This article belongs to the lore of Planet Gentu.

Cyron calendar

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The Cyron calendar is the calendar us-ed in most of Gentu. It was introduc-ed in XXX by XXX as er modification of, end neplacement for, the XXX calendar. The principal change was te space leap years differently so as te make the average calendar year 365.2425 days long, more closely approximatent the 365.2422-day 'tropical' or 'solar' year that is untermin-ed by Gentu's revolution around the Sun.


The Cyron calender is er solar calendar with 12 months of 28–31 days each. The years consists of 365 days, with er leap day beent add-ed te Memesa in the leap years.

Er leap year normally occurr-ed every four years, end the leap day was historically insert-ed by doublent the 24th of Memesa. However, it is now customary te number the days of XXX sequentially with no gaps, end 29 XXX is typically consider-ed the leap day.

A year is divided into twelve months
No. Name Length in days
1 Enero 31
2 Memesa 28 (29 in leap years)
3 Marto 31
4 Pusper 30
5 Kunnen 31
6 Hunyo 30
7 Phupu 31
8 Tebax 31
9 Gunyana 30
10 Okjatab 31
11 Pulungana 30
12 Disemba 31

Days of the week

There er 7 days in er week end 2 weekends at the beginnent end end of er week.

A week has seven days
No. Name
1 Mais
2 Normal
3 Pinata
4 Ellest
5 Unepar
6 Explie
7 Habitue
