Treaty of Mönusÿnthys 2018-9B

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Treaty of Mönusÿnthys
A resolution to cease hostilities in the Danaska region of Gladysynthia and de-militarize the highlighted sections of bordering territory. Sanctions on trade and blockades in place will be lifted following the preceding actions being taken.
Seswitch LaFlaunce signs the Treaty of Mönusÿnthys
TypePeace treaty
Signed13 November 2018 (2018-11-13)
LocationNational Gladysynthian House of Representatives, Mönusÿnthys, Gladysynthia
Effective13 November 2018


DepositaryGovernment of Sanctaria

The Treaty of Mönusÿnthys 2018-9B, otherwise simply known as the Treaty of Mönusÿnthys was an important peace treaty that ended the Gladysynthia Crisis. The treaty also lifted sanctions and made each nation pledge to remove military installations in key highlighted areas of the bordering territory after over 60 years of tensions brought about by the 1945 Danaska Conflict and The Tariel War. It was signed on 13 November 2018 after two weeks of fighting in the Danaska Region of Gladysynthia. Mediated by Farhen Brooks, the President of Vulkaria, as well as delegates from Cadair such as Mab Darogan Waywffon Morgan, the treaty came into effect immediately after it was signed by Zamastan and Gladysynthia. The treaty brought about a larger increase of hopeful intention towards a peacetime alliance between the two nations, though with the Civil conflict in Vulkaria and the political disagreements between Premiere Seswitch LaFlaunce and President Anya Bishop, the fulfillment of much of the treaty have been lackluster.



Since the unification of the Provinces of Gladysynthia, the two nations have been at competing odds, primarily over cultural boundaries and the oil rich region of Danaska. Originally under the control of the central government of Mönusÿnthys, President Tyler Kordia was persuaded to invade and capture the region, which was accomplished in one week of fighting in 1945. Eight years later, the Gladysynthian Civil War broke out, leading to the secession of the region of Tetrazoa from the central government and the covert operations by the Zamastanian Intelligence Service that led to even greater mistrust. The Tariel War was fought when the Gladysynthians tried to retake Danaska from the Zamastanians, though they were eventually pushed to a ceasefire at the Danaska River, which marked the new boundary. Years worth of embargoes were installed as the two nations continued to try to meddle in each other's foreign interests, economic strategies, and even elections.

2018 Gladysynthia Crisis

The crisis began in late October after rebel forces of the Gladys Popular Freedom Fighters staged an attack on the Zamastanian city of Lower Tariel, which led to nearly three weeks of an airstrike campaign and a ground incursion by the Zamastanian Armed Forces that captured the city of Danaska on the Gladysynthian side of the border. Over 1,500 fighting individuals and civilians were killed in the fighting.


Premiere Seswitch LaFlaunce secretly sent wire messages to President Zacharias Castovia after the capture of Danaska and requested a ceasefire and negotiations towards an embargo lift. Castovia was immensely hesitant, and continued airstrikes on the capital of Mönusÿnthys. However, after being persuaded and pushed to ending the fighting by foreign leaders, such as President Nicholas Brennan of Laeral and Mab Darogan Waywffon Morgan of Cadair, the airstrikes ceased.

The first stage of negotiations involved the withdrawl of Zamastanian forces and equipment, which was completed in under 48 hours on November 8th, 2 days after fighting ended. Second, President Castovia flew into Danaska for a meeting with LaFlaunce, which laid out a plan to demilitarize the Northern Isle and Lower Danaska. Castovia also demanded full releases of Gladysynthian activity in Vulkaria. A full draft was signed on the 13th of November in Mönusÿnthys by President Castovia, Secretary of Defense Curtis Fondaden, Secretary of State Avi Tremblan, and Chief of Staff Emily Miranda, Premiere LaFlaunce, and other Gladysynthian officials. President Farhen Brooks of Vulkaria monitored the negotiations, in hopes to encourage a withdrawal of Gladysynthian special forces from Vulkaria's own civil conflict.


The treaty was implemented upon signing, with Gladysynthian and Zamastanian troops demilitarizing the agreed sixty percent of the border, which involved the removal of turrets and tank positions, though the existing minefield was kept in place.

The embargoes starting lifting on the fifteenth, with few remaining in place. Specifically, oil and luxury embargoes were fully lifted, and two of the sixteen border crossings were opened for eased screen passage. Within a week of the border restrictions being lifted, over 89,000 people crossed into Zamastan, with 26,000 crossing into Gladysynthia.

Criticism, Controversy, and Effectiveness

In December 2018, a Zamastanian soldier was killed after stepping on a mine on the Gladysynthian side of the border after accidentally wandering across a dried part of the river bed. An exchange of fire occured, in which two Gladysynthians were injured. The tension quickly deescalated once the mistake was realized, and Gladysynthia paid reparations for the dead soldier.

After the resignation of President Castovia, Anya Bishop assumed the presidency. She re-instituted several embargoes, including blocking all oil sales and decreasing prices from any nations trading oil with Gladysynthia. This was in reaction to the 2019 Spring Offensive by rebel factions, the Vulkarian National Army and the Malvarian Liberation Front in Vulkaria, in which Gladysynthia was found to be increasingly active against government forces. Premeire LaFlaunce pledged to withhold the agreements in the Treaty until Zamastan reinstated the oil trade, but as of May, the embargo has been reinstated. Bishop has declined to pull back from airstrikes against rebel forces in Vulkaria, some of which have reportedly killed Gladysynthian soldiers.