List of Spoken Languages on Eurth
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This is a list of languages spoken on Eurth. As a diverse planet, Eurth has many different cultures and ethnic groups. Most of these groups and cultures speak different languages.
Countries should only be listed if the language is an official language of the nation, a recognized language of the nation, or if a sizable population speaks the language. Languages are listed alphabetically as are the nations. The estimated number of speakers is a rough estimate of the number of people across Eurth.
Language families
- West-Azanian
- East-Azanian (Proto-Memopotamian)
- Nykerian-Cabarric (!Niger-Congo/Bantu)
- Insular South-Azanian
- Proto-Azumic
- Old Buranic (!Germanic? This language tree makes little sense.)
- Variot
- Standard Prymontian
- Sjådska
- Anglish
- Andersish
- Gownsch
- Alemannic
- Alemmanisch
- Baltian Alemannisch
- Heiligen
- Alemmanisch
- Gothic
- High Gothic
- Magnaen
- Low-Gothic
- Qardani [maybe, perhaps something steppe-like in origin]
- Nyburanic
- South Transburanic
- Shakyan-Arianic
- Mekabirian-Arianic (!Persian)
- Arakhainean
- Kurdokainean
- Alainean
- Nakhainean
- Lorainean
- Veinainean
- Sokhainean
- Mekabirian-Arianic (!Persian)
- Shakyan-Arianic
- Old Buranic (!Germanic? This language tree makes little sense.)
New Wurld
- Aurelian (!Native North American)
- Oriental (!Asio-pacific)
- Careleon (!Tibetan)
- Ide Jiman
- Drukkha (Namdatka)
- Kokuan
- Miirosi
- Ancient Oharic
- Middle Oharic
- Common Oharic (!Amharic)
- Meharic
- Middle Oharic
- Sunset Sea Islandian
- Boreaurelian (!Austronesian/Polynesian)
- Oriental (!Asio-pacific)
- Bharoitian (!North-Indian)
- Mahanan (!Nepalese)
- Bharoitian (!North-Indian)