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A beregi, known in Khadenz as a beriq and in Kuredt as a beriqi, is a member of the nobility of the Trellinese Empire. The rank roughly corresponds to that of duke and is among the highest titles in the Ethlorek peerages. Historically, most dukedoms in the empire were sovereign states, and eight of the empire's modern constituent provinces and protectorates — Alyrum, Arimathea, Cadenza, Emla, Ja'ekha, Kur'zhet, Mevirin and Trelum — are still headed by a duke or, as is the case in Arimathea and Ja'ekha, a grand duke. In the peerage of Hysera, the rank of beregi corresponds to that of ailat.

In Cadenza the beriq is the head of state, while in Kur'zhet the beriqi is head of both state and government. In both cases he is elected from among the kerepi, or earls, each of whom governs his own earldom.

The Trellinese title of baron, found only in Fymona, in fact derives from the region's pretitle, Berend Tanekh, which literally means 'small duchy'. This was applied to distinguish the Duchy of Fymona from the neighbouring Grand Duchy of Ja'ekha, but anglicised by the neighbouring Dangish and misinterpreted as meaning 'barony'.