This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Color Court

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The Court of Indefinite Color

Indefinite Color is ruled by an oligarchy called the Court of Indefinite Color. Also known under the titles: the Chromafey Court, the Court of the Unbound Rainbow, the Color Court, or simply the Court. It directs the Chromafey Season in the interests of the elite. The Court mainly answers to Raigen, the head of the Rainbow College

Court Director Meilen

The Court Director acts as administrator to the Court’s workings and affairs. She organizes meetings, balances the Court’s interests, writes official orders, and employs individuals or groups to execute those orders. She is a rather plain individual in the sea of flamboyance that is the Color Court. Her wings are white and her exoskeleton black. She is a workaholic bureaucrat, who likes things simple and clean.

Primrose Envoy Faziir

Primrose Envoy Faziir

The Color Court has a lot of envoys to deliver their messages or attend events. The most important one is the Primrose Envoy, who is regularly used for the most significant occasions, being the prime representative of the Color Court. Faziir is eccentricity in person. His clothing and cosmetics are extravagant and colorful. His personality is fluid, euphoric, and inconsistent. His arrivals are always spectacular or unpredictable. He works closely with Meilen, whom he is married to.

Lavender Agency

The Lavender Agency is the intelligence and security service of the Color Court. It has a grand spy-network weaved within Indefinite Color and through many foreign lands. With magical devices and shapeshifting abilities it infiltrates, spies, observes, and gains access to strategic information. It protects the Court’s interest through sabotage, abduction, and assassination. Also in on their list of activities are influencing internal and external politics to the Court’s favor.


The Milewalker is the head of the Lavender Agency. Much of their nature is obscured. Some have encountered them before, but no-one ever remembers how they look or speak. While interacting with them, one’s mind seems to be unable to form a comprehensive image of what is being perceived.

The Shatter-Skies

The Shatter-Skies are the Capital Domain of Indefinite Color, from where the Color Court reigns, with Reigen as the Dominant. They consist of various spectacular environments and eccentric constructs floating in a bottomless sky. The vibrant and dreamlike scenery seems to ripple and shift. The odors are sweet, the air is perpetually filled with a faint thematically fitting melody, and rainbows are streaking across the skies. Even the day-night-cycle and weather are eccentric and unpredictable; a thousand suns, a starless night, a season of black blazing fog, a mirror-cracked sky.

Prisma Spectra, The Light-Splitter Manor

Because of the unusual geometry of the place, there exists no such thing as the center. But if one had to name the core of the Shatter-Skies, a good answer would be Prisma Spectra, The Light-Splitter Manor. It is an enormous house filled with curtains and light and smoke and mirrors and glass, which in its entirety could almost be called a small city. It acts as the headquarters of the Court of Indefinite Color.