Soviet of the Union (TheodoresTomfooleries)

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Soviet of the Union

Сове́т Сою́за

Sovyet Soyuza
20th Supreme Soviet
Emblem of the Soviet Union
Emblem of the Soviet Union
Konstantin Shitikov, CPSU
since 2024
The Soviet of the Union as of the 2024 elections
Political groups
  Communist Party of the Soviet Union: 875 seats
  Independents: 125 seats
Length of term
5 years
Direct election
First election
12 December 1937
Last election
4 March 2024
Next election
4 March 2029
Workers of the world, unite!
Meeting place
Palace of the Soviets
Palace of the Soviets

The Soviet of the Union is the lower chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. As opposed to the Soviet of Nationalities, the Soviet of the Union represents the interests of all Soviet people, regardless of nationality. In the Soviet of the Union, each deputy elected represents an equal amount of voters. In the latest election, each deputy represented over 300,000 people.