108th Congress of Zamastan (2018-2020)

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108th Congress of Zamastan
Seats421 voting members
  • 62 senators
  • 359 congressmen
Senate political groups
Congress Chamber political groups

ZamastanSenateSeats2018to2020.jpg ZamastanCongressSeats2018to2020.jpg

List of Senators


Party Name
Zian 1
Zian 2
Zian 3
Zian 4
Jade 1
Jade 2
Jade 3
Jade 4
Northern Isle 1
Northern Isle 2
Northern Isle 3
Northern Isle 4
Pahl 1
Pahl 2
Pahl 3
Pahl 4
Redeemer’s Land 1
Redeemer’s Land 2
Redeemer’s Land 3
Redeemer’s Land 4
Titania 1
Titania 2
Titania 3
Titania 4
Mayotte 1
Mayotte 2
Mayotte 3
Mayotte 4
Aunistria 1
Aunistria 2
Aunistria 3
Aunistria 4
Cayenne 1
Cayenne 2
Cayenne 3
Cayenne 4
Lyonnais 1
Lyonnais 2
Lyonnais 3
Lyonnais 4
Verdesia 1
Verdesia 2
Verdesia 3
Verdesia 4
Landeda 1
Landeda 2
Landeda 3
Landeda 4
Tregueux 1
Tregueux 2
Tregueux 3
Tregueux 4
Alenchon 1
Alenchon 2
Alenchon 3
Alenchon 4
Alutia 1
Alutia 2
Alutia 3
Alutia 4
Holish Islands 1
Holish Islands 2
Gangkou 1
Gangkou 2

List of Congressmen