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Middle Era

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The Middle Era, or less commonly known as the Dark Era generally runs from about 500 CE to 1600 CE. The period is characterized by the expansion of civilisations geographically and development of trade and sea networks between civilisations. The era is divided into 4 ages: the Early Age, High Age, Intermediate Age, and the Late Age.

In Hesterath, the spread of Plecanism by the Juksos created a new empire in the south of the continent and ushered in a Plecanist Golden Age with trade among the Hesterish, Naphtorans and Oranish continents, and advances in science in Gentu. The Hesterath Lowland experienced rise and fall of empires that influenced Eyoseoul, Horapon, Kharankhui, and Limu. Religions such as Afran and Plecanism spread in the region. Gunpowder was developed in the XXX dynasty during the early High Age. The Jukso Empire connected Oranland and Hesterath, creating safe trade and stability between the two regions. In total, the population of Gentu doubled in the time period from approximately 290 million in 500 CE to 581 million in 1600 CE. Population generally grew steadily throughout the period but endured some incidental declines in events including the Great Plague, the XXX invasion, and the XXX war.

Early Age

The Early Age is the sub-period in the Middle Era that spanned 342 years from the end of the Antiquity Era in 500 CE to the start of the Plecanist Golden Age in 843 CE.


The peoples of Oranland by the end of the Early Age.

With the fall of the Alarican Empire in Oranland, tribes from the north migrated south and settle on former Alarican territory. Over time, these tribes formed kingdoms on Alarican lands, they are widely regarded by historians today as the ancestors of modern Oranish nations. By the end of the Early Age, there were 12 peoples in Oranland (not counting Pylosan): the Veragons, Serons, Hesserlics, Hestandos, Brigans, Tawslaws, Uvaks, Bunsians, Wravians, Gurbs, Ornaws, and Palons.

In Pylos, the Dardonan Empire rose in 496 CE, proclaiming itself the successor of the Alarican and Pylosan Empires. From 500 CE onwards, the empire reclaimed some former Alarican and Pylosan territories in the Zestoric, but after 873 CE, they were forced on the defensive as they were attacked by the XXX Empire in the north. The Dardonans were credited for the invention of Pylosan Fire in 674 CE, which was an early version of the cannon.


In Alabon, the North Veragons, also known as the Veragian peoples, were thought to have migrated from Veragon in Oranland around the late 6th century CE, although some historians argue that the North Veragons were probably already in Alabon by that time since the Alaricans might have brought them there during their occupation of Alabon in the 2nd century CE. Whatever the case, the North Veragons thrived in Alabon. By 800 CE, they had splited into 4 groups of people, in the north were the Nicts, in the island in the west were the Hesserns, in the south were the Poterns, and in the center, were the Neragese.

Around 820 CE, the Seacson Talla was constructed by the Nicts. Although its use is still is mystery to us, it is a major tourist spot and a world wonder.

in 827 CE, the first kingdom in Alabon was formed in the central region known as the Kingdom of Hensax, soon after that, countless new kingdoms popped up in Alabon kick-starting the Age of Kingdoms in 341 CE.


The Early Age in Hesterath is characterised by the death of the last king of the Zhang dynasty in 554 CE and the coronation of his cousin King Wu of the new Wei dynasty in Marto of 555 CE. He introduced many new laws to the dynasty which some are still used in modern XXX such as free education and humane prisons. Sadly, the dynasty did not last long as they were invaded by the Juksan Empire in 629 CE.

The Juksos in the first half of the Early Age thrived and conquered the Hesterath Lowland from 618 to 629 CE. But around 700 CE, the empire collapsed into numerous states governed by the noblemen who helped rule their respective areas during the time of the Juksan Empire. One of these states was the Theocratic Haserum Empire to the north of the Limu mountain range. They conquered some of Oranland in the late 8th century CE and ushered in the Plecanist Golden Age from the end of the Early Age in 843 CE to the start of the Late Age. Additionally, the empire amplified trade between Hesterath, Oranland, and Naphtora causing a boom of genetical, ideological, and technological diversity. In Plevapotamia, the fall of the Juksan Empire gave rise to the Orenetian Period, a period of war and political instability. The period lasted from 720 to 810 CE when the White Orda from the highlands conquered Plevapotamia.

Meanwhile, in Eyoseoul Peninsula, the Yeongman Hwagug was replaced around 660 CE by the Jaein Hwagug for reasons unknown today. the period of time during the Jaein rule is known by many as the Eyoseoul Little Dark Age due to the fact that little to no information has been uncovered regarding the Jaein Hwagug.



At around 660 CE, the first fully fledged Central Naphtoran state develops along the XXX River Valley they expanded rapidly, and by the end of the 7th century CE, the state, known as Harao occupies the entire XXX River Valley and had a, as Historian XXX puts it, "a somewhat functioning naval force". At around 700 CE, the East Naphtoran Culture appears and small but complex societies popped up and later decades.

In the north, the Darodan Empire explores and conquers most of the northern region of Naphtora by the year 840.


In the Domicas, the Quadran Federation continues to be the dominant force in Central Domica. Meanwhile, in South Domica, the Atontec Culture along the Haosan mountain range appears. artifacts from this period shows that they were capable of preforming surgery on the brain, with precision unlike any modern capabilities.

High Age


Intermediate Age


Late Age


Main trends


Spread of religion


Trade and communication


Growth of civilisation




By region

