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Sotirianity is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus Sotiras, who is considered the Son of God and the religion's chief prophet. It is the most practiced religion in the world, and emerged from Atudism during and after the life of Jesus, around two millennia ago. Its practice varies considerably between its different denominations, of which there are many.


"Sotirianity" is based on the word "Sotiras", which is the epithet attached to Jesus, coming from the Ancient Piraean σωτήρ ("soter") and meaning "saviour", in recognition of the belief that Jesus Sotiras redeemed humanity by his death.


Sotirianity was and is.

The Twelve Apostles

Of Sotirias' followers, the principal there were a group of twelve Apostles, also called the "Twelve", who were tasked with spreading the Gospel to all nations. Traditional branches of Sotirianity hold them to be the authorities of the early Church from which Bishops and priests are descended from, forming a continuity with the earliest Church called Apostolic sucsession. Peter was held to be their principal leader, but it is disputed whehter or not his successors deserve more than mere symbolic pride of place. After the Amednist reaction, Amendist scholars tend to lessen their distinction from the other elders of the early Church, and downplay the authority of Peter's successors. One of the original twelve, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Sotirias and committed suicide, but was soon replaced in his office by Matthias. In addition to the Twelve, a thirteenth apostle, Paul, was an important missionary in the early Church who was the first apostle to really journey to Euclea, branching out from the Atudite community towards the other. Much of the details surrounding the early church are hard to verify historically, so much of the details about the apostles outside of the Holy Scriptures falls to Sacred tradition, recorded in the table below.

Image Apostle Apostolic Sees Notes
Petrus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Simon Peter Solaria Brother of Andrew. Considered the leader of the Apostles and the head of the early Church; traditionally said to have been martyred head downwards in Solaria in the between 64-68.
Jacobus Major San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg James the Great Adunis, Santiago Réquiescia Son of Zebedee, brother of John, leader of the Church in Adunis. Martyred by decapitation as is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. According to tradition, his remains are buried in Paretia at the city of Santiago Réquiescia, Vicisa.
Johannes San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg John !Ephesus?, Istros Son of Zebedee, brother of James. Traditionally held to be the writer of the Gospel of John, three Epistles and the Book of Revelation. Preached in Piraea before being exiled from the Empire to the city of Istros. The only Apostle traditionally held not to suffer martyrdom, on account of his presence during the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Andreas San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Andrew Arciluco Brother of Peter, also called the First-Called, traditionally held to have preached in Piraea and Amathia. Held to have been martyred on a crux decussata.
Philippus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Philip ? Evangelized all throughout the cities of modern Tsabara, and later martyred by crucifixion.
Bartholomaeus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Bartholomew Qufeira? Balad Kafin? Traditionally identified as Nathaniel in the Fourth Gospel. Evangelized and in northern Zorasan, was martyred by being flayed alive.
Matthaeus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Matthew ? A former tax collector, held to be the writer of the Gospel of Matthew, which was targeted to the Atudite community he was preaching. Later journeyed to Etruria and was martyred by decapitation.
Thomas San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07 n2.jpg Thomas ? Travelled to Satria and founded Sotirian communities there.
Jacobus Minor San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg James the Less ? Evangelized and martyred in Paretia by being beaten to death.
Thaddeus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Jude Thaddeus ? Evangelized in modern Nise and Sohar. Beheaded with an axe.
Simone a San Giovanni in Laterano.jpeg Simon ? Evangelized in modern Behera. Martyred by being being sawn in half.
Statue Sé de Braga (12).jpg Matthias ? Selected by the Apostles to fill the place of Judas Iscariot. Evangelized in modern Gaullica, later martyred in Estmere.
Paulus San Giovanni in Laterano 2006-09-07.jpg Paul Solaria, Montecara, many others Not one of the original Twelve, he first persecuted Sotirians before later converting and becoming one. The first apostle to leave Coius to preach to the Euclean portions of the Solarian Empire, he was an instrumental figure in the early Church and an important writer of most of the books in the New Testaments. He came and preached to many of the cities throughout Piraea, Etruria, Emessa and even Montecara, establishing many Churches on multiple journeys. Was later taken to Solaria and martyred in close proximity with Peter.


There are many varieties of Sotirianity, typically divided organisationally, and each claiming to be the true successor to the original church established to uphold Sotirianity. One of the oldest, and the largest, is the Solarian Catholic Church, led by the Pope. Other main divisions of the religion include the Episemialist Church, which does not have a central authority like Catholicism, thus being divided into Patriarchates, foremost among which is the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Arciluco. Amendism is a name for those churches which seceded from the Catholics in the mid second millennium CE, seeking to amend their doctrine and practices; there are many Amendist churches of wide variance, including the Church of Azmara and the Church of Caldia. There is also the Brethren Church, mainly active in Satucin.