire turned its' war machine inward to stop a slave uprising. Although officially no new war was declared for nearly three decades, conflict continued to brew for years along the unstable Occidental-Oriental border. All both sides kept looking for pretexts to launch frequent, sometimes large scale raids into each others territory. By 191 CE clashes intensified along the eastern borders. With the Aroman weakness apparent, the desert clans united to take advantage of these new opportunities.
250 CE
Loss of $Name, the breadbasket of the Empire, to $Enemy creates considerable problems for food security and tax income. A crisis this close to home pushed the remaining empire into slow tumble into squabbles and anarchy.
281 CE
The sequence of events starts with a further subdivision of the empire into four quarters, the Quadrarchy, in order to make organisation more manageable. For roughly a decade, this quickly soured as the divisions between the now four separate administrations solidified into armed camps. Added to this atmosphere of tension was the increasing friction between the polytheistic religions that were long-established in Arome and the rising monotheistic religions, inspired by the ancient peoples on the desert fringes of southern Occident. These take many forms, from mystery cults drawing on gods from older civilisations, to energetic faiths preaching about a messiah having risen but been put to death by the Aroman authorities.
296 CE
A brief but bloody civil war ends with the burning of Arhoma/Aroma/Arome. This represents to many: albeit usually in historiographical perspective: the end of the “classical” Aroman Empire.


  • Alexandrioi dynasty
  • Adapton dynasty
  • Theodosian dynasty (from Theodosiopolis)
  • Gorytine dynasty (from Gorytos)
  • Michaelo-Justinian dynasty
  • Methodian dynasty (first holy emperors)

See also


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