Atarashī Mahō

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Atarashī Mahō Shakai
"New Magic Society"
Founding locationSouthern part of Jinyuan Prefecture, Magia Regnum (Now Emishoto Special Administration Zone)
Years active1593–present
TerritorySouthern Magia Regnum; Prefecture of Emishoto
Leader(s)Terminarch Nii "Sono-Nii" Chika
Necro-Jokko Uchiyama "Night Child" Miyako
Notable members Mitsue "Sono-Mitsue" Hitomi
Iwata "Arbor Destiny" Natsumi
Shibata "Fire Dancer" Teruko

The Atarashī Mahō Shakai (Magian:新しい魔法社会; lit. New Magic Society) sometimes referred to as the Atarashī Mahō Society or just simply Atarashī Mahō is a rogue society situated in Southern Magia Regnum within the special administration zone of Emishoto and has de-facto control of the zone. It is not officially recognized by any nation and is considered a criminal organization by the Kotoba of Magia Regnum who maintains de-jure control over the territory. Atarashī Mahō operates outside the law and is involved in various criminal activities, including smuggling, extortion, and assassination. It has also been linked to several terrorist attacks, although the society denies any involvement in such activities. The Kotoba of Magia Regnum has made several attempts to suppress the society, but its decentralized structure and widespread imbedding among the local population have made it difficult to eradicate.


The origins of Atarashī Mahō are somewhat shrouded in mystery, as the group's activities are often clandestine and its members are secretive about their past. However, it is believed that the society began as a small group of rogue magical girls who sought to use their powers for their own gain rather than for the benefit of society at large. Over time, the group grew in size and influence, and began to attract other magical girls who were disillusioned with the established order and its rules and restrictions or othwerwise inflicted with severe corruption seeking refuge from imprisonment. Atarashī Mahō offered these girls an alternative, promising them power, freedom, and a sense of belonging in exchange for their loyalty.

As the group's influence grew, it began to establish a territory of its own within the Southern part of Jinyuan Prefecture which would become the special administration zone of Emishoto. The society's leaders, the Terminarch and the Necro-Jokko, were able to maintain their power through a combination of fear, intimidation, and the use of powerful dark magic.

Structure and Leadership

Atarashī Mahō is a highly exclusive and secretive organization that operates on a strict hierarchical structure. The organization is led by the Terminarch, who holds absolute control over the Society and makes all major decisions. Typically those who are not Sono Shoujo or otherwise "Hoka Shoujo" do not get inducted as full members as they cannot be trusted.

The current structure is as followed:


The head of the society and the top decision maker is known as the Terminarch who has absolute control over the members of the organization. The title of Terminarch is rarely held by anyone who is not a "Sono Shoujo" as the Atarashī Mahō encorages the use of offensive, dark, and potent magic which on the upper levels a Sono Shoujo is only able to produce. This however, ensures that the typical Terminarch does not reign for very long. Typically the Terminarch is recognized as the most influential and powerful magical girl in the Society who successfully makes all members yield. This leads to frequent challenges for power within the Society a common occurrence. The current Terminarch is the Sono Shoujo Nii "Sono-Nii" Chika who is greatly feared for her ruthlessness and willingness to invoke the magic of the Sonohoka as a worshiper of them to achieve the goals of Atarashī Mahō.


The Necro-Jokko is the second in command of Atarashī Mahō and is appointed by the Terminarch herself. This position holds a significant amount of power within the organization and is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the society as well as the governance of its territory. The Necro-Jokko is often considered the most likely candidate to challenge the Terminarch for her position and as a result, the position changes hands frequently under the power struggles that exist within the organization. The Necro-Jokko is responsible for maintaining the unity and loyalty of the members of the organization, as well as for ensuring that the Society's goals are being met.

She works closely with the Terminarch to develop strategies and tactics that further the Society's interests, and to oversee the work of the Chukumorits and Enders. The Necro-Jokko is often the face of the Society in dealings with other organizations or individuals outside of the Society, and as such, must be a skilled diplomat and negotiator. The position of Necro-Jokko is highly coveted within Atarashī Mahō, as it provides a significant amount of power and influence within the organization. As such, there is often fierce competition for the position, and it is not uncommon for the current Necro-Jokko to be challenged by other members of the Society who wish to take her place.


A Chukumortis is a mid-level officer within the Atarashī Mahō Shakai who is responsible for overseeing specific sectors of the Society's territory. Each Chukumortis is given a specific area to oversee and is tasked with ensuring that the Society's interests are being protected and advanced in that area. They are responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of the Enders who carry out tasks for the Society within their designated sector. The Chukumortis is responsible for maintaining control and order within their sector, and for ensuring that any potential threats to the Society are identified and dealt with swiftly. They work closely with the Necro-Jokko to develop strategies and tactics for defending the Society's territory and advancing its interests. The Chukumortis also play a key role in recruiting new members into the Society, and in training and mentoring Enders to ensure that they are effective in carrying out the Society's tasks.

The Chukumortis are highly respected within Atarashī Mahō, as they are seen as being on the front lines of the Society's operations. They are responsible for implementing the Society's policies and strategies within their sector, and for reporting back to the Necro-Jokko on the progress of their work. The Chukumortis must be skilled at diplomacy and negotiation, as they often interact with other organizations or individuals who may have conflicting interests with the Society.


An Ender is an inducted member of Atarashī Mahō who has proven their loyalty and commitment to the Society. Enders are typically tasked with carrying out specific assignments or tasks for the Society, and may be compensated for their work with various benefits such as access to magical resources, training and mentorship, or protection and support from the Society's leadership. Enders are recognized as full members of the Atarashī Mahō Shakai and are given a degree of autonomy in carrying out their tasks. They may operate individually or as part of a team, and are expected to use their skills and abilities to advance the interests of the Society. Enders may be given a variety of assignments, ranging from simple reconnaissance or surveillance missions to more complex and dangerous operations such as sabotage, theft, or assassination.

Atarashī Mahō values loyalty and obedience above all else, and Enders who prove themselves to be particularly skilled or effective may be promoted to higher ranks within the Society's hierarchy. However, the Society is also known for its ruthlessness and discipline, and Enders who fail to meet the expectations of their superiors may face severe consequences, up to and including expulsion or execution.


An Endling is a resident of the territory controlled by Atarashī Mahō, but is not a member of the Society itself. Endlings are subject to the authority of the Society and are expected to abide by its laws and regulations, but they do not have the same privileges or responsibilities as full members. Endlings may include non-magical individuals, magical beings who are not considered powerful enough to join the Society, or even former members of the Society who have been expelled or left on their own accord. While Endlings are not formally inducted into the Atarashī Mahō Shakai, they are still expected to contribute to the Society in some way, whether through taxes, labor, or other forms of support. Atarashī Mahō sees Endlings as effectively its citizens, and takes responsibility for their welfare and protection. However, this protection comes at a price: Endlings who disobey or challenge the authority of the Society may face harsh punishment, including fines, imprisonment, or even death.

Territory and Operations