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Civil year of Great Nortend

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The civil year of Great Nortend begins on the 1st of October, which is celebrated as New Year's Day. The year is punctuated by the four term days, being St Michael's Day (29th of September), Christmas Day (25th of December), Lady Day (25th of March) and St John's Day (24th of June). The terms which run between these term days form the basis of the civil, academic and legal calendars.

Since assent to the Determination of Years and Terms Act 2 Edm. VI p. 34, terms begin on the closest numerically first day of the month after the traditional term day, viz. the 1st of October, the 1st of January, the 1st of April and the 1st of July.

The period of days between St Michael's Day and the 1st of October, Christmas Day and the 1st of January, Lady Day and the 1st of April and St John's Day and the 1st of July, are known as the antecalends and are considered to be attached to the term they precede, although not forming part of it. Thus, although Michaelmas occurs on the 29th of September, the term begins on the 1st of October, and this is how things have been since the passing of the aforementioned Act in 1569.


The civil year is usually rendered in Roman numerals with or without A.D. Years before A.D. 1 are denoted by the words [anno] ante Christum, or A.C. for short, placed before the numerals. The Gregorian year is a few months later than the civil year. Thus A.D. MMXX began on the 1st of October, A.D. 2019.

In general use, years are normally expressed in Gregorian or 'calendar' years, rather than the civil year terminology.


The four terms of the civil year are according to the Determination of Years and Terms Act 2 Edm. VI p. 34 named Michaelmas term, Christmas term, Ladymas term and Johnmas term. These are named for the feasts of St Michael, Christmas, the Annunciation and St. John (Midsummer).

Michaelmas term is often called New term, as it marks the start of a new year. Christmas term is more commonly known as Epiphany term as the academic term begins after Epiphany, and also Hilary term in legal use after St Hilary's Day, as the corresponding legal term begins near St Hilary's Day.

Ladymas term is often known as Whitsun term, for the important feast of Whitsun always falls within the term. Johnmas term is also known as Marymas term after the Nativity of Mary or Midsummer term as it begins on Midsummer, the first day of summer.

In normal and official reckoning, Michaelmas term is Autumn, Christmas term is Winter, Ladymas term is Spring and Johnmas term is Summer.

Quarter Days

Roughly one third of the way through a term, there is a quarter day. These are Hallowmas (1st of November), Candlemas (2nd of February), Roodmas (3rd of May) and Petermas (1st of August). These have special significance in society, being important holidays.

Regnal year

Since 1780, beginning in 2 Edmund VII, the regnal year has been synchronised with the civil year. The first regnal year is cut short by the 1st of October. Thus the year 1 Alex. II, the first regnal year of the current Sovereign, Alexander II, began at 5·32 a.m. on the 30th of April 2003 when the late Catherine II passed. It finished on the 30th of September 2003, and on the 1st of October 2003, the year 2 Alex. II began. A regnal year also is cut short by the passing of the monarch. The current regnal year is 18 Alex. II which began on the 1st of October 2020.

Regnal years prior to 1780 are not synchronised with the civil year, but rather are dated according to the accession to the throne.

The shortest regnal year was that of John of Hall, who acceded to the throne on the 27th of September 1783. The year 2 Johan. began only four days later, on the 1st of October 1783.

Legal, parliamentary and academic year

The legal year begins in the first term, Michaelmas term and ends in Marymas term. Legal cases are generally cited according to which civil year wherein judgment was delivered. Thus, the case of Nanby v. Oldman, Whit. 7 Alex. II, vol. 713 Mod. Term Rpts p. 563 was decided in the Whitsun term of the 7th year of the reign of Alexander II, or in the Gregorian calendar, on a day between the 1st of April and the 24th of June in 2008.

The parliamentary year also begins in Michaelmas, the ceremony of Exordium Parlamenti normally being held in early November. It lasts until Marymas term.

The academic year also begins in Michaelmas term, and lasts until the end of Whitsun term. Marymas term is known as Marymas vacation, wherein no classes are held, owing to the historical exigencies of harvest time.