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Magian Kraterocracy

Mahō no Ryōiki
Flag of
Common languagesMagian
Ōrumaiti no Michi
GovernmentTheocractic Kraterocracy
• 807 - 894
Emi "Dawn Fighter" Kei
• 894 - 995
Shig "Shinging Light" Date
• 995 - 1053
Fukuda "Prime Nebula" Maki
• 1053 - 1155
Tsutsumi "Golden Sun" Yumiko
• 1155 - 1233
Matsuno "Dancing Star" Kame
• 1233-1300
Miyasaki "Sapphire Fox" Megumi
• 1300-1326
Masaki "Horizon Breaker" Fuji
• Established
Umbra 22 807
• Disestablished
Virdis 14 1326
CurrencyMagian Yen
Preceded by
Succeeded by
File:TBA Magian City-States
Magia Regnum

The Magian Kraterocracy, officially the Kraterocracy of Magia Regnum, was a state situated in Dacia ruled by Proto-Masters, who established Magian hegemony over much of the territory of modern Magia Regnum after the Era of Ruin. Initially a territory of unorganized, magician city-states, the Magians soon gained unique powers with the introduction of the Ōrumaiti to their societies in the 800s which saw to a rise of a new class of magical users known as Magical Girls which soon saw the takeover an unification of the territory during the War of the City-States under Emi "Dawn Fighter" Kei who established herself as Proto-Master.


Under Emi Kei's rule, the Magian Kraterocracy quickly rose to become a powerful and prosperous nation. The Magical Girls, who had previously been scattered and disorganized mages and other practitioners, were now united under a single banner and wielded significant influence in the government and military. Dawn Fighter herself was revered as a hero and a leader, and her legacy continued to shape Magian society long after her death. The Kraterocracy's rulers, known as Proto-Masters, were the most powerful Magical Girls in the land and were responsible for maintaining order and stability throughout the realm. They were also responsible for protecting the kingdom from external threats, such as invading armies or rogue magical beasts.

The Theocratic Kraterocracy marked a significant departure from the more egalitarian and inclusive society of the earlier Magian societies. The Ōrumaiti, the source of the Magical Girls' powers, was a mysterious and powerful being whose origins were shrouded in myth and legend. Some believed that they were ancient an or spirit, while others believed that they were extraterrestrial being who had visited the planet in the distant past. Whatever their true origins, the Ōrumaiti was revered as sacred beings and were worshipped by many in the Kraterocracy. however, ith the dormant state of the Ōrumaiti, power became concentrated in the hands of a select few, and those who did not possess magical abilities were relegated to a lower status. This new system led to a society that was highly competitive and hierarchical, with those at the top enjoying great power and privilege, while those at the bottom struggled to survive.

The Nyūsen, or the strongest of magical girls, enjoyed the highest status in the society. They were revered as heroes and protectors of the realm, and were granted significant political and social power. The Sentō-in, or warrior-caste of magical girl fighters, served as the backbone of the military and played a critical role in defending the Kraterocracy from external threats. Meanwhile, the Saiki no nai, or those without magical abilities, were relegated to menial jobs and were often treated with contempt by those in power. The isolationist policies of the Kraterocracy further exacerbated the divide between the magical and non-magical classes. The government was highly suspicious of outsiders and viewed them as a potential threat to the stability and power of the ruling class. This led to a society that was insular and inward-looking, with little interest in engaging with the outside world.


Ruled under a new Theocractic Kraterocracy which favored the strongest magical girls over anything else. This was due to the fact that for many years since the bond between the Ōrumaiti and Magia Regnum the Ōrumaiti herself was dormant; only granting power to a small minority of the realm and seldom speaking to anyone. This lead to an elitist hierarchy system which put those who received power, The high authority rested in the office of the Proto-Master a military-like position which saw complete executive and military control of the nation. The Proto-Master was accompanied by a hand picked council known as the Tsuyoi-Mono which engaged in a mostly consensus process to oversee the nation. Under this, a strict class system was introduced which saw the Proto-Master and the strongest of magical girls, known as the Nyūsen, at the top, followed by the warrior-caste of magical girl fighters known as the Sentō-in, with those of non-magical or otherwise weak ability ranking below known as the Saiki no nai. The government banned most foreigners under the isolationist policies which only favored magical girls and forbid anyone not of a magical class.


The Renaissance in Magia Regnum brought about a significant shift in the society's focus, moving away from a purely military-centric state towards one that embraced the study and appreciation of magic. This newfound emphasis on education and the arts led to a flourishing of culture and creativity, with many magical girls taking up pursuits such as painting, music, and literature. Likewise, The democratization of the legislative process marked a major shift in the way that Magia Regnum was governed, with power being devolved away from the centralized authority of the Proto-Master and towards a more decentralized system of governance.

Under the leadership of Masaki "Horizon Breaker" Fuji, the government underwent significant reforms aimed at dismantling the rigid class system and devolving power from the centralized authority of the Proto-Master. The introduction of the Gaidansu and the Tate-Shōsū marked a significant departure from the earlier system, allowing for greater representation and participation from all members of society. One of the major reforms instituted by Horizon Breaker was the introduction of the Gaidansu, a new executive council that replaced the Tsuyoi-Mono. Unlike the previous council, which had been composed solely of magical girls with offensive-magic strength and had been focused primarily on military matters, the Gaidansu was comprised of individuals selected based on their expertise and experience in a range of different fields.

Similarly, the introduction of the Tate-Shōsū represented a significant departure from the earlier system of government, which had been highly centralized and authoritarian in nature. The Tate-Shōsū was a legislative body composed of representatives elected by the people, with each member given an equal vote in the decision-making process. This democratization of the legislative process marked a major shift in the way that Magia Regnum was governed, with power being devolved away from the centralized authority of the Proto-Master and towards a more decentralized system of governance. This shift towards a more diverse and representative leadership structure allowed for a broader range of voices and perspectives to be heard within the government, helping to promote greater collaboration and cooperation between different segments of society.

The establishment of the Seigi Kaikan marked a major milestone in the history of Magia Regnum, as it represented the first time that military power was separated from the position of the Proto-Master. Prior to this, the Proto-Master held complete control over all military matters, which allowed them to exercise significant influence over the direction of the government. The Seigi Kaikan, on the other hand, was designed to be a more collective body, with power distributed among its members. It was responsible for overseeing the nation's military forces, including the training and deployment of magical girls as well as the defense of Magia Regnum from external threats.

In addition to the Seigi Kaikan, Horizon Breaker oversaw the dissolution of the position of the Proto-Master and the creation of a new position known as the Haimajika. The establishment of the Haimajika marked a major departure from the previous system, where power was concentrated in the hands of the Proto-Master, who was essentially a military dictator. With the creation of the Haimajika, the government moved towards a more democratic and representative system, where power was dispersed among multiple branches of government. The Haimajika was tasked with overseeing the nation as a whole, including its economic and cultural development. They also served as a symbol of Magia Regnum's unique magical heritage, which was seen as a source of great pride and inspiration for the people.

Horizon Breaker's reforms also saw a focus on the development of the arts and culture, as well as the promotion of education and scientific inquiry. This emphasis on intellectual pursuits helped to further break down the rigid class system, as individuals were no longer judged solely on their magical abilities but on their contributions to society as a whole. This ultimately led to the dissolving of the Kraterocracy and the class system of Magia Regnum.