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Switterlind Kindred

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Kindred Citrine.png

Citrine is the color of potential; not only exercised potential, but also wasted potential. The Switterlind of Citrine have the power to gift wondrous inspiration or take it away. Often have people sought-after their boons to make of themselves more than they are; or to curse their enemies or rivals into a state of insignificance.


The Citrine had offered many services to other Switterlind. They prospered and grew in riches and influence and ascended into a high rank among the elites.


Their home reflects their style and nature. It is a land in the colors of citrine. Flowers bloom and wither, structures rise and fall to ruin; some projects are left half-finished and forgotten. Lemon trees are scattered regularly through the region. A palace of limestone and citrine covered with golden growth is the heart of their land. Just looking at it from a distance can inspire.


But potential encourages rivalry. The Citrine are a competitive Kindred. When every success of someone else means a failure of you, your kin are your worst obstacles. Many branches of the Kindred cursed and withered themselves into irrelevance this way, and the blossoms of the Citrine are wilting very fittingly with wasted potential.


Kindred Wintercing.png

The colors of Wintercing are the colors of frost, ice crystals, shapes of snowflakes, patterns, and frozen hearts. The passions of Wintercing are not hot, but cold like ice. Understanding the Wintercing colors, means having a fundamental understanding of patterns, giving uncanny insight and understanding of the world.


The Wintercing are known for their intelligence and skill, but also for their unpleasantly cold and unwelcoming personality. They created tools, artifacts, and music in their uncanny, perfectionist styles. The influence of the Wintercing Kindred comes from the received commissions, as one can be sure that their craft fulfills its purpose.


Their land is a frosty one, filled with diverse structures of geometric formed ice. One of the greatest wonders is the Snowflake Dawn. An enormous disc with complicated patterns looking like a giant snowflake. As the sun rises in the morning, its rays hit the disc, creating a marvelous, kaleidoscopic pattern. Other crafts include the functions of giant icy instruments, calculators, or telescopes.


The Kindred of Wintercing has long been building cryptic constructs in specific locations, rumered to be all part of a project, whose extent and purpose is largely unknown, seemingly even by most Wintercing.


Kindred Scarlet.png

The Scarlet colors are connected to flame, heat, thoughtless action, burning passion, fiery emotion, and spectacle. The Scarlet can ignite hearts, digging up buried emotions, and fueling existing ones to grow them in intensity. They are masters of presentation, using their powers over fire and heart to create drama and spectacle, and so host many a festival, ceremony, or other grand event.


The Kindred of Scarlet are the lifeblood of the rest of the Switterlind. They stir up conflict and chaos in the world, keeping it moving and changing and alive. Through that, the Switterlind can take advantage of the dynamic.


The land of the Scarlet is a place full of life in scarlet shades with both light and shadows, as in contrast lies drama. It holds the Scarlet Woods, a large, red autumn forest, through which tears regularly, in a sudden, unpredictable rhythm, a raging wildfire. The woods recover rapidly from their ashes, because of the vitality flowing through this land, coming from a large, pulsating orb of scarlet blaze, the Scarlet Heart.


Iteratively, the most potent members of the Kindred undertake the ritual of the Scarlet Ascension. To the Scarlet, destruction is equivalent to transformation, so they fling themselves into the Scarlet Heart to be consumed by its vibrant flames.


Kindred Ivory.png

The ivory colors are those of authority, law, power, destiny, devotion, and tradition. A member of the Ivory instilled with a certain ideal can be a powerful asset to an organization. They can influence the world towards certain results and deepen preexisting traditions to become unchanging fundaments. They can give power to places, items, and names just by declaring it.


The Kindred of Ivory holds powerful positions within the world of Switterlind, having major influence on how things are done, and protecting the Switterlind’s ways of life. They preach to the religion of the light, hailing the sun and the colors.


The Kindred’s domain is in the colors of white and black and ivory. Temples of marble, fields of charcoal, forests of bones, paths of calcite, rivers of liquid glass, enormous rotating wheels of ivory, geometric structures of obsidian, a sky of mirrors and lights and lenses. It is a place of power and symbols.


Kindred Ivory has a throne it calls The Throne, placed in a hall it calls The Hall, on top of the highest mountain it calls The Mountain. It is the place where power is a thing you can touch. It is the place from where the Ivory reigns.

Zint, The Ivory

Zint resides In The Hall, power compressed into a form, more commonly known only as The Ivory. They are a searing white. Their intense stare pierces the air, their voice is always crystal clear, their forceful movements cause white hot sparks. They only ever speak truth; not because they are an honest individual, but because their words bend the world to make it happen.


The rose twists and turns, blooming seductively, piercing those who dare to follow its temptation. The Rosiqa live by the principle of the sweet call of the forbidden fruit. Black, purple, magenta; the Rosiqa are the colors of hooks, barbs, dangers, secrets, hidden paths, the seduction of the taboo, and blocked doors promising more behind. The Rosiqa despise the idyll, the bland thing with no depth, with no interesting twists, with no thorns. An adventure without danger is just a stroll, A story without conflict is just time passing, an individual without the flaws is just a hollow wax figure. They use their powers to twist the world around them, turning it into a perversion of itself, with new interesting secrets, baits, and dangers.


In the society of Switterlind, the Rosiqa, because of their affinity to break established rules and cause problems, are rarely held in high regards. They love to take things apart, both metaphorically and literally, both physically and mentally, as well as symbolically. They hunt and trap other creatures and reducing them to their components. The reason the Rosiqa are mostly tolerated is because they precure a great number of resources for the other Switterlind this way. A Rosiqa can also be installed in the domains of the Switterlind’s enemies, to slowly erode them from within. But a Rosiqa is an unreliable tool.


The homeland of the Rosiqa is as twisted and multi-faceted as they are, full of fields of thorns and blossoms. Many areas seem inaccessible on first sight, blocked by walls, thorns, barbs, winds, water, or other; but the land always promises a way around, and perhaps a reward for doing so. There are Trees carrying fruits in shapes of black pearls called “Disaster’s Seed”, as nothing good ever came from these pearls; there is no hidden benefit, only dissatisfaction for the one who consumes them, no-one can eat them without knowing this fact. Occasionally a fruit is missing. To some, the dare, and the promise of disaster for its own sake is the sweetest bait.


What are the greatest of all things? Love and Life, the Libidiac say, for would not their absence mean a horrible world. The colors of Libidiac are those of vitality and affection, of growth and recombination, of reshaping and desire. They know how to twist and manipulate life into new fascinating forms and are not hesitant about it. In terms of medicine and metamorphoses, the Libidiac are unrivaled. Their physique tends to be either the most vital of marvels or a plague fortress; or both.


In the Switterlind society, the Libidiac are sought after when trying to cure or heal any injury or disease. They have helped many a Switterlind with their own Chrysalis to perfect their form and heal chronic maladies.


Regularly acquiring vast amounts of biological resources from Kindred Rosiqa, they use these to breed new creatures and plants through mending and mutating them with existing material. Through this they grow an ever more increasing inventory of life and exotic material for many purposes for all Switterlind society.


Love is also their domain, and they will be absolutely willing to boon you a love-inducing liquid to acquire your heart’s desire. The Libidiac are the most common to breed outside their Kindred, creating new combination of Switterlind; and they often try to twist at least a few of their children in more “interesting” forms.


breathtaking landscapes, a comfortably warm atmosphere, rosy grass like soft fur, valleys filled with sweet and juicy fruits, a lovely melody in the wind; all in various colors, most dominantly rose, lilac, and lavender. The domain of Libidiac, a hedonist’s heaven. A pink haze, with the constant feeling of butterflies in the stomach, it is easy to lose oneself. A land so filled with live, littered with parasites, will slowly digest residents. Dancing grass, kissing flowers, hugging trees, air that sings and breaths, water trying to engulf you, slowly shifting mountains, a disease wanting to be your friend.


The Libidiac have engineered fields of grain and fruit and more, that plant and harvest and transport themselves, all through intricate biological systems. Submerged in deep dark waters floats a large organic structure. The “Life Machine” is located there, where the code of life itself is analyzed and manipulated, where wonders and horrors are created.