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Daily Office (Cardican)

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Since the issuance of the revised Book of Offices in 1710 by Henry V in accordance with the canon Quia solliciti after the Schism of 1614, the Daily Office of the Church of Nortend has included seven daily services, although only four are said daily. These are spread throughout the liturgical day are known as Mattins, Prime/Terce/Sext/Nones Vespers and Compline.

Minor Offices

The minor offices are said between Mattins and Vespers during the day-time hours. They are identical in structure with Compline and are known as Prime, Terce, Sext and Nones. Psalm 119 is the only psalm sung at the minor offices, broken up into 23 sections.

Only one minor office is said daily around noon-time. However, they may not be sung before Mattins nor after Vespers. The name of the office changes depending on the day and when the office is said, although the time stays the same. On Sundays and simple feasts, Prime is sung. On double feasts, Terce is sung. On feriæ, Sext is sung. On fasts, Nones is sung. The High Mass is always said immediately after the Office.

In the Day

The standard liturgical day begins at Mattins and ends at Compline. Minor feasts begin at Vespers and end at Nones, whilst other feasts begin at Vespers and end at Compline.

The Offices and High Mass are spread throughout the day unevenly. Laxity in religious life means that the time of Mattins has progressively been pushed back over the centuries. It is now common for Mattins to be said around 7 or even 8 on Sundays and feasts.


The beginning of the Breviary before the Book of Offices was promulgated. Shewn is the beginning of Mattins.

The structure of each of the Offices of the Book of Offices is more or less the same. Before each Office, the Pater noster and Ave Maria should be prayed. All Offices begin with the ordinary Versicles, Deus in adjutorium meum intende, followed by Gloria Patri and then Alleluia, or from Septuagesima to Easter Day, Laus tibi Domine.

They similarly end with the Litany, which usually consists of the Kyrie, followed by the Pater noster, Confiteor, Misereatur, Absolutionem and then the Preces. The Collect of the Day follows, and then the Remembrances and finally the Prayers.

Whenever the Psalmody is sung in the course of the Office, the three Psalms are all under the same Antiphon, with only one Gloria Patri at the end before the Antiphon is repeated. On feriæ and festa simplices, the Antiphon at the beginning of the Psalms is only announced, insofar as it is only chaunted until the asterisk. On festa duplices, it is sung entire.


Vigils begins with Domine labia mea aperies followed by the ordinary Versicles.

Thereafter, the Venite with proper Antiphon is chaunted, followed by the Hymn of Vigils.

This is followed by three Psalms. The Psalms are followed by three Lessons from Scripture or Patristic Texts, each preceded by a Blessing. After each Lesson, a Responsory is chaunted followed by a Versicle and Response. From the Psalms to the Response is known as a Nocturn.

On festa duplices, there are three Nocturns and consequently nine Psalms, nine Lessons and nine Responsories. On festa simplices and feriæ, there is only one Nocturn. On most festa and some feriæ, the Hymn Te Deum is the last Responsory.

After the Nocturns, the Canticle Benedictus is chaunted with its own Antiphon. The Office then concludes with the Litany.

Minor Office

After the ordinary Versicles, the Hymn of the Minor Office is chaunted, followed by the three Psalms. After the Psalms, the Chapter follows, and then a Responsory followed by a short Versicle and Response. This is followed by one of the eight Old Testament Canticles is chaunted, without Gloria Patri but with its own Antiphon. The Office concludes with the Litany. When Prime is said, on Sundays and simple feasts, it is merged with Mattins.


After the ordinary Versicles, the Hymn of Vespers is chaunted, followed by the three Psalms. After the Psalms, the Chapter follows, and then a Responsory followed by a short Versicle and Response. This is followed by the Canticle Magnificat, with its own Antiphon. The Office concludes with the Litany.


After the ordinary Versicles, the Hymn of Compline is chaunted, followed by the three Psalms. After the Psalms, the Chapter follows, and then a Responsory followed by a short Versicle and Response. This is followed by the Canticle Nunc dimmitis, with its own Antiphon. The Office concludes with the Litany. Compline is merged with Vespers on Sundays and simple feasts.


Over 150 hymns are provided for use in the Daily Office. The ordinary hymns of the year are listed below. Most feasts, vigils and the like have their own proper hymns.


  • Verbum supernum prodiens (Advent)
  • Christe redemptor omnium (Christmastide)
  • Jesu refulsit omnium (Epiphanytide)
  • Primo dierum omnium (Sunday from the Octave of Epiphany until Septuagesima)
  • Eterne rerum Conditor (Sunday from Septuagesima until Quadregesima)
  • Somno refectis artubus (Monday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Consor Paterni luminis (Tuesday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Rerum Creator optime (Wednesday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Nox actra rerum contigit (Thursday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Tu Trinitatis Unitas (Friday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Sumne Deus clementie (Saturday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Summi largitor premii (From Quadragesima until Oculi Sunday)
  • Clarum decus jejunii (From Oculi Sunday until Passiontide)
  • Pange lingua gloriosi (Passiontide)
  • Aurora lucis rutilat (From Easter Monday until Ascension Eve)
  • Hymnum canamus gloriam (Ascensiontide)
  • Jam Christus astra ascenderat (Whitsuntide)
  • Adesto Sancta Trinitas (Trinitytide)
  • Pange lingua gloriosi corporis (From Corpus Christi until the Octave)
  • Nocte surgentes (Sunday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Marymas)
  • Ecce jam noctis (Sunday from Marymas until Advent)
  • Splendor Paterne glorie (Monday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Ales diei nuncius (Tuesday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Nox et tenebre et nubila (Wednesday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Lux ecce surgit aurea (Thursday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Eterna cæli gloria (Friday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Aurora jam spargit polum (Saturday from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)


  • Rerum Deus tenax (Advent)
  • A Patre unigenitus (Epiphanytide)
  • Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus (From the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima and from Maymas until Advent)
  • O Nazarene, Lux Bethlehem (Lent)
  • Fabens redemtis vota (Passiontide)
  • Rerum Deus tenax (Easter until Whitsun Eve)
  • Veni Creator Spiritus (Whitsuntide)
  • Certum tenentes ordinem (Trinitytide)
  • Rector potens verax (Octave of Corpus Christi until Marymas)


  • Conditor alme siderum (Advent)
  • Veni Redemptor gentium (Christmastide)
  • Hostis Herodes impie (Epiphanytide)
  • Lucis Creator optime (Sunday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima and on all days except Saturday from Trinity Sunday until Advent)
  • Immense celi Conditor (Monday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Telluris ingens Conditor (Tuesday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Cæli Deus sanctissime (Wednesday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Magne Deus potentie (Thursday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Plasmator hominis (Friday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Deus Creator omnium (Saturday from the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima)
  • Ex more docte mystico (Quadregesima until Oculi Sunday)
  • Ecce tempus idoneum (Oculi Sunday until Passiontide)
  • Vexilla regis (Passiontide)
  • Ad cenam Agni providi (From Easter until Ascension Eve)
  • Æterne Rex altissime (Ascensiontide)
  • Beata nobis gaudia (Whitsuntide)
  • Adesto Sancta Trinitas (Trinitytide)
  • Sacris solemniis (From Corpus Christi until the Octave)
  • Lucis Creator optime (Sundays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Christe lux mundi (Mondays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Rerum Deus fons omnium (Tuesdays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Deus qui certis legibus (Wednesdays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Sator princepsque temporum (Thursdays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • Lumen hilare (Fridays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)
  • O Lux beata Trinitas (Saturdays from the Octave of Corpus Christi until Advent)


  • Fit porta Christi pervia (Advent)
  • Salvator mundi Domine (Christmastide)
  • Lavacra puri gurgitis (Epiphanytide)
  • Te lucis ante terminum (From the Octave of Epiphany until Quadregesima and from Trinity Sunday until Advent)
  • Christe qui lux est et dies (From Quadragesima until Passiontide)
  • Cultor Dei memento (Passiontide)
  • Jesu salvator seculi (From Easter until Ascension Eve)
  • Jesu nostra redemptio (Ascensiontide)
  • Alma chorus Domini (Whitsuntide)