This article belongs to the lore of Magia Regnum.
This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Magian City-States

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Magian City-States
Common languagesMagian
Succeeded by
Magian Kraterocracy

The City-States in Magian history were sovereign entities, each with their own unique culture, government, and way of life. They were largely independent and self-sufficient, relying on their own resources and trade with neighboring city-states to survive. At times, the City-States formed alliances for mutual defense or economic benefit. Other times, they were in competition or even conflict with each other, sometimes resulting in wars or territorial disputes. Overall, the City-States existed in a delicate balance of cooperation and competition, with each city-state seeking to maintain its independence while also benefiting from its interactions with neighboring city-states.


The emergence of the City-States of Magia Regnum was a response to the chaos and devastation caused by the Ruin. Many larger kingdoms and empires had collapsed or were in a weakened state, leaving power vacuums that smaller city-states could fill. These city-states were often founded by groups of people who had come together for mutual protection and survival in the post-Ruin world. The city-states were centered around urban areas, which were often fortified and had strong defenses. The inhabitants of these cities were fiercely independent and took great pride in their autonomy and self-governance. Each city-state had its own unique culture and traditions, which were often tied to the local geography or history.

Despite their independence, the city-states were not entirely isolated from one another. They engaged in trade and commerce, exchanging goods and services to meet their respective needs. Some city-states specialized in certain goods or industries, such as textiles or mining, and would trade these goods with other city-states in exchange for food, weapons, or other resources. The city-states also formed alliances and coalitions to protect their interests or expand their territories. These alliances were often based on shared cultural or political values, or a common threat from a rival city-state. Some city-states even had their own armies and navies, which they used to defend their territories or project their power against their rivals.

The relationship between the City-States was complex and varied. At times, they cooperated with one another, forming alliances to combat a common threat or to share resources. At other times, they were bitter rivals, engaging in economic and military competition for control of trade routes,, resources, and territory. These rivalries could escalate into armed conflicts, and some city-states even attempted to conquer their neighbors to expand their own territories. The City-States also had cultural and religious ties that influenced their relationships with each other. For example, some city-states shared a common language, religion, or cultural heritage, which could lead to closer cooperation and cultural exchange. On the other hand, differences in culture, religion, or language could create barriers and tensions between the city-states. In addition to cultural and religious ties, the City-States also had varying levels of economic development and wealth. Some city-states were prosperous due to their advantageous location for trade, while others struggled to make ends meet. This economic disparity could create tensions between the city-states, with the wealthier ones sometimes exploiting their less fortunate neighbors.

Over time, the City-States developed their own unique identities and cultures, with distinct traditions, customs, and institutions. They also developed their own economic systems and trade networks, which were based on their natural resources and geographic location. Some city-states became centers of trade and commerce, while others focused on agriculture or industry.

Despite their autonomy, the City-States of Magia Regnum were not immune to external threats and faced numerous challenges from neighboring powers. The proximity of the city-states to each other often led to disputes over boundaries and resources, which sometimes escalated into military conflicts. Some city-states were also vulnerable to invasion by foreign powers, particularly those located on the coast or near major trade routes. Internal challenges were also common in the City-States. Rebellion and social unrest could arise when the ruling class became too oppressive or when the lower classes felt their rights were being ignored. Some city-states were plagued by political instability, with different factions vying for power and influence. Corruption and misuse of power were also issues in some city-states, which led to public discontent and the erosion of the ruling regime's legitimacy.

Natural disasters were also a significant threat to the City-States, particularly those located in areas prone to droughts or floods. Such events could lead to crop failures, famine, and economic hardship, and put a strain on the resources of the city-states. Some city-states had to rely on trade with their neighbors to survive during such crises, while others had to mobilize their own resources to provide aid and assistance to their citizens.


The decline and fall of the City-States of Magia Regnum was a gradual process that occurred over several centuries. One major factor was the rise of centralized states and empires, which began to emerge in the surrounding regions. These larger political entities had more resources and greater military power than the City-States, and were able to assert their dominance over them through conquest or diplomacy. In addition to external pressures, the City-States also faced internal challenges that weakened their power and influence. One major issue was the lack of a centralized government or authority, which made it difficult for the City-States to coordinate their actions or respond to crises effectively. This often led to infighting and conflict among the city-states themselves.

Another issue was the decline of trade and commerce, which had been a major source of wealth and power for the City-States. As new trade routes and markets emerged in other parts of the world, the City-States were left behind and were unable to compete. This lead to a war broke out among them, which was one of the main factors that led to their downfall. This war was a result of the bitter rivalries and competition that had developed between the City-States over the years. During the war, there were various factions and alliances, with some City-States joining forces with each other while others remained neutral or fought alone. The war was long and brutal, with no clear victor in sight.

However, during the war, a new power emerged: the magical girls. They were able to wield the power of a divine being that had appeared known as the "Ōrumaiti", a magical force that gave them incredible abilities and made them virtually unbeatable on the battlefield. With the rise of the magical girls, the tide of the war began to turn. As the magical girls continued to win battles and gain ground, they eventually succeeded in unifying the City-States into a single nation under the leadership of Emi "Dawn Fighter" Kei. This new nation was led by the magical girls, who used their powers to maintain order and stability.


