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Federation of the Kuthbane
Official names
  • Gaullican:Fédération des Koutbanie
    Rahelian:  اتحاد الكوثبين
    Athad al-Kothbin
    Gamra:Federaalawaa icha Caalaamaansa
    Tiheyâgh:ⵄⴼⵉⴷⵉⵕⴰⵍⵉⴷⵓ ⴷⴻⴳ Uⵏⵏⵉⴳⵉⵉⴷⵉ
    Afidiṛalidu deg Unnigiidi
Flag of
"Fraternité - Paix - Travail" (Gaullican)
"Fraternity - Peace - Work"
Marche du Défenseur (Gaullican)
Defender's March
and largest city
Official languagesGaullican, Rahelian, Gamra, Memanyo, Aoudé
Recognised regional languagesSee Languages section below
Ethnic groups
See Ethnic groups section below
GovernmentFederal presidential republic
• President
Mohanne Injifannoo
Kulmiye Nuur
• Speaker
Mus'ab el-Mirza
LegislatureNational Council of Deputies
Independence from Gaullica
• Declared
• 2020 estimate
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$19.528 billion
• Per capita
HDI (2017).510
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.kb

The Kuthbane (Gaullican: le Koutbanie; Rahelian: الكوثبان tl. al-Kothbin; Gamra: Caalaamaansa; Tiheyâgh: Uⵏⵏⵉⴳⵉⵉⴷⵉ tl. Unnigiidi), known officially as the Federation of the Kuthbane (Gaullican: Fédération des Koutbanie; Rahelian: اتحاد الكوثبين tl. Athad al-Kothbin; Tiheyâgh: ⵄⴼⵉⴷⵉⵕⴰⵍⵉⴷⵓ ⴷⴻⴳ Uⵏⵏⵉⴳⵉⵉⴷⵉ tl. Afidiṛalidu deg Unnigiidi, is a sovereign landlocked nation located in Bahia on the continent of Coius. It borders Tsabara, Nise, and Zorasan to the west, Mabifia to the south, Yemet and Bamvango to the east, and xx to the north. Kuthbane has an estimated population of 35,489,980, making it the XXth largest country in Coius and the XXXth largest in the world. It has a total land area of XXXXXXXkm2 (XXXXXXXsqmmi) making it the XXth largest in Coius and the XXXth largest in the world. A federal presidential republic, Kuthbane's capital, largest city, and political center is the city of Bahire.

The Kuthbane has been the crossroads of many empires and cultural groups, both Rahelian and Bahian, for millennium. As such the region was the source of many trading empires throughout history, with the Goungan and Jibeta being particularly prominant. The powerful tribal groups and clans of the region would eventually unify under the Kingdom of Koumtine in the mid-12th century. Though imperial dynasties and power structures would change over time the region remained largely prosperous until the end of the Bahian slave trade, which the Koumtineans had largely facilitated, resulted in the collapse of regional economic structures and trade. The region would be seized by Euclean powers shortly thereafter, coming largely under the authority of Gaullica. The region would be heavily utilized for both its mineral and human resources, with the many in the region serving in the ranks of Gaullican Askari. This trend would only heighten during the Great War as the region saw significant fighting between the forces of the Entente and Grand Alliance powers. Following the conclusion of the war the region entered a period of heavy instability, with the population largely united in vying for independence. This independence would be secured in the year 19XX with the Fort Batteaux Agreement, creating the Federation of the Kuthbane.

Independence would not come with prosperity however, with many of the country's institutions struggling to cope with the strains of sovereignty. This, alongside long-standing political, ethnic, and religious tensions, would see the country fall into civil war by 1965. The civil war, which was marked by both ethnic and religious violence on all sides, would result in a government heavily dominated by Rahelians, Tiheyâgh, Bahio-Rahelians, and Irfanics—predominantly from the northern and southwestern regions of the country—under the militia leader Abdul Noor al-Hosseini. Al-Hosseini's rule would see heavy favoritism towards his local power bases, tribes, and clans to the detriment of the country's Sotirian, Bahian, and sedentary agriculturalist segments of the population. He would be assassinated by pro-Bahian rebels in 1979. His death would leave a significant power vacuum within the country, and the subsequent backlash by al-Hosseini supporters within both the civilian population and the armed forces would plunge the country into a second civil war. This conflict would last significantly longer, resulting in the fragementation of the central government into various factions, and see numerous ethic and religious massacres on both sides. The conflict would only be brought to an end by the CITY Accords in 1992, backed by both the Community of Nations and regional powers. The accords, which installed a power-sharing government of national unity, weigh heavily on the modern-day political system of the country. Additionally significant are CoN peacekeepers who still patrol segments of the country as well.