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File:Pietersburg Bus.jpg | A bus operated by [[Pietersburg Transport Company|PVM]]
File:Pietersburg Bus.jpg | A bus operated by [[Pietersburg Transport Company|PVM]]
File:Viagem inaugural do VLT carioca 01.jpg | A tram operated by the [[Pietersburg Light Railway]]
File:Viagem inaugural do VLT carioca 01.jpg | A tram operated by the [[Pietersburg Light Railway]]
File:Estação Cidade Nova.jpg | An electric multiple unit of the [[Pietersburg O-Spoor]]
File:Miami Metrorail Hitachi train 20190117.jpg | An electric multiple unit of the [[Pietersburg O-Spoor]]
File:1º Balanço Metroferroviário Nacional (7895331412).jpg | A commuter train operated by [[Pietersburg Transport Company|PVM]]
File:1º Balanço Metroferroviário Nacional (7895331412).jpg | A commuter train operated by [[Pietersburg Transport Company|PVM]]

Revision as of 11:22, 17 November 2021

Pietersburg Skyline.jpg
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Clockwise from top: Pietersburg skyline, flora in the Hoofstuine, herons in the Albertina National Park, the Boerhaavestrand, and restaurants along Swart Place.
"Die eerste stad"
Estmerish "The First City"
EstablishedJuly 5, 1542
LegislatureGreater Pietersburg Council
 • MayorStefan Liebenberg (DAP)
 • Urban
1,087 km2 (420 sq mi)
 • Metro
8,939 km2 (3,451 sq mi)
 • Urban
 • Metro
 • Metro density800/km2 (2,100/sq mi)
Time zoneUTC -6

Pietersburg is a city located in the northwest of Nuvania at the foot of the Bay of Dolphins. It is the administrative capital of Nuvania as well as its financial, economic, and cultural centre. With a total population of 7.1 million inhabitants, it is also Nuvania's largest city, and one of the largest on the Arucian Sea. The Port of Pietersburg, located to the northwest of the city itself, is Nuvania's second largest port by total volume and by value of cargo, after the Port of Windstrand.

The region around Pietersburg has been inhabited since Neolithic times, with several archaeological sites producing artefacts that have been dated to around 16,500 years BP. Numerous cultures and tribes occupied the area before Lusitan explorer Luciano Mascarenhas first charted the peninsular to the west of the city and the Bay of Dolphins itself in 1531. The area was not properly explored by Eucleans until Hennish-Estmerish explorer Petrus Boerhaave arrived in 1542, and landed at what is now Boerhaavestrand in central Pietersburg. Here he founded the city of Pietersburg, naming it after his sponsor, Pieter van Meetkercke, with the first wave of immigrants landing in Pietersburg four years later in 1546.

Initially a small trading post, the city became the launching pad for the Hennish colonisation of Nuvania, with word reaching both sides of the partition, with waves of largely Amendist settlers arriving over successive periods. Although there were no official claims over the colony until 1673, it was considered to be a Hennish colony of sorts, as the colonists were largely Hennish speaking and pledged allegiance to the Sotirian Commonwealth. The colony was proclaimed officially on October 12, 1673, with Pietersburg the largest settlement and the administrative capital. It would remain as such throughout the remainder of the Commonwealth's control over the colony.

Under Estmerish rule, which began on July 20, 1720, the city became important politically as the administrative centre of the colony, but also important for trade and communications without the outside world, as the Estmerish quickly improved and expanded the port's facilities. By home rule in 1811, Pietersburg was among the largest and wealthiest cities in Estmere's colonial empire, and was considered significant in terms of industrial output and cash crop exports. It became an important naval facility, providing Estmere with significant influence over the western Arucian Sea.

This economic and military importance carried over into the independence era, with Pietersburg now the capital of an independent Free State. The industrial and economic development continued, and the city experienced a surge in growth until the Great Collapse in 1915. The city suffered from a stagnating economy following the Great War, although population growth did not reach pre-collapse levels until the 1950's. Pietersburg would lose the title of the largest port in Nuvania to Windstrand by the 1980's, but the city became one of two major manufacturing and logistical hubs. The 1980's also saw a boom in finances, which is responsible for the growth of the city's skyscrapers, a trend that accelerated until the Great Recession in 2005.

Today Pietersburg is a vibrant and dynamic city that boasts one of the highest living standards in Nuvania and in the wider Arucian region. It is also one of greenest in the country in terms of park lands, preserved wetlands, including the world's only urban national park, as well as environmentally friendly transport policies.



On July 5, 1542, Petrus Boerhaave came ashore at what is now Settler's Point on the Boerhaavestrand located just north of the modern day central business district in north-central Pietersburg. While colonial settlements had been founded further up the coast near the tip of the Mascarenhas Peninsula, Pietersburg became the first settlement of significance in the new colony. It was also the first settlement founded by the South Asterian Company (ZAK), with Fort Willem having been established by the rival New Asterian Company (NAK) of the Duchy of Flamia.

Boerhaave named the new settlement Pietersburg, after the sponsor of the voyage, Pieter van Meetkercke, who had commissioned the voyage for the purposes of establishing a settlement to trade with the native peoples in the area. Boerhaave did do some exploration of the area, and found a couple of recently abandoned settlements, which he presumed to have been caused by his arrival. With no further reason to remain, Boerhaave left the area on July 12 and returned to Euclea.

Upon his return, Boerhaave and Meetkercke commission plans for the founded settlement, with the plans completed by March 1543. However, it would take a further three years before the first settlers would arrive to begin construction, owing to difficulties in securing funding, as well as settlers willing to establish themselves in a new colony.


The first group of settlers arrived in Pietersburg on December 19, 1546, at the height of the rainy season, which hampered the construction of the first buildings and shelters. The settlers arrived on three ships, the [[Carolina (ship)|Carolina]], Elisabeth, and the Margaretha. Despite the conditions, the settlers established themselves, and the settlement began to increase substantially with subsequent arrivals. By 1556, Pietersburg had 2,000 residents as well as a two wooden churches. A number of people also lived outside of the city, growing what crops could grow in tropical conditions.

The settlers were not used to living without staple ingredients and foods from home, and so had to be kept supplied with food and grains from Euclea. Initially cargo had to be unloaded by lighters and brought ashore, this was remedied with the first wooden wharf, which was built in 1549 and in use for well over a century.

Pietersburg became an important settlement both for the ZAK and the Hennish Republic, which launched several expeditions from the city into the interior, as well as along the coast. However, it faced competition from trading ports further along the coast, including Wetting and Windstrand, which had been founded after Pietersburg, and were profiting from the trade with the Tairona people living further east. Although the native peoples living around Pietersburg were alson trading with the settlers, by the end of the 15th century, Pietersburg had stagnated. Although Pietersburg remained the administrative capital of the ZAK colony, it was surpassed in wealth and influence by Wetting and Windstrand.

Sotirian Commonwealth

With the formation of the Sotirian Commonwealth from the Hennish Republic, Pietersburg became the administrative capital of a reformed colony, and for the first time, included claims on territory of the Duchy of Flamia. It also became the administrative capital of the colonial province of Kanaän, whose recognised territory extended as far east as the borders with the Ruttish colonies in the west of modern day Aucuria, and as far west as the western coast of the Mascarenhas Peninsular.

The Church of Saint Eustacius, completed in 1654, is the oldest surviving church in the city.

Pietersburg experienced its first main period of growth under the rule of the Sotirian Commonwealth, with the city transformed over several decades. The first period of expansion came from 1647, with infrastructure and important buildings upgraded, including the port as well as important administrative buildings and places of worship. Two of the wooden churches built during the republican era were demolished and replaced with stone churches, the oldest being the Nie Kerk, or New Church, the oldest stone church in Nuvania. These were built alongside a number of other important religious sites, including the Kasperist Mission, which was completed during the same time as the building of the Nie Kerk. Much of what is known today as the "Old Centre" of Pietersburg was build during the early years of the Sotirian Commonwealth, including the port. By the end of the century, the city rivaled Niekerk in terms of size and influence, with 15,000 inhabitants and significant trade with colonial settlements in the interior, as well as other Euclean colonies in the Asterias.

In addition to the development of central Pietersburg, Euclean settlers continued to make inroads into the interior, establishing new settlements that would eventually become annexed by the city over the coming centuries. Most of these settlers were known as opstalers, or homesteaders. Many of these had been enticed to move out to the colonies on the promise of cheap land, and they had founded a number of small settlements radiating out from Pietersburg. These opstalers would grow in size in terms of land owned, and become the wealthy plantation owners of the 19th century. Names such as Hattingh, van Dal, etc., became established within the social fabric of the southern parts of the city, with suburbs and streets named after them.

The city was gripped by an outbreak of what is believed to be influenza in 1687, along with a number of other colonies. The disease killed an unknown number of people, and was interpreted as a sign from God regarding the inhabitants of the city, with Pietersburg later gripped by a wave of religious fervour known as the Terror of the Crosses that saw several thousand people put to death for a number of crimes. It also sparked the creation of the Bennerites and other more purist sects of Kasperism, who then left the city for the interior. Conversely, many Native Asterians moved into the city for work, with shantytowns springing up around the outskirts of the city. These rotwoningen (rotten dwellings) became infamous for their crime and brothels, and became home to a number of lower class and working class families from multiple ethnic backgrounds.

Pieterburg's administerial territory was shrunk in 1692 when the province of Etten, named after the Commonwealth's first Minister-General Jan van Etten, was created. Pietersburg still retained overall adminsitration of both provinces as well as new territories as the rule of the Commonwealth continued inland, although these new lands would not be incorporated into the established territory of Kanaän.

Estmerish Rule

Events in Euclea had rammifications for the Hennish colonies, with the Kingdom of Estmere looking to improve its standing within Euclea. Beginning in 1749, Estmere launched the conquest of Hennehouwe's colonies, which not only included seizing the territories that had been under the control of the Sotirian Commonwealth, but also those of the Duchy of Flamia. As the administrative capital of the Commonwealth colonies, Pietersburg was considered an important city in terms of economic, political, and military importance.

The conquest was lead by the Lord Clairmont, Arthur Bettesworth, and was given a fleet of 25 ships and 15,000 soldiers for the task. Prior to departing, the Estmerish had looked at detailed maps obtained from the Sotirian Commonwealth regarding military installations surrounding Pietersburg, as well as elsewhere outside of the city. On June 15, 1750, Estmerish forces landed near Adamsbaai in the west coast, quickly overwhelming the small garrison in the town. Alerted to the loss of the garrison, Flamian authorities responded by sending garrisons collected from towns along the coast up to Adamsbaai in an attempt to attack the Estmerish forces still conducting landings. These attacks were repulsed in the Battle of Van Horn Strait, with the small colonial fleet virtually destroyed. With a beachhead established, Clairmont marched inland towards Pietersburg, and was met with a force of combined Flamian and former Commonwealth colonial soldiers and their native allies. This haphazard force was commanded by Jan Willem van Almonde, who was experienced in putting down local rebellions. The force was outnumbered significantly, and only two pitched battles were fought before the conquest of Pietersburg; the Battle of the Palms, which was fought close to modern day Andover in the southwest of the city, and the Battle of Hattingsburg, both of which were defeats to the Hennish colonial soldiers. Van Almonde returned to Pietersburg to attempt a defence, however, the same naval force that defeated the NAK fleet at the Battle of Van Horn Strait had sailed into the Bay of Dolphins and had neutralised Pietersburg's land defences, forcing van Almonde to abandon Pietersburg.

Estmere would assume control of Pietersburg on June 27, and from there, cement its control over the former Hennish colonies. Initially ruling both Satavia and Nuvania as one colony, the colonial governor proposed splitting the colonies into two, Satavia ruled by a separate colonial government. This proposal was accepted in 1753 and Pietersburg became the administrative capital of the colony of Nuvania.

As the administrative capital, Pietersburg became the dominant city within Nuvania, overtaking Niekerk in terms of economic importance as it played a key role in establishing Estmerish influence in Asteria Inferior and in the West Arucian Sea. It's strategic location close to the mouth of the West Arucian Sea meant that the city in addition to benefitting economically also became a significant naval base for the Royal Estmerish Navy. In addition, the Estmerish authorities began developing the city further, the first being the New Town development that began in 1770, and laid the foundations for the modern central business district. A number of planned towns were also built and constructed during the early years of Estmerish rule, and these would form the basis for a number of suburbs in Pietersburg.

Following the granting of home rule, construction began on the Old Parliament House which was used for the Colonial Assembly of Nuvania, which was convened between 1823 and 1883. Alongside the Palace of Justice and the National Museum, these became symbols of Pietersburg's importance and power within Nuvania. Estmerish investment in the city continued, with the building of the city's principal train station in 1870, and the building of the first railway in Nuvania between Pietersburg and Adamsbaai, with construction completed by 1865. By 1880, the city had become the centre for a railway network spanning most of northern Nuvania. These also followed with a modern communications system involving one of the most expansive telegraph networks in Asteria Inferior.

The city became the centre for political and social culture in Nuvania, and became largely Estophone during this period as the centre of colonial administration. Because of this, the city was periodically wracked with civil unrest. Towards the latter half of the 19th century, the Asterianer and Estmerish populations began to divide themselves between pro-independence and pro-colonial factions which often came into violent conflict with one another, especially during elections for Parliament. This prompted the city to create its first Metropolitan Police Force in 1867 to take over the policing and internal stability of the city from colonial military units, which were better put to use in putting down various rebellions elsewhere.

Towards the end of thr 1870's, Pietersburg became the centre of a political movement calling for independence, which were resisted by Estmerish colonial authorities. These protests grew in intensity, however they ended with the outbreak of the War of the Arucian and Nuvanian independence three years later.


Nuvanian independence brought about a second period of expansion in terms of construction and urban development. As mineral riches began to be exploited in earnest, the government began to spend on a large number of new projects. These included a separate government district that would contain a number of buildings to house the legislature, supreme court, and government ministries. Parliament House was the first of these buildings to be constructed, with construction beginning in 1889 and completed in 1891, although the first session was not begun until after the 1894 elections. With substantial wealth still being generated from the interior, and the industrialisation beginning in earnest along the coast, Pietersburg's population began to expand rapidly. This expanded the already substantial slums but also brought significant amounts of workers into the city, which created ethnic tensions between native and mixed peoples. These tensions, exacerbated by rumours, broke out into open violence between native and mixed peoples, resulting in the city council adopting a policy of skeiding en huurverlenging to prevent additional communal violence. This policy became adopted by the government, and was implemented across Nuvania.

Between 1897 and 1903, tens of thousands of people were relocated to different suburbs and towns around the city, the mixed slums were torn down and replaced with dedicated housing, although not run by local or national governments. These became the foundation for new low income suburbs that would eventually be annexed by the city as it grew in size. The city began building the electric tram system in 1905 to replace the horse drawn trams, with the first line completed early in 1906, and four lines completed by 1910.

Despite the economic inequalities, Pietersburg continued to flourish as one of the largest cities in Asteria Inferior, seeing substantial economic and population growth. The city's stock exchange was built in 1901, and a number of new buildings began construction throughout the first decade of the 20th century. The Brandt Department Store, the first department store and the first high rise in Pietersburg, was completed in 1912 and became the tallest building in the city for five years, until the completion of the Duvenage Building in 1917.

Other important buildings were built in the period leading up to the Great Collapse.

Great Collapse

The Great Collapse was the first significant economic shock the city experienced post independence, and saw an overall decline of standards of living within the city as unemployment rose, alongside crime and poverty. The racial and ethnic divides between the different ethnic groups within Pietersburg increased significantly. As unemployment rose among the city's creole population, many were forced into growing shantytowns and slums on the city's fringes as they were forced out of rented homes and other similar accommodation. In desperation, many turned to criminal activities to survive, and began to form gangs and organised criminal organisations, many from activities such as the sale of bootleg alcohol and cigarettes. Asterianers, who were often less wealthy than their Estmerish counterparts, moved into many of the accommodations that used to house the creole population, with many becoming increasingly resentful towards the Estmerish. This created social and racial tensions which began to escalate into violence, often between gangs and rival criminal groups.

Mounted police disperse rioters during the Roosverbranding in June 1914.

In June 1914, the Roosverbranding began in Pietersburg, and soon spread around Nuvania. On June 12, 1914, a bakery owned by an Estmerish family was attacked after it was alleged that the owner had publicly beaten a small boy for stealing bread. Angry Asterianers had gathered around the bakery that evening and sacked it, setting it alight and destroying the block of shops and houses on which it stood. Similar violence continued throughout the next two days, with substantial portions of the central city damaged or destroyed by rioters. Violence was also directed at government institutions of both the city and the central government, prompting Chief Minister J.P Hardy to bring in the Army to quell the violence and restore order to the city. This began on June 15, with soldiers defending the government quarter as well as important buildings. The violence began to abate, although this had spread to other cities, prompting a near full mobilisation of the military in order to restore peace.

The use of the military brought about two armed rebellions aimed at overthrowing the government. Although much of the fighting took place outside of Pietersburg, the city was nonetheless on edge, and continued to see sporadic outbreaks of violence between Asterianers and Estmerish residents of the city, prompting calls for the Chief Minister to declare martial law. Hardy refused, instead approving the use of army soldiers to quell violence and to provide assistance to the police. This situation became more and more commonplace in Pietersburg, especially when violence erupted in the city's growing slums, as thousands of agricultural workers and their families moved into the coastal cities during the Great Collapse in search of work. Pietersburg had the largest slums of any northern coastal city during the Great Collapse. Significant unemployment also rose from those within the cities, many former factory workers often forced into slums as well, causing additional violence and racial tensions.

Buildings under construction in central Pietersburg, 1926.

In order to alleviate the growing unemployment, central and local governments began a series of public works projects in order to make use of the masses of unemployed in the coastal cities. Pietersburg engaged in a period of expansion of essential infrastructure, including improvements to city streets, expanding sewage and water infrastructure, as well as social housing, new schools and hospitals. This allowed for many of the unemployed workers to move into more suitable accommodation and reduce the numbers of people living in slums.

Public works construction and the abundance of cheap labour fuelled the economic recovery of Pietersburg into the 1920's, the seeing one of the highest growth rates in the country. Once many of the public works projects were completed, the labourers were then parcelled out to construction companies who began using the labour to build new hotels and skyscrapers in the central business district of Pietersburg, beginning a construction boom that lasted for six years between 1922 and 1928. Among these new constructions was the Pietersburg Civil Tower, which includes offices for the Pietersburg City Council as well as the muncipal and district courts of the city. Completed in 1928, just weeks before the outbreak of the Great War, it remained the tallest building in Nuvania until 1967.

Pietersburg would become a show capital for the Volksfront regime that had come to power in 1918. Under the government of G.B van Deventer, the city prospered with an increase in foreign migration and investment, primarily from the functionalist regime in Gaullica, but also from elsewhere in Euclea as well as from Asteria Superior. Van Deventer opened Huntingdon Aerodrome in 1924 to much fanfare, giving the city its first airport, with the new state owned flag carrier, NLM, commencing its first passenger services from October 1924. Other transport connections, including railways and the passenger liner terminals, were expanded during this period.

Great War

Soldiers training at Leliëndal Army Base in the west of the city.

The outbreak of the Great War had little to no impact on Nuvania during the first years of the war. The Volksfront regime was keen to promote Nuvanians as enjoying normality in Nuvania's cities and towns and so kept the impact of the war to a minimum as possible. Despite this, Pietersburg's status as an important port as well as the centre of administration in Nuvania meant it was subjected to significant threats from Allied forces from the beginning of the war, and as a result, substantial defences were constructed around the city to protect various buildings and installations. Successes during the first years of the conflict reduced the significance of these threats from Allied forces, and as a result, the government did not institute restrictions on the residents of major cities until after 1930.

The sense of normality within the city was impacted as the war progressed. Initially this was limited to restrictions on consumer goods and some food, with Nuvanian industry geared towards war production. This meant that goods often did not come into stores in the same numbers they had during the early years of the war, as well as in pre-war times. As shop fronts failed to update with new goods, locals began to refer to Pietersburg as the "City Stuck in Time" owing to the often outdated storefronts and goods allegedly offered for sale. The city would feature in a number of propaganda films made by the Volksfront regime to show how normal life was in Nuvania at the time, but these films ceased to be produced after 1930. In addition, the government would introduce a series of restrictions and regulation. Visits to beaches were banned from 1930 until 1934, certain vehicles were only allowed to be used on certain days due to fuel rationing, and with the threat of air raids, blackout curtains and modifications to vehicle lights were mandated from 1933. Towards the end of the war, fuel, sugar, meat, and different types of grains were all rationed by the government across Nuvania, although cities like Pietersburg and Windstrand were allowed greater rations than elsewhere.

Although the threat of air raids became significant, none were directly used to attack the city. Attempts during the war were made against the industrial areas, but most aircraft lacked the range from Allied bases in Asteria Superior. As the war progressed, Nuvania had already considered surrendering by the time any significant aerial threat could be posed to the city by Allied air forces. As a result, Pietersburg was one of the few Entente capitals not damaged during the course of the war, especially in the late part as the city lacked viable air cover due to attrition waged on the Nuvanian Air Force. This meant that the city was captured intact, including important installations for fuel and logistics.

Pietersburg hosted a significant military garrison throughout the war years and various areas around the city were used for military training, with military camps set up in the east, south, and west of the city housing various military units. These were initially composed of volunteers at the start but were later used to house conscripts from across western Nuvania. Later in the war, these camps would be the home bases for emergency regiments raised for the defence of Nuvania after the withdrawal from Aucuria. From 1930 onwards, Pietersburg's local kommando units, volunteer armed militia, would be deployed in the city to support local police forces as well as provide additional security, especially as Allied forces attempted to land agents in Nuvania via small boat or submarine. While the police in the city would be retained during the occupation, the kommando units were disbanded and disarmed in 1934.

In spite of the disruption caused by the war, some development of the city did take place, albeit at a reduced level. The Pietersburg Public Library was established and the National Art Gallery were both established in 1930, with both of these having been in development since before the Great War began, and were completed during the war. In addition, the University of Pietersburg was also established in 1930 and continued to grow even during the latter war period. These events were used by the Volksfront regime to showcase Pietersburg as a flourishing city even during wartime.

Post War

Following the Nuvanian surrender on x, 1934, Pietersburg came under the control of a joint allied occupation force which remained in place until a purge of Volksfront members from political offices nationwide, as well as trials for alleged crimes committed during the war took place. Pietersburg was selected for these trials, owing to its symbolism as the administrative capital of Nuvania.

In addition to hosting the upper echelons of the occupational administration, Pietersburg also hosted a number of foreign occupation soldiers, namely those of Halland, who disarmed the Nuvanian soldiers in the city, and guarded important facilities and installations. While the wartime curfew was imposed for public order, civilians were allowed to continue their day-to-day lives, and civil servants allowed to maintain daily administration of the city until new local elections could be organised. Hallandic naval and air assets were also placed within the city, including naval ships, and aircraft at Huntingdon Aerodrome to the south of the city, as well as at Nuvanian military air fields.

Hotels like the Asteriana were built to meet the demand from foreign tourism in the 1950's.

The end of the war meant that plans for the city's infrastructure and transport could now be implemented, albeit under reduced capacity owing to funds and materials. On January 5, 1935, the occupation force placed x as interim mayor, who began a series of civil projects to employ demobilised soldiers and expand the city's transportation networks. On January 15, he created the Pietersburger Vervoersmaatskappy (Pietersburg Transport Company), or PVM, which amalgamated existing bus and rail networks into a single company. Among the first projects announced was the construction of a trolleybus network in the city, with the first six lines built and put into operation on 11 September, 1937.

As the economy began to recover from the Great War, the city began a substantial period of population and economic growth, as well as leading the way in the reindustrialisation of Nuvania. The city expanded port facilities and opened up large areas of land to the south of the city for residential expansion and industrial development, one of these being the development of the industrial suburb of Longwood in which a majority of the city's industrialisation began to take place. As these construction projects began, a new construction boom overtook the city, and continued to see an influx of internal and international migrants looking for work. Many of those employed in the construction of these new developments were ex-soldiers who were out of work, and were thus provided with stable and unionised employment, especially during the difficult years in which the Solarian War in Euclea was fought, which negatively affected the Nuvanian economy. As factories completed construction, the share of manufacturing employment began to grow, and the working class began to expand and become more wealthier on the back of well paid and stable factory work. Crime and poverty began to reduce, and Pietersburg began to experience a period of prosperity and safety that it would not experience for decades.

The period between 1948 and 1964 would be considered the golden age of Pietersburg's development. In addition to the renewed prosperity and stability, the city became a cultural and entertainment centre within Nuvania and the wider Estmerish-speaking world in the Asterias. The growth in global prosperity drove the first major boom in global tourism, and Pietersburg's status as one of Nuvania's primary gateways for international travel allowed it to capitalise on this growth in tourism. Between 1950 and 1955, Huntingdon Aerodrome was significantly expanded to handle the increase in air traffic, and was renamed Pietersburg International Airport in 1956 to reflect its status as the largest and primary international airport in the country. The tourism growth also sparked significant redevelopment of different areas in the city, particularly in The Strand section along the city's waterfront, as well as along the Riebeck River. Here numerous redevelopments were constructed that ranged from shopping districts to hotels and restaurants, and in 1961, Nuvania's first mall; the Courtney Road Shopping Centre, was opened to the public.

Alongside the growth in tourism came the growth in the city's exposure in mainstream popular culture, particularly cinema, music, and the growing medium of television. Pietersburg saw an increase in popularity as a setting or background for a number of films wanting a tropical setting throughout the 1950's and into the 1960's, many of these films coming from film companies based in Rizealand. A number of movies were filmed in the city, including two Kirk Sinclair films. Pietersburg's climate, architecture, exotic location, and safety made it an ideal place to film movies and television shows, and the money from those productions flowed into Nuvania's own burgeoning film and television industries, with Pietersburg becoming the centre for film and television in Nuvania by the 1960's.

Sugar Crash

A slum south of Pietersburg in the 1960's.

The Sugar Crash had a negative impact on the city's development as well as negative economic impacts. The sugar industry was an important component Kanaän's economy, and by extension, that of Pietersburg. It's substantial decline during the crash contributed to a moderate rise in unemployment within the city. In addition, tens of thousands of farm workers now found themselves out of work, and moved to the cities for employment opportunities. This resulted in an influx of people without the means to buy into Pietersburg's established suburban developments and who had fallen through, or were ignored, by the social welfare system. What social housing that existed became overcrowded and run down, leading to a wave of crime that swept through the working class and poorest suburbs of the city while poverty levels increased substantially. Most of those that had moved into the city were poor black and creole farm workers and labourers who had lost their jobs in the sugar industry, and attempts to curb the stream of unemployed labourers moving into the city failed.

As the city's population began to grow faster, the inability of the city's authorities to manage its growth became apparent as slums, which had been contracting in size since the 1940's, began to rapidly expand again. Unemployment also began to increase as the knock on effects of the crisis in the sugar industry began to have impacts on other industries. With this rise in unemployment came a rise in poverty, and a rise in crime, especially violent crime. Street gangs began to form, and the city began to face the first of many crime waves. The city's murder rate began to increase, alongside assaults, robberies, and other violent crimes.

Despite this, the city still experienced continued growth and development elsewhere, especially in tourism, as it prospered from the golden age of jet travel, in which wealthy travellers from overseas, particularly Euclea and Asteria Superior, began to visit tropical cities in droves. Pietersburg became one of the more important destinations that profited from the explosion in tourism. In addition, the continued development of industry in the city began to slowly offset the rising unemployment experienced under the Sugar Crisis. Huntingdon Airport was renamed Pietersburg International Airport in 1968, and underwent a major redevelopment, alongside the motorway network leading into and out of the city. The first of many motorway ring-roads, which separated the inner city from the outer suburbs, was completed by 1969, and included the now famous Spaghetti Junction between the M1 and M2 motorways.

As the decade came to an end, the Sugar Crash gave way to a Sugar High, and Nuvania came out of recession. With it came changing social attitudes, and a return to economic growth and prosperity the city's inhabitants desired. Protests for social change and civil rights, especially for Nuvania's black and Creole populations, began to increase, as did protests for women's rights and LGBT rights. Throughout the early 1970's, Pietersburg began to develop an underground youth scene that catered to the more marginalised communities within Nuvanian society, and Pietersburg's universities began to support and accommodate these communities in the face of public backlash from the more conservative portions of society.

In 1972, the first Democratic Action Party mayor since 1948 was elected in the local elections that year, and began to implement policies that were aimed at reducing the social inequalities within the city, including the first new social housing built since the 1950's, as well as an expansion of Pietersburg's mass transit and public transport systems, as well as other major infrastructure projects designed to emulate the success of the public works programs of the Great Collapse. While these projects did improve the city's infrastructure, they did little to stem the rising political and criminal violence, as well as persistently high unemployment, within the city.

Internal Conflict

The 1977 SuperPrix bombing was one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the city's history.

Pietersburg began to experience growing political and social violence throughout the 1970's which accelerated both in number of attacks and in fatalities inflicted from the middle of the decade onwards. The watershed moment for this violence came in 1970, when the provincial police commissioner was kidnapped and murdered by militants belonging to the People's Volunteer Brigades, a left-wing organisation that would commit hundreds of terrorist attacks across the city. The next major incident came in 1973, when a bomb detonated outside a National People's Party rally at the PostBank Arena killed 13 people and injured 365. Four terrorist attacks resulting in 16 deaths and 75 injuries were recorded the following year. Three more attacks resulting in 12 deaths and 111 injuries were recorded in 1975.

One of the deadliest bombings of the Asterian Spring occurred in 1976, when a truck bomb exploded outside the National Police Service headquarters in central Pietersburg, killing 23 people and injuring an additional 60 others. This was followed in August 1977 by another bombing, this time at a SuperPrix supermarket that killed 11 people, and injured 76. Attacks and incidents remained relatively low, until 1981 when the violence intensified. Eleven attacks occurred in 1981, followed by nine in 1982, and 16 in 1983, including a car bombing in the central city that killed 19 people and injured 220 others.

Attacks reached a peak in 1988 when 66 terrorist attacks and incidents were recorded across the city, causing 81 fatalities and 396 injuries. That year also saw a significant rise in fatal bombings, with nine fatal bomb attacks that year. Included within these attacks was a bombing of a police housing complex in the east of the city, killing 27 and injuring 70, the deadliest bombing in Nuvanian history. Other significant attacks included the bombing of the Gizmo Arcade on June 22, killing ten people, and the Café Rex bombing resulting in the deaths of 17 people and injuring 34 others. Throughout the civil conflict, Pietersburg witnessed 275 terrorist attacks and incidents between 1953 and 1989. These caused millions in damages, in addition to 304 deaths and 1,833 injuries. A substantial number fatalities occurred during the initial part of the Asterian Spring, in which larger attacks were used against government targets. Beginning in 1980, nuisance attacks against infrastructure, especially electrical substations and railway lines became common, and constituted a majority of attacks and incidents in the city by the middle of the decade. However, the violence and bombings intensified through 1987 and 1988, before tapering off in 1989, when 24 incidents occurred.

The conflict itself came to an end in 1990, when a cessation of hostilities was agreed upon by the newly elected government of David van Deventer and representatives of various left-wing paramilitary groups. The last official attack of the conflict, a bomb attack, was recorded in central Pietersburg.

Drug Wars

A detective with the National Police Service shows off contraband from a raid against a street gang.

Concurrent throughout most of the internal conflict was the rise of organised crime in Pietersburg, stemming from the gangs that formed during the slums of the city during the Great Collapse. Early organised crime primarily involved the manufacture and sale of bootleg alcohol, prostitution, illegal gambling, among other illicit activities. Fights between rival gangs were common, but outright violence was comparatively rare. These organisations eventually evolved into sophisticated organised criminal syndicates that ran much of Pietersburg's nightlife during the middle of the 20th century. The late 1930's and 1940's saw the emergence of drugs as a means of creating revenue for these syndicates, where war-surplus morphine was often trafficked into Pietersburg and sold on the black market, as well as more traditional activities, such as racketeering. These organisations had branched out into the dealing of illicit firearms by the 1950's, and included both firearms sourced from within Nuvania, as well as from overseas.

The Sugar Crash saw these criminal syndicates grow in size substantially as the predominantly black and Creole farm labourers who found themselves out of work were readily recruited into these organisations. In addition, the Sugar Crash saw the re-emergence of street gangs, who were more willing to engage in violence. Like the more sophisticated crime syndicates, the street gangs also engaged in trafficking and distribution of illicit contraband, as well as engaging in various forms of racketeering. Street gangs commonly dealt drugs that were easier to acquire and in smaller quantities, and were blamed for an explosion in marijuana use between 1964 and 1968. The greater willingness to use violence as a means of both intimidation and protection of territory saw the homicide rate begin to rise from 1966 onwards, and continue on an upward trajectory for over three decades.

Street gangs and criminal syndicates began to cooperate on greater distribution of illegal narcotics, with marijuana demand increasing, as well as the introduction of heroin in Pietersburg from 1971 onwards. The two began to form relationships in which organised criminal syndicates would use street gangs to establish or maintain territories within urban areas, as well as to fight other gangs and law enforcement. In addition to the political violence against Nuvania's law enforcement and security services, organised attacks from the criminal syndicates began to occur, beginning with shootings of various police stations around the city in 1973 and 1974. These escalated progressively throughout the remainder of the decade, and these attacks often became indistinguishable from the attacks from left wing and right wing groups, and often used weapons and explosives supplied to them from the syndicates.

By 1979, syndicates had gone from fighting law enforcement and the security forces to fighting among themselves, and the homicide rate in Pietersburg skyrocketed. That year saw homicides pass 1,000 in twelve months for the first time, with at least half of them related to gang violence. The following year, 723 homicides were connected to organised crime. Most of the violence centred around the working class districts of the city, as well as some industrial areas, as criminal syndicates vied for control of facilities to traffic contraband. The introduction of cocaine in the early 1980's fuelled greater increases in violence, as we as massively increasing the revenue of the syndicates. By 1985, 70% of cocaine and 70% of marijuana smuggled out of Nuvania went through Pietersburg, and violence intensified to the point that the city council passed ordinances to allow conceal and carry permits for civilians, the first regulations of their kind issued in Nuvania. Organised crime syndicates now competed for control of drug routes, and the violence in Nuvania spread into neighbouring countries and island states in the West Arucian Sea, prompting the government to consider putting armed soldiers in the streets of the capital. However, homicide rates began to stabilised, and violent crime saw a brief reduction within the city. This trend continued into the 1990's, when organised crime syndicates began to launder their money into the property market, sparking a small building boom between 1991 and 1996. Homicides declined between 1994 and 2004, but spiked again after the Great Recession, although less than a quarter were related to the drug trade by this time.

Construction Boom

Construction projects such as this exploded in the city between 2005 and 2019.

The Great Recession had an unusual after effect on Nuvania, in that property became one of the most desired investments within the country. Although property in Pietersburg was expensive by Nuvanian standards, foreign investors could purchase and invest in properties without even stepping foot in Nuvania. Pietersburg's location in the tropics, affordable living, and higher quality of life than most cities in Nuvania, became an attractive selling point for foreign investors and those looking for holiday homes and to retire. While existing projects had halted construction, they were restarted by a reinvigorated real estate industry that courted wealthy investors from developed countries who had much greater capital than domestic investors. As such, foreign money began to flow into Pietersburg from around 2006, allowing for the city and Nuvania to recover quicker.

Existing projects recommenced construction and began completion, with newer projects confirmed at rapid speed. Prior to 2005, Pietersburg had 33 skyscrapers with a height over 100 metres. By the end of the decade, that number had risen to 100, with 67 completed within the remaining five years. Between 2007 and 2008, the city saw the completion of no less than 36 skyscrapers, the vast majority of which were residential in nature. The trend continued well into the next decade. Between 2010 and 2020, 63 more skyscrapers were consented and constructed, bringing the total in Pietersburg to 163, the highest total in Nuvania and one of the highest in Asteria Inferior. These included the construction of five skyscrapers with heights over 200 metres, taking the total to seven. By the end of the decade, the city had over 3,700 high rises and skyscrapers.

The construction boom changed the physical look of the city with the city showcasing the best of modern architecture in what became known as "Pietersburg condominiumism", giving the city a distinct feel and look. It also resulted in massive price increases for homes and properties, the average price increasing by nearly 105% between 2000 and 2019. This created a property bubble which lasted until 2020, when the Nuvanian economy went back into recession. The property bubble created not only increased social tension in the city, it also gave rise to allegations of both involvement in organised crime for money laundering, as well as collusion between the local authorities and the construction companies based in the city, which by this time had grown into wealthy multinational conglomerates. Widespread criticism of approval of luxury developments over the more affordable housing forced the resignation of mayor John Macy in 2015, which lead to a snap mayoral election in which the DAP candidate, Stefan Liebenberg, won by a landslide.

Recent History

Municipal Housing Corporation houses like these in Bethania have become a cornerstone of the Liebenberg administration.

The 2015 local elections resulted in significant changes for Pietersburg. Although he was widely expected to win a third term as Mayor, then-incumbent John Macy significantly underestimated the popular disapproval of the policy of preference for large luxury developments at the expense of more affordable housing for the city's residents. The increase in house prices, as well as the return of, or expansion of slums on the city's outskirts resulted in his opponent, Stefan Liebenberg, winning the mayoralty by a landslide in the 2015 local elections, despite having significantly less corporate backing. Liebenberg's victory was the first for a candidate from the Democratic Action Party since before the Great Recession, and also delivered the party a majority of seats in the City Assembly for the first time in over a decade.

Liebenberg engaged in a number of changes to how the city was managed, with a focus on reducing the environmental impact of the city as well as improving public transport connections, expanding existing parklands and green spaces, as well as instituting a number of new restrictions on housing. Among the latter included affordable housing quotas, restrictions on private investment in housing, limitations on the number of luxury developments, as well as the formation of the Municipal Housing Corporation which assumed control of social housing within the city and began several build-to-rent and rent-to-buy schemes. This had the added benefit of reducing overall rents and prices for the lowest value houses in Pietersburg.

Concurrent with the greater construction of affordable social housing was a downturn in the wider Nuvanian economy which added to the effects of mass housing investment. Property prices within the city began to stagnate and then began to fall, which resulted in modest increases in affordability for city residents. Consents for luxury developments halved between 2015 and 2020, and a number of property development companies simply cancelled proposed projects altogether. The eruption of Pico de Sangue in Maracao in September 2020 caused a sharp economic contraction that burst the city's, and Nuvania's, property bubble which resulted in bankruptcies and mass layoffs in the construction and tourism sectors. The city's economy was substantially impacted by the economic contraction caused by the eruption and has only partially recovered. However, the effects of the economic downturn have been felt across the city with an uptick in unemployment as well as families seeking financial assistance. This correlated with an increase in families falling into poverty and an increase in crime, particularly of thefts and burglaries.

Outside of property, the Liebenberg administration also invested in public transport, which included changes to bus services, a better integrated payment system, as well as bus fleet renewal. Investment went into the light and heavy rail networks within the city, with approval for a new line that would cross the city from east to west to add to the O-Spoor network. Included within this expansion would be new rolling stock for both the O-Spoor and PVM's commuter rail networks. Liebenberg also oversaw the completion of the final link in the Southern Ring Road, which allowed for heavy traffic to bypass the city centre. The investment in Pietersburg's infrastructure is what allowed Liebenberg to win a second term in office in the 2020 local elections.


Pietersburg is located at the foot of the Bay of Dolphins in northwestern Kaap province. Geographically the city is bordered to the east and south by the Kustveld, to the west and northwest by the Westrand, and to the northwest by the Mascarenhas Peninsula. The city itself lies around the foot of the bay, expanding westwards into the easternmost foothills of the Westrand, south and east into the Kustveld.

Central Pietersburg lies on what was formerly a large wetland fed by numerous streams as well as two rivers, the Riebeck and the Konrad, which come to a confluence near the central city in the district known as Tweerivier. Much of the land was initially converted for farming in the 17th and 18th centuries, before being urbanised in the 19th and 20th centuries. Much of the initial urban development began on the flat hard areas to the south of the modern city centre, which was created when the wetlands were drained and turned into stable land. These areas formed the core of the central business district. Much of the central business district of Pietersburg suffers from varying rates of subsidence, with the average sink rate of around 3-6 millimetres a year. This has caused problems for the city's infrastructure, especially its utilities and several lines of the Pietersburg O-Spoor. In addition, these areas suffer from drainage issues and are prone to surface flooding during heavy rain.

Western Pietersburg is generally defined as the areas to the northwest of the central business district, as well as the contiguous urban area between the left bank of the Riebeck river, and the Westrand. These include suburbs of the city proper, as well as various satellite cities and towns. Unlike the central business district, western Pietersburg was largely forest and farmland before being urbanised, with the soils generally being fertile, in line with the other areas of the kustveld. Northwestern Pietersburg is home to many of the more exclusive areas of the city, as the Westrand is closer to the coast here than elsewhere. Suburbs like Chatillon, Leliëndal, and Sabana, are among the wealthiest places in the city. To the south are more satellite towns, including Baskop and Governor's Valley, the latter known for its colonial architecture. Most of western Pietersburg is largely residential with small commercial centres. These are considered to be the city's largely middle class and upper class suburbs.

Southern Pietersburg is generally defined as the contiguous urban area south of the city centre, which encompasses numerous areas, and is a mixture of middle class, working class, residential, and industrial areas. Both the Riebeck and the Konrad rivers flow through this area. It is home to many well known suburbs including Lowlands, Kroonenburg, Redfield, Twin Lakes, as well as the large industrial area of Longwood, which is home to numerous large industrial complexes, including several car factories. The suburb of Huntingdon, located at the periphery of the urban area, is the location of Pietersburg's largest airport. Outside of the urban area, there are a number of satellite cities and towns, including Andover, Montgomery, Oakhurst, and Ravenswood. Southern Pietersburg is predominantly known for being a largely Estophone area of the city.

Eastern Pietersburg is defined as the urban area located east of the Konrad river, and the eastern shores of the Bay of Dolphins. These areas are much like southern Pietersburg, with mixed use, mixed class areas. Predominantly the area is known as being the site of the Port of Pietersburg, as well as Nuvania's largest naval base. It is mostly low, rolling terrain, with lagoons and mangrove swamps close to shore, these areas being either protected or developed for residential projects. It is the location of Albertina National Park, as well as some notable suburbs including Bethania, Constancia, Easton, and Wortelboombaai.

Beaches are a primary feature of the geography of Pietersburg, and are some of the most famous beaches in Nuvania. The biggest and most well known of these is the Witstrand, from which the surrounding district derives its name. The Witstrand is located directly north of the city centre and is often considered to be among the most desirable beach in the city owing to its central location and being lined with luxury apartments and condominiums. It is also the location of a number of festivals, including the largest sandcastle building festival in Nuvania, as well as a New Year music concert. Vosstrand to the east is another popular beach located in the east. Other popular or notable beaches include West Beach and Konradstrand, parts of which form the mouth of the Konrad river, and Boerhaavestrand, just northwest of the city centre.


Pietersburg experiences a tropical savanna climate, which differs from most equatorial climates in that it lies close to the confluence of a warm current to the northeast, and a cold current to the southwest. Because of this the city experiences some monsoonal tendencies, with a more pronounced dry season and wet season from the change in winds.

The wet season in Pietersburg lasts between December and May, and is marked by a marginal drop in overall temperatures with significantly increased rainfall and humidity. Temperatures during this period remain warm, between 27-31°C during the day and around 23°C during the night. Most of the rainfall during the early part of the season falls in large thunderstorms which produce significant amounts of rainfall over a short period, and due to the issues with subsidence Pietersburg suffers, flooding is often caused. On average around seven people a year are killed through thunderstorm-induced flooding. April is the wettest month, with an average of 284 millimetres of rainfall recorded.

The dry season lasts between July and November, and is slightly shorter than the wet season, lasting around five months. The changes in weather are reasonably significant, humidity and rainfall drop considerably, the latter decreasing by over half at the peak of the dry season, with September the driest month at just 45 millimetres of rainfall recorded on average. Temperatures reach between 31-33°C during the day, and fall to between 22-23°C during the night. A reason for the increase in temperatures, as opposed to the decrease in temperatures observed elsewhere during the dry season in tropical climates, is due to the pervasive southerly and southwesterly winds, which sometimes bring hot air from the drier interior.

Pietersburg's highest observed temperature is 39.6°C, observed on September 18, 1980. The lowest temperature observed in the city is 19.1°C, recorded on October 19, 1998.

Climate data for Pietersburg, Nuvania
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 31.0
Daily mean °C (°F) 26.5
Average low °C (°F) 23.2
Average precipitation mm (inches) 156.03
Average precipitation days 29 28 31 30 30 27 26 23 21 21 20 26 312
Source: Nuvanian Weather Service


Pietersburg has numerous parks, gardens, and a national park within the city limits, as well as extensive protected areas around the city itself. These parks and gardens are the responsibility of the city council and include the main public parks, the botanical gardens, and the gardens around numerous colonial buildings, such as the Governor's Residence.

The Pietersburg Botanical Gardens are the largest of their kind in Nuvania and are located just south of the city centre. This area occupies a significant area of land close to the central city, and were originally created as an amalgamation of several stately properties towards the end of the 19th century. These gardens are primarily maintained by the city council, and the land is owned by a private trust who allows free public access to the gardens. There are over 4,000 species of trees, bushes, and flowering plants in these gardens, as well as over 100 different fountains and water features. Among the more well known features of the botanical gardens include the Kristalhuis, the largest ornamental glasshouse in Asteria Inferior, and the Avenue of Palms.

Located within the central city is the Hoofstuine, or Central Gardens. This is located within the central business district and borders many of Nuvania's government buildings. Although not the biggest urban park, it is by far the most well known and most popular, appearing in numerous Nuvanian-language movies and TV shows, as well as in several foreign films. The Hoofstuine is considered to be the focal point for the central city, and is surrounded by many cafes and upscale restaurants, and is often used for walks among visiting dignitaries. Among the more famous of the landmarks within the Hoofstuine is the statue of Petrus Boerhaave, which has a local legend surrounding it that states anyone that rubs the crotch of the statue receives good luck. Another is the Angel of Freedom fountain, commissioned in 1883 after Nuvania was granted independence.

Albertina National Park is located on Pietersburg's coast just behind the Vosstrand. Prior to the explosion of urban development in the 1950's and 1960's, the area was covered in thick mangrove swamps. Progressive urban development threatened to completely destroy the mangroves until protests began in 1971 to protect them. In 1973, the remaining 215 hectares was designated as protected land and development prohibited. The significance of the mangrove protests in the 1970's in establishing environmentalism as a mainstream social and political movement within Nuvania resulted in the park being upgraded to national park status in 1998, and renamed in honour of the leader of the protest movement that saved it, Martinus Albertyn, in 2003. It is the most visited and smallest national park in Nuvania, and the only one in Kylaris served by a metro station.



The City Chambers in central Pietersburg.

Pietersburg is governed by the Greater Pietersburg Council, split between three branches: the City Assembly, the Executive Council, and the Mayor.

The City Assembly is the legislative body of the Greater Pietersburg Council and is composed of 150 directly elected city councillors, with each city councillor representing one ward within the urban area of the city. The role of the City Assembly is to draft, amend, and pass statutory legislation in accordance with the powers and responsibilities given to local government. In addition to its legislative powers, the City Assembly can launch inquiries into the conduct of both councillors, members of the Executive Council, and the Mayor, and are able to hold these higher authorities accountable.

The Executive Council is the policy setting body of the Greater Pietersburg Council, and is composed of fifteen members: fourteen councillors selected from the City Assembly as official heads of various portfolios, the Mayor, and the Chief Executive Officer. The role of the Executive Council is to set and implement local government policy which covers a vast range of competencies from transportation to education to healthcare. The Mayor functions as the executive of this council, while the Chief Executive Officer is the apolitical appointed official that oversees the day to day administration of the civil service that keeps the Greater Pietersburg Council functioning.

The Mayor of Pietersburg is the executive authority at the head of the Greater Pietersburg Council, and is elected to a renewable term of four years. The Mayor's role is setting policies and goals for various council services and departments, as well as approving by-laws, and daily administration of the city. The Mayor is also the primary representative of the city, presiding over official functions and maintaining or establishing relationships with sister cities.

Currently the Democratic Action Party hold a majority of the seats in the City Assembly, winning 79 of the 150 seats. The National People's Party holds another 57 seats. Independent candidates hold six seats, the Citizen's Alliance five seats, and the Social Justice Party three seats. The incumbent Mayor is Stefan Liebenberg, who has served as Mayor since 2016.

Administrative Divisions

The urban area of Pietersburg constitutes one single municipality which shares the same name as the city. It is officially the lowest form of governance in Nuvania. However, for geographic and administrative purposes, the municipality of Pietersburg is further divided between five geographic areas and 20 boroughs.

Pietersburg's geographic areas are used to group the city's boroughs by geographic area, these being Centre, East, South, and West. There are three boroughs in the centre of Pietersburg, six in the east and south, and five in the west.

The boroughs themselves are used by the Greater Pietersburg Council for internal administration, being used mainly as a means of grouping neighbourhoods and suburbs of the city together and as the primary interface between city residents and the council. Boroughs lack any formal administrative body of their own, instead they have an appointed council representative known as a municipal intendant, who acts as an intermediary between council and community. The role of the municipal intendant is to organise meetings to inform residents of significant developments as well as listen to concerns and issues raised by residents themselves. These intendants are nonpartisan, and are appointed to the Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Pietersburg Council. The borough system was created by Stefan Liebenberg in 2017 as a way of the council having greater ability to manage and interact with the city than under the previous system of municipalities, and is unique to Pietersburg.


Pietersburg is the administrative capital of Kanaän, and as such holds the provincial assembly and the provincial department offices, as well as the official residence of the Premier of Kanaän.

Of the 102 seats within the Kanaän Provincial Assembly, Pietersburg accounts for 57 of those seats, around 55% of the legislature. Of those 57 seats, Pietersburg elected 34 Democratic Action Party members, 14 National People's Party members, three Social Justice Party members, two members of the Citizen's Alliance (BA), and one independent.


In addition to its role as the administrative capital of Kaap province, Pietersburg is also the national capital of Nuvania. It hosts all government ministries, foreign embassies, both houses of Parliament, the principal courts, and other important government offices. It is also the home of the official residences of the State President and Chief Minister.

The metropole of Pietersburg is represented in the House of Assembly by 59 seats, the largest share of any city in Nuvania, giving the city significant influence over national politics. In the 2017 Nuvanian general election, Pietersburg returned 31 DAP representatives, 27 NVP representatives, and one BA representative. Pietersburg is regarded as one of the more socially liberal areas of Nuvania, and elects DAP candidates to a majority of its seats in the General Council.

Pietersburg is represented in the Senate by six of Kaap province's 12 allocated seats, with a rough population of 1.15 million people per seat. These six seats are split evenly between the DAP and the NVP.


The Port of Pietersburg is the second largest port in Nuvania and a major economic and transportation hub for the city.

Pietersburg has a GDP of $154.3 billion, making it one of the largest economies of any city in Asteria Inferior. The GDP is approximately 80% of the total GRP of Kaap province, and 29% of the national GDP. The city has a GDP per capita of $22,276, higher than the national average. The city function as the economic and logistical hub of Kaap province, as well as a major financial and industrial centre.

Finance is a major industry in Pietersburg, with the city being the primary financial hub of Nuvania, as well as one of the major financial hubs in the Arucian, ranked third behind Gatôn and Hammarvik. Numerous important financial institutions such as the Central Bank of Nuvania, the National Mint, and the Ministry of Finance are located within the city. Nuvania's major banks, such as Van den Bergh, the Bank of Nuvania, the Arucian Investment Bank, and the National Credit Union, all have corporate headquarters in the city. In addition to banks, the city is home to numerous financial companies and institutions, as well as the Pietersburg Stock Exchange (PB), the third largest in the Arucian region by capital value.

Pietersburg is one of the major manufacturing centres in Nuvania alongside Windstrand, with the manufacturing primarily based around the Port of Pietersburg and the industrial centre of Longwood. Manufacturing employs around one fifth of the city's work force and contributes around 20% of the city's GDP. Most major international companies have factories and assembly plants in Pietersburg. The city is a major producer of automobiles, with Montgomery General Motors, x, and x basing their production facilities in Pietersburg, the city being the second largest producer of motor vehicles in Nuvania after Windstrand. In addition, Longwood is an important location of white goods and industrial machinery production in Nuvania. The Port of Pietersburg is the location of the Pietersburg Oil Refinery and Terminal, owned by Nuvanian oil giant NOM and responsible for around half of Nuvania's daily oil production. In addition, the port is home to the Aling Shipyards, one of the most important in the Arucian, are located in the Port of Pietersburg.

Construction is a significant contributor to the city's economy in terms of jobs and revenue, with many large construction companies and materials suppliers located in Pietersburg. The industry directly employs over 25,000 construction workers and contractors in the city, the majority of which are independent private contractors. Major construction companies like Douglas Howe, McDonnell Construction and Infracor are all located in the city. In recent years the industry has experienced a boom in residential and commercial construction, which saw the industry double in size from $7.3 billion in 2010 to $14.9 billion in 2020.

Transportation is a major economic factor in Pietersburg, with the city functioning as an transportation hub for both western Nuvania and Kaap province. The city is home to the headquarters of Nuvania's national railway company Nasionale Spoorwege (National Railways, NSW) and has railway connections along the northern and western coasts. The Port of Pietersburg itself is a major transportation hub, with the port handling 12.3 million tonnes of cargo and 2.1 million TEU's for the financial year over 2018-2019.

Approximately 16 million tourists visit Pietersburg annually making it one of the most visited cities in the Asterias. Roughly 30% of the city's labour force is employed in the services and tourism industry, and the city is well known for its large shopping centres and malls. The services sector accounts for roughly 55% of the city's economy.



Public transport in the city is managed by the Pietersburg Transport Company, which is commonly known by the Asteriaans abbreviation PVM. It provides all bus services within Pietersburg's urban area, all commuter rail and mass transit services, and also has controlling shares in the city's taxis, ride sharing, and bicycle sharing services. PVM itself is a multi-billion dollar company with the Greater Pietersburg Council being the sole shareholder of the company.

Pietersburg is covered by one of the most extensive bus networks anywhere in the Asterias, with PVM's bus services operating a fleet of approximately 3,869 buses over 2,636 routes. Together this service carries an average of 510,000 people per day, or just over 185 million people per year. The bus network is integrated with PVM's Hop! card. The majority of PVM's bus fleet is diesel powered, although the company has committed to a fully carbon-neutral bus fleet by 2030, with around 30% of the fleet composed of either electric or hybrid buses.

PVM provides commuter rail services which cover nine lines around the greater urban and metropolitan area of the city. PVM's commuter rail services carry approximately 1.12 million people per day, or 408.8 million people per year. There are 274 stations on the nine lines of the PVM's commuter rail network, which are served by a fleet of 191 electric train sets. The commuter rail runs along the same lines as some of the wider passenger and freight lines operated by Nasionale Spoorwege (NSW), and PVM coordinates with NSW to manage trains along those lines.

The Pietersburg O-Spoor is the name for the city's metro system. The name in full is the Pietersburger Onderaardespoorweg, which translates as the Pietersburg Underground Railway. The O-Spoor is one of three metro mass transit systems operating in Nuvania, and covers 16 lines both above and underground. The O-Spoor is entirely located within the urban area of Pietersburg, and has 162 stations across its network. It carries approximately two million passengers per day, or 730 million passengers a year.


Pietersburg has an extensive motorway network, one of the largest of any city in Nuvania. The M1 is one of Nuvania's busiest motorways, and crosses the city west to east as a delineation between the central business district and the inner suburbs, with the M1 connecting the city's western suburbs and beyond that, the city of Adamsbaai on Nuvania's west coast. To the east, the M1 makes a northeasterly turn and connect the northeastern areas of Bethania and Mariashoop before continuing along the coast to Windstrand. The M2 leads southeast from the junction with the M1 through southeastern Pietersburg, connecting the city with Pietersburg International Airport, ultimately providing a road connection to southern Kaap province and the Great Asterian Range. The M43 is the newest motorway which leads from the southwest and connects with the M1 south of Adamsbaai.

In addition to the main thoroughfares in and out of Pietersburg, there are three ring roads that half circle the city from the northeast around to the northwest. These are known in Pietersburg as the Rondtepade and are numbered from one to three. These roads not only serve as important thoroughfares for road traffic, but also serve as socio-economic divides between the middle and upper class suburbs closer to the inner city, and the working class outer suburbs.

Nasionale Spoorwege (NSW) operates three train stations in Pietersburg which handle all of the city's inter-city passenger services. The principal station in Pietersburg is the Sentraalstasie which handles a majority of the commuter rail traffic as well as many of NSW's inter-city express services. The station sees around 35 million passengers per year, or approximately 95,890 passengers per day, not including commuter rail passengers. Inter-city services from eastern cities and towns, including regular services from Windstrand, are handled by the Bethaniastasie, and services from western cities, predominantly Adamsbaai, are handled by the Weststasie.

There are six airports located within the greater metropolitan area of Pietersburg. The largest and most important of these is Pietersburg International Airport, located within the urban area in the suburb of Huntingdon. The airport is the busiest in Nuvania and one of the busiest in Asteria Inferior, seeing a total of 27.9 million passengers a year in 2019. Pietersburg is the origin of Nuvania's busiest air route, between Pietersburg and Windstrand, along which 4.8 million people travelled in 2019. Chatillon Airport is the other airport within Pietersburg's urban area, and handles general aviation aircraft.

In addition, there are three airports located outside of Pietersburg's urban area. Andover Airport is located the furthest south, and is a general aviation airport, as are those located in Oakhurst and Ravenswood. None of these airports have scheduled commercial services. Adamsbaai Airport, located 56 kilometres to the southwest of central Pietersburg, is the furthest airport considered to be within reach of Pietersburg, despite Adamsbaai itself not part of the wider metropolitan area. It has commercial services to Constantia, Niekerk, Vryburg, and Windstrand.



Pietersburg has experienced moderate population growth over the last two decades, with an average growth of 0.6% per year since 2010. As of December 2019, the population of Pietersburg's urban area was 5,052,879 inhabitants, and increase of 0.4% annually since 2010.

Much more growth has been experienced in the wider metropolitan area with satellite cities experiencing significant growth. Collectively the total metropolitan population of Pietersburg is 6,926,503 inhabitants, an average of 0.8% annual growth since 2010.

Population growth and urban expansion have been identified as challenges that the city will face in the future, with initiatives to promote densification and apartment living in a city traditionally dominated by surburban developments.


Pietersburg is largely reflective of demographic trends across Nuvania.


Whites form a plurality of the population of Pietersburg, with the city's white population constituting 44.4% of the city's total population, or 3.07 million people.

Estmerish constitute 21.2% of the population of Pietersburg, or around 1,468,418 inhabitants. The Estmerish have had an immense influence on the city stemming from colonial years, as well as development of the city itself. The Estmerish predominantly occupy the middle and upper classes of Pietersburg, and live in these areas. Pietersburg has a higher than average percentage of Estmerish expatriates, with 16.5% of the city's Estmerish population born in Estmere.

Asterianers constitute 20.9% of the population, or around 1,447,639 people. Unlike the Estmerish, the Asterianer population has declined 65.2% since the peak of 60.2% of the white population in 1970. Traditionally Asterianers, while occupying a privileged position within Nuvanian society as a whole, have been poorer than the Estmerish population, and the decline can be attributed to costs of living in urban areas in comparison with rural ones, as well as the traditionally lower class status of Asterianers.

Approximately 87,345 Hennish people live in Pietersburg, or 42.2% of the Hennish population as a whole. The majority of the Hennish people in Pietersburg are expatriates, with around 80% of the Hennish population born in Hennehouwe. As with other white immigrant groups, the Hennish population is predominantly middle and upper class. It is also one of the oldest groups by average age, with 30% of the Hennish population in Pietersburg aged 65 and over.

There are 21,248 Caldish citizens or people of Caldish heritage in Pietersburg, many of whom are emigres from Caldia itself. Pietersburg has had a small Caldish community since the mid-19th century. Around one fifth of the white population of Pietersburg have some Caldish ancestry, as Caldish were one of the many Euclean immigrant groups that made it to Pietersburg during the 18th and 19th centuries. The Caldish population remains small as they are found across Nuvania.

There are 26,908 Gaullicans or people of Gaullican descent in Pietersburg. As with the Caldish, the Gaullicans arrived in Nuvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, although smaller groups arrived before the main wave of settlement. The majority of Gaullicans who settled initially were Amendists, forced out by the wars in Euclea and chose to settle in Amendist Nuvania. Their culture and influence in Nuvania is significant, ranging from the given and surnames of many people, to architectural influences, and cuisine.

The majority of the 2,997 Weranians that live in Pietersburg are descendants of those who used to live in the province of Daule in Aucuria, and left the province following the end of the Great War. Many of them still speak a variant of Weranian called Kustweranisch, which is an older form of Weranian from the southern areas of Werania. Only a handful of Weranian citizens live in the city, mostly in support of Weranian businesses and the Weranian embassy.

14,761 Eldmarkers live in Nuvania, most of whom either emigrated in the 19th century, or are descended from those who emigrated to Nuvania after the war in search of work. They settled principally in cities like Pietersburg which were not affected by the war, and faced labour shortages. Many of those that live in Pietersburg have family and dual citizenship in Eldmark.

One of Pietersburg's smallest white communities, the 2,350 Piraeans that call Pietersburg home are recent migrants, either moving for economic reasons, or descended from first generation refugees who fled from the Etrurian state during the Solarian War. Many settled in the city as it was among the first ports reached for many of the refugees.

Around 6,375 people are classified as "others" in the whites category. These include smaller groups of northern Eucleans, western Eucleans, as well as a small community of varungu, although most moved into the country.


Black Nuvanians account for 26.2% of the population, or 1.8 million inhabitants.

Pietersburg was involved in the slave trade under the auspices of the ZAK from the Sotirian Commonwealth, with the practice continuing under the unification of the Hennish states under the Duchy of Flamia, and then under Estmerish colonial authorities between 1749 and 1771, when slavery was banned. Tens of thousands of Bahians passed through Pietersburg but few were kept as slaves or as labourers in the city itself. Black migration to Pietersburg began around the middle of the 19th century as farm labourers began to move to the city to look for work in emerging factories and other industrial plants. Because of their low societal and economic status, the city's black inhabitants were often left to live in slums, a situation which the city still struggles with today. Black migration to Pietersburg tapered off throughout most of the 20th century, but increased massively during the Sugar Crash, as the bankruptcy of numerous sugar cane plantations and sugar refineries caused significant migration into the cities.

Pietersburg's black population has benefitted from significant social investment at the central and local government level, including the improvement of living standards, the increase in overall employment, and reductions in systemic barriers to access education, healthcare, and welfare. As with the Creole population, Pietersburg's black community has been prolific in the development of street culture and underground music and art, particularly in rap and hip-hop music.


Creoles constitute one of the largest minorities of the inhabitants of Pietersburg, with a total population of 1.7 million inhabitants, or 25.2% of the population.

Traditionally the mixed peoples within Pietersburg have inhabited the lower middle class and working class areas of the city, and have been disproportionately affected by crime and poverty. Coastal cities like Pietersburg began to have defined Creole populations from the middle of the 17th century onwards as more and more people began to have mixed ancestry from Asterindians, Bahians, and Eucleans. Creoles constituted the second largest people group in Pietersburg by the turn of the 19th century and remained as such until the end of the 20th century, when they became the third largest minority group in the city.

Creoles have seen the greatest growth in living standards among Pietersburg's inhabitants, with a two fold increase in average income and a 45% increase in literacy rates in the period between 2010 and 2019.

Mixed peoples have been heavily involved in the urban arts and music scene in Pietersburg, especially in recent years with the widespread acceptance and promotion of street art, and the gain in popularity of rap and hip-hop music.


Prior to colonisation, the area around Pietersburg was inhabited by various Asterindian peoples who were progressively pushed out of traditional lands by Hennish and later Estmerish colonists. As Pietersburg grew, and with it the demand for farmland, areas to the south and east of the city became rapidly depopulated, especially after independence under the huurverlenging policy.

Pietersburg's native population is predominantly internal migrants who moved to the city in the 1970's and 1980's looking for work. Many of these people are from tribes and people groups that inhabit the Great Asterian Range, although a large number of Pietersburg's native population also come from other lowland areas. The Jukpa people are native to the area, and approximately 7,342 Jukpa live within Pietersburg, the remainder living in rural areas in Kaap province.

Asterindians in Pietersburg predominantly live within working class areas alongside mixed peoples, and have been subject to discrimination as well as suffer disproportionately from poverty, crime, and illiteracy. Of the 3.2% of the population of Pietersburg who are illiterate, approximately 74,187 are Asterindians. Measures by central and provincial governments have improved literacy rates, as well as educational and health outcomes for many indigenous families living in Pietersburg.

Currently the Asterindian population of Pietersburg is approximately 164,740, or 2.3% of the total population.

Other Ethnicities

Approximately 1.9% of the population, or 136,485 people, are listed as being of other ethnicities. Most of these other ethnicities are those who work in the city as diplomatic staff at various embassies around the city, while a significant proportion are immigrants to the city.

Among these migrant communities include Pardarians at 14% of those classified as other ethnicities, Badawiyans at 12%, Xiaodongese at another 12%, Senrians at 10%, and Sublustrians at another 10%. Many of these groups have migrated to Nuvania to pursue economic opportunities or to escape conflict and instability. Each of these groups have left their mark on the city's wider culture, especially when it comes to cuisine.

The remaining 42% of those classified as other ethnicities are from a myriad of smaller ethnic groups.


Pietersburg is a predominantly Sotirian city, with a strong connection to Amendism. It is the site of the first Sotirian service in Nuvania, and one of the first in Asteria Inferior. The first church in Nuvania was also built in Pietersburg, and it is home to not only the seats of many religious organisations, but also the oldest diocese in the country, the Diocese of Pietersburg, which is the highest religious authority for the Estmerish Communion in Asteria Inferior.


Approximately 67% of Pietersburgers identify as Sotirians of various denominations. Of these, 34.7% of Sotirians belong to the Reformed Church of Nuvania, which has a significant and longstanding history with the city, dating back to the city's founding and the first church services held. The Reformed Church is predominantly Asterianer in nature, and conducts most of its services in Asteriaans.

Another 32.4% of Sotirians are from the Estmerish Communion, which while an Amendist congregation, is considered to be different to that of the Reformed Church, particularly in the ethnicity and heritage of its worshippers, and in its social beliefs, the Estmerish Communion widely being considered the more liberal of the two churches. Pietersburg serves as the Archdiocese of the Estmerish Communion of Nuvania, and is where the Archbishop of the Nuvania resides.

Sotirian Catholics account for 27.9% of Sotirians in the city, with the city also home to the central authority of the Catholic Church in Nuvania. Sotirian Catholics in Pietersburg have historically been associated with migrant communities, although a number of locally based Catholics exist in the city. The Basilica of Saint Eustatius is the centre of the Catholic faith in Nuvania, and is the largest Catholic basilica in the country, and one of only six in Nuvania.

The remainder of Sotirians are made up of additional denominations, including significant minorities of Calidons, Kasperists, and Bretheren.


Irreligious and agnostics account for approximately 29.8% of Pietersburgers, giving it one of the largest populations of agnostics and irreligious people in Nuvania. The largest group of irreligious and agnostics are those under 45, with increasing percentages for children and young adults.

Minority Religions

A number of minority religions exist in Pietersburg, and these religious groups constitute 3.2% of the population.

The largest of these groups is are adherents of Badi, at 1.4% of the population. Badi was introduced to Pietersburg with the arrival of gowsa labourers from Dezevau who arrived in the 1830's to work on civil works and infrastructure projects in northern Nuvania. Pietersburg hosts the second largest population of Badists in Nuvania after Windstrand. There are several Badi churches located across the city.

Irfan composes 1.2% of the religious population of Pietersburg and is composed principally of Bahians and Pardarians who managed to migrate to Nuvania in the 20th century, as well as continued migration. The number of Irfani in Pietersburg is fast growing, with the population doubling over the last decade, and the city hosts the largest mosque as well as the only madrassa in Nuvania.

Atudism composes 0.4% of the population and are largely those who have migrated from Tsabara or those who are the descendants of earlier settlers. Alongside Irfan, Atudism is one of the fastest growing religions in the city owing to recent migration during the unrest in Tsabara. Pietersburg has the largest synagogue in Nuvania.


The most widely spoken language in Pietersburg is Estmerish, which is spoken as a first language by 67.4% of the population, and is one of the official languages of Nuvania. Estmerish is a lingua franca alongside Asteriaans and is used by all businesses, media companies, and government institutions. It is also the most popular second language in Pietersburg, with 32.1% speaking it as a second language.

Asteriaans is the second most widely spoken language in Pietersburg, with 34.1% of the population speaking it as a first language and an additional 27.9% speaking it as a second language. It shares equal official language status with Estmerish, and is spoken widely among middle class suburbs in different areas of the city. Pietersburg is the centre for the Asteriaans language, hosting the Asteriaans Taalskommissie (ATK), which promotes and regulates usage of the language in Nuvania.

Gaullican is the most popular second language in Pietersburg with 34.7% of people speaking it as a second language, and less than one percent speaking it as a first language. Gaullican is one of the languages offered as an elective in all public and private schools.

Ruttish, Iutian, and Auratian are among the more widely spoken second languages despite the lack of those who speak it as a first language, as Pietersburg is a regional transport and business hub. Because of this it attracts workers and business from countries such as Aucuria, Belmonte, and Zaralaja.


Pietersburg serves as the administrative centre for the Cape Provincial Health Board (KPHB) and is not only the location of the administrative headquarters, it is also the location of Nuvania's largest hospital. There are 79 hospitals and medical centres in Pietersburg, approximately 37 of which are public and 42 private.

The public health system in Pietersburg is managed through the Cape Provincial Health Board (KPHB) which administers the 37 public hospitals, medical centres, and specialist care facilities. It also includes Nuvania's largest hospital, Pietersburg General, which contains 3,400 beds and employs a staff of over 6,700. Pietersburg General is not one single building but instead a collection of buildings spread out over 80 hectares. In addition, the KPHB also runs Nuvania's largest teaching hospital, Pietersburg University Hospital, which has a staff of just over 4,000 and 1,090 beds. Pietersburg Children's Hospital is also operated by the KPHB.

Private healthcare is administered by a number of companies and insurance firms, many of which have their corporate headquarters in the city. Nuvania's largest private hospital, Lowlands Hospital, is operated by Metropolitan Healthcare and has approximately 980 beds as well as other important facilities, including a trauma department, emergency department and maternity ward. Metropolitan Healthcare also operates several specialist centres and clinics, including the National Cancer Centre in Redfields where it cooperates with the Ministry of Health on cancer research. Most of the city's general practitioners and healthcare specialists are independent and are part of the wide private healthcare system.

Emergency medical services are provided by the provincial health board and private companies. The largest provider is the Cape Emergency Medical Service (KEMS) which operates over one thousand vehicles and around two dozen aircraft across the province, including Pietersburg, which has the central headquarters of the KEMS as well as call centres for the province and for the city. KEMS attends to around 16.7 million calls per year, about 55% of which come from Pietersburg.


The Pietersburg Metropolitan Board of Education (PMBE) oversees the administration of primary and secondary schools within the city, itself a division of the Kaap Provincial Department of Education (KPDE). Both the PMBE and KPDE provide funding and resources for the primary and secondary schools within the city, the latter also provides teachers and other staff.

The PMBE administers a total of 677 schools which cater to the city's 1.15 million primary and secondary students. These schools are divided between 548 primary schools and 129 secondary schools, with an average roll of 1,708 students. These schools are divided between 514 public schools and 163 private schools. Pietersburg students have among the highest achievement rates in national exams and rank highest in literacy and arithmetic.

Pietersburg has a well established and extensive tertiary education system. The city is served by six universities, one teaching hospital, and one technological institute. The city is the location of the central campus for the University of Nuvania, Nuvania's largest university. The campus contains some of the more prestigious faculties, as well as the central administration of the university. The university as a whole has nearly 385,000 students, with around 32,000 based on the Pietersburg campus. In addition to the University of Nuvania, Pietersburg is the location of the main campuses of two other public universities: Kaap University, and the University of Pietersburg. Kaap University is the smallest of the two, with 15,000 students in total. The University of Pietersburg is the largest university in the city, with just over 68,000 students.

Private universities include Andover University, located within the Pietersburg metropolitan area, Westrand University, and Nuvania's third largest Asteriaans-exclusive university, Sandenbergh Universiteit.

Pietersburg University Hospital is Nuvania's largest teaching hospital and is located adjacent to the University of Pietersburg, although it also provides qualifications and courses through other universities. In addition to its role as a teaching hospital, it is also Nuvania's primary medical research and development facility.

The National Institute of Technology has its primary campus within Pietersburg, and is the largest of its kind in the city. It is also the only institute of its kind in the city, and has a roll of around 12,300 students. Like Pietersburg University Hospital, it is Nuvania's primary technological research and development facility, and is well known for its robotics program.

Outside of the mainstream system lies the Kaap Trades Academy (KTA) , which is funded and administered by the Kaap provincial government. The KTA is devoted entirely to placing students into apprenticeships and on-site learning for a variety of construction related trades, such as plumbing and electrical engineering, as well as providing additional courses for practical skills. Established in 2014, the KTA amalgamated a number of different trade schools and other institutions around Kaap province.


Pietersburg has a below average crime rate, and is considered one of the safer cities in Nuvania. In 2019, the city recorded a total of approximately 88,018 crimes, representing a crime rate of 1,207.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, Pietersburg accounts for 7.79% of all crimes recorded in Nuvania.

Pietersburg has one of the lowest homicide rates of any major city in Nuvania, with a rate of 1.44 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, recording 998 homicides in 2019. In addition, the city recorded 1,785 attempted homicides, and nearly 12,000 common assaults, these crimes committed at rates lower than the national average. The most common crime reported in Pietersburg is general theft, with over 23,000 thefts reported in 2019.

The headquarters of the National Police Service is located within Pietersburg, as is the National Police Academy. In addition, the city has its own metropolitan police force, which is the largest in the country.



Pietersburg is the location of Nuvania's major art museums and galleries. Among the most important of these are the National Art Gallery and National Museum of Contemporary Art which hold the largest public collections of art in Nuvania. In addition to these two museums and galleries, the Nuvanian Museum of Fine Art completes what is known as the "Big Three". Beyond the main public art galleries, there are a large number of smaller private galleries and art museums, the largest and most important of these being the Van Bemmel Museum.

The National Art Gallery houses the largest collections of art from Nuvanian artists in the country, and is one of the most important institutions in the preserving of Nuvanian cultural heritage in the country. Among the collection includes numerous paintings from the Nuvanian masters such as Gabriël Verhoef, Johannes van Helden, and Werner van Heyningen. It also holds the largest collection of cartoons and satirical artworks by reknowned cartoonist Gideon Kurpershoek, whose caricatures appeared in the newspaper of record Die Vrystaat between 1889 and 1940. It also houses significant collections of modern artists such as Anne Geelen and Barbara Willard. The National Museum of Contemporary Art also has significant collections from modern artists, but also focuses on modern art from around the Asterias. The Nuvanian Museum of Fine Art contains a collection of paintings and sculptures from around from multiple different time periods.

Pietersburg has produced comparatively few artists in comparison with other major cities, although numerous artists have resided within the city. Pietersburg became home to an arts movement known as Kanaänite impressionism, led by painters such as Johannes van Helden and Werner van Heyningen, which began in the city in the final decades of the 19th century, and came to define Nuvanian painting at the turn of the 20th century. Among the more well known artists that reside in Pietersburg include painters such as Simon Pienaar and Pieter Rynhardt, sculptors such as Stanley Lynwood and Cyril Arnold, and photographers such as Ellen Bishop and Darren van Andel.

The Pietersburg International Arts Festival is Nuvania's largest arts festival which occurs every September. The festival focuses on celebrating local and international artists, and in recent years, has introduced interactive exhibits. The festival draws around 150,000 visitors and is one of the most well known arts festivals in the Asterias. Pietersburg also hosts numerous smaller festivals and arts events showcasing and celebrating different art forms and artists.


As one of the major centres for culture in Nuvania, and in Asteria Inferior as a whole, Pietersburg is considered to be one of the regional centres for cuisine in Asteria Inferior. The city is famous for a number of regional dishes, as well as the blending of native and introduced ingredients and influences. It is also well known for its seafood.

As a melting pot of different cultures, the cuisine of Pietersburg itself reflects the different culinary influences of the people that migrated there, as well as available ingredients. Dishes from the wider coastal region tend to be spicy, and this is reflected in many of the dishes that originated or are common in the city. One of the more popular appetizers available in restaurants around Pietersburg is fried shrimp, which is shrimp coated in batter, fried, and served with a fruit chutney or spicy sauce. Braaiharder is a dish that is also commonly served in restaurants around Pietersburg, and consists of whole fish or fish fillets which are marinated with spices and either fried or barbecued. Although the term refers to herring, the fish are usually those native to the West Arucian Sea or eastern Vehemens.

Pietersburg is considered to have one of the most extensive and upmarket fast food markets in Asteria Inferior, catering to a wide variety of customers. In addition to being the corporate headquarters of a number of fast food companies, as well as regional headquarters, the vast majority of fast food consumed is from small, independent businesses. Among the more common snacks and fast food available include kibbeling, which is battered fish chunks that are fried and served with mayonnaise or tartare sauce. Asterianer delicacies include kaasappel which are crumbed potatoes filled with cheese and served with sauce or sambal.

Among the dishes known to have originated in Pietersburg include krewelsoep, or prawn soup, a spicy hot seafood dish influenced by Gowsas from Dezeveau and from Xiaodongese immigrants which includes fresh prawns, chillies, spices, and rice among its ingredients.


Pietersburg is one of the principal centres of Estmerish-language cinema, the others being x in Estmere and x in Halland. In addition, it is the primary producer of Estmerish-language Template:Wwpl and documentary films in Asteria Inferior and in the broader West Arucian region.

There are two principal film studios in Pietersburg: Bellewood Park Studios in the suburb of the same name located just southeast of the city centre, and Montgomery Studios in Oakhurst in the wider metropolitan area. Both have been involved in the filming of hundreds of films since their foundation, and are among the largest of their kind in Nuvania. These studios are also involved in the filming of Nuvanian television shows. Outside of these studios, there are a small number of independent film studios producing underground or independent films.

Despite a number of studios located in the city, Pietersburg is the location of a single production company; Atwood Films. The company, which is also the largest of its kind in Nuvania, is a significant producer of movies and film documentaries, and has produced or co-produced some of the most well known Estmerish-language films. The company employs over 6,000 people in the industry.

As a tropical location, Pietersburg has been the setting of numerous films in a variety of film genres. It originally rose to fame as an exotic setting for a number of films in the 1950's and 1960's, and this gave way to more gritty films in the 1970's and early 1980's, reflecting the consumer mood of the time. From the mid-1980's onwards, the city has been used in films as a backdrop for movies and television shows involving wealthy villains, inspire by the success of the television show The Vice Squad. This trend has continued into the present day.

The Pietersburg Film Festival is an annual film festival held every year, and is open to independent filmmakers and directors. It is one of the larger film festivals held in Asteria Inferior, and attracts significant interest from filmmakers, directors, and the general public. The festival lasts for a week, and finishes with an awards ceremony where awards are issued for films, directors, and other aspects of filmmaking.

Pietersburg has produced a number of filmmakers and film directors. Among the most well known is Martin Harris, who is known for films such as The Bodies in the Shed and Stakeout. Tim Cameron-Baker is a well known documentary filmmaker who covers a large number of lesser known social issues and subjects.


Pietersburg is a major centre for Estmerish and Asteriaans language media in the Asterias, with numerous media companies based in the city. This has given the city a significant influence on Nuvanian popular culture, as well as some influence overseas.

Nuvania's national broadcaster, the Nuvanian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC/NUK), is headquartered in Pietersburg, and has its main television studios within the city. The company is a major employer among the media industry in the city, with the company's studios being the primary facilities in which NBC/NUK's breakfast television, news, and current affairs shows are produced. It also maintains two additional stations in Pietersburg for the production of television shows to air on NBC/NUK's primary television channels.

Other television companies that are based in Pietersburg include Nuvanian Television (NTV), Nuvania's largest and only major Estmerish-language television company, and NuSat, which provides satellite television services. Both of these companies have their corporate headquarters in the city, although NTV is the only one with television studios.

Print media has been a part of the city's history for nearly 240 years, with the establishment of Nuvania's oldest newspaper, the Pietersburg Gazette, which first went to print on June 27, 1785, and is still published today, with a weekly circulation of 240,000. It was followed in September 1800 by the printing of The Colonial Times, which became Nuvania's first national newspaper. It became the newspaper of record. Upon independence, it was taken over by the government, and renamed Die Vrystaat, and continues printing today. Nuvania's largest print media companies are also based in Pietersburg, these include the Pace Media Group (PMG), the largest Estmerish-language print media group in Asteria Inferior and the Arucian Sea region, and Almekor, the largest Asteriaans media company in the world. These own a number of newspapers and magazines around the world, with Almekor also involved in the printing and sale of books.

Alongside other media, radio has played a part in the development of Pietersburg, with the city home to some of the first commercial radio stations in Nuvania. Unlike other media platforms, radio has remained largely free of corporate influence, and as a result, numerous radio stations operate from the city. NBC/NUK operates its primary radio stations from Pietersburg. In addition, a wide variety of stations catering to a number of genres and listeners are broadcast around and from the city, the largest independent station being Mega FM, known for the Mega 100, a listener poll of the top 100 songs from the previous year. It is also one of the primary promoters of several music festivals, including Beats@Beach, SoundGarden, and Teknokrat.


Pietersburg is at the centre of Nuvania's music industry, with the city home to a number of record labels, bands, musicians, and music venues. It also hosts a number of annual music events catering to many different music genres.

The Pietersburg Symphony Orchestra is one of four orchestras of its kind in Nuvania, and plays at the Pietersburg Opera House, one of the largest in the country. It is regarded as the premier symphonic orchestra in Nuvania and has garnered a reputation around the world for its skill as well as its innovation, incorporating modern genres and music, as well as instruments, into its performances. It performs during two principal music festivals in Pietersburg; the Festival of Classical Music held between August 10 and August 17, and the Orchestra Symposium held between September 30 and October 6, which also includes performances from other orchestras around the world.

Pietersburg has developed a reputation for being one of the premier nightclub cities in Asteria Inferior, and is home to a large number of nightclubs primarily located in two areas of the city: the waterfront and the southern part of the central business district. The waterfront area is collectively known as Boom Beach, is home to many of the more commercialised nightclubs as well as genres of music, such as house, techno, and trance. Famous nightclubs such as Cafe Tropical and Neon Sands can be found here alongside superclubs such as Amnesia and Krokodil, many of which have resident DJ's and attract other artists from round the globe. The southern part of the central business district is known as The Underground and is associated with underground or non-commercialised genres and venues, especially venues that cater to certain groups of people such as the LGBT community. The Underground is known for its significant association with the distribution of illicit drugs as well as acting as a bastion for ostracised groups, with clubs such as Stallion and Vogue considered "infamous" by outsiders. Other clubs such as Attik1, Warehouse, and VelvetKitten have all developed similar reputations, but have also produced some of Nuvania's most accomplished electronic artists.

A number of music companies are based in the city which produce music that caters to a number of different genres. Companies like Electronic Media Limited (EML) and Cactus Music are primarily devoted to mainstream genres like pop and electronic music and are the two largest record labels in Nuvania. Most underground or non-corporate labels cater to narrower genres of music.

Pietersburg hosts a number of annual music festivals, which are among the largest in the country. Every August the city hosts the Orchestra Symposium, one of the largest events of its type in the Asterias. It also hosts two electronic music festivals; SoundGarden, which is hosted at the end of every July and is a week long festival, and Teknokrat, which is held every October, is one of the largest indoor events of it's type in the world. Beats@Beach is Pietersburg's premier mainstream music festival which is held over New Year's. There are a number of smaller festivals held throughout the year.


Pietersburg is dominant in many domestic sporting competitions and the city is known for producing some of the best teams and athletes in Nuvania. In sporting terms the city has a longstanding rivalry with Windstrand, with whom it has competed against over many decades.

Kestell Stadium is the primary sports venue in Pietersburg, and is one of the oldest stadiums in the country. The current stadium capacity is 52,100, with the current capacity and existing structures dating from 1995. The stadium is home to Pietersburg's rugby-league team, the Crocodiles, as well as the provincial rugby team. In addition, it hosts a number of international rugby union matches for the national team. Until 2009, it also hosted a number of association football matches. Currently its future remains up for debate as a number of sporting bodies, with plans to redevelop the area.

Helberg Stadium, completed in 2009, is the other major sporting venue in Pietersburg. It has a capacity of over 58,000 people and was completed in 2010. Since then it has been the home for Pietersburg FC, the city's football club that competes in Nuvania's Division One association football competition, as well as both provincial and national football teams. In addition, Helberg Stadium hosts a number of music concerts. It has caused significant controversy surrounding usage as well as costs, especially given it's size.

Numerous other stadiums and sports facilities can be found in Pietersburg, including Kestell Cricket Grounds, located adjacent to Ketsell Stadium, where local cricket teams play, the Pietersburg Velodrome, which hosts indoor cycling events, and PostBank Arena, an indoor venue that normally hosts basketball games.

As with wider Nuvania, rugby is the most popular sport in the city. Pietersburg serves as the principal base for the national rugby union team, as well as the provincial team and the rugby-league team. The Kanaän provincial rugby union team is one of the oldest in the country, having been founded in 1889 in Pietersburg, contesting the Chapman Cup. The Pietersburg Crocodiles are also very successful in rugby league, having won 27 Super League titles since the competition began in 1969.

Pietersburg FC competes Nuvania's top tier association football league, Division One, and has also seen significant success, winning the inaugural championship in 1972 and going onto win a total of 17 championships. Many of the team's players also play in the national football team, and have seen success overseas.

PostBank Arena is the home of the Pietersburg Vipers who compete in the Nuvanian Basketball League. The team has seen less success than other sports teams in the city, winning the national championship three times, the most recent in 2017. A number of players on the Vipers also play for the national team.

Outside of local teams, Nuvania hosts a number of sporting competitions. One of the largest on the calendar is the annual Pietersburg Grand Prix, a week long festival event that features championship rounds of both x and the Nuvanian Touring Car Championship (NTB), which attracts tens of thousands of people from around Nuvania and around the world. Pietersburg also hosts two Pietersburg Open competitions: one for golf and one for tennis.