List of political parties in Amathia

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This article lists political parties in Amathia.

Parties represented in the Senate

Logo Party Leader Seats in the Chamber of the Nation Seats in the Chamber of the People Seats in the Euclean Parliament Ideology Position Euclean affiliation
LEDLOGO4.png League of Equalists and Democrats
Ⰾⰹⰳⰰ Ⰵⰳⰰⰾⰹⱎⱅⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⱎⰹ Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⰽⱃⰰⱌⰹⰾⱁⱃ
Liga Egaliștilor și Democraților
Virginia Raggi - Festival Economia 2016.jpg Alexandra Aurelia
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Social Democracy
Democratic Equalism
Center-left Socialist Alternative for Euclea
The League of Equalists and Democrats was founded in 1983 through the merger of the largest center-left political groups in Amathia at the time, as a direct reaction to the disastrous results of left-wing parties in Amathia's first post-1981 elections. It has remained one of the largest Amathian parties and the main center-left political force in the country ever since. The LED was also crucial in Amathia's pro-EC orientation after 1981, and has remained a firm supporter of Amathia's Euclean integration to this day. Ever since 2000 the party has been drifting closer to the center and ait has alienated many of its more radical factions. In the present, the LED is trying to recreate its identity in the middle of continued fragmentation and stagnant electoral results.
FDC.png Center Front
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Frontul de Centru
Ludovic Orban.jpg Răzvan Gorgon
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Sotirian democracy
National conservatism
Center-right Alliance of Conservatives and Democrats for Euclea
The Center Front was formed in 2000 after the disintegration of the Sotirian Democratic Centrist Front, a big-tent center-right party which broke along religious lines. The FC began as a mostly urban party, associated with the Catholics and Arcilucan-rite Catholics of the east, and it promoted Sotirian Democratic policies, moderate conservative positions and had pro-EC beliefs. It slowly shifted more towards the right after the 2006 elections, and it began to criticize the organization and functioning of the EC. Under Răzvan Gorgon, the FC led a big-tent right-wing coalition to victory in the 2018 elections, promising stability, moderate reforms and a rethinking of Amathia's role within the Community, but the party proved unable to control its coalition and it was shaken by several corruption scandals.
UCDLogo.png Constitutional-Democratic Union
Ⱆⱀⰹⱆⱀⰵⰰ Ⱌⱁⱀⱄⱅⰹⱅⱆⱅⰹⱁⱀⰰⰾ-Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⱌⱃⰰⱅⱓ
Uniunea Constituțional-Democrată
EPP Congress 2187 (8096672652) (cropped).jpg Manuel Axente
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Social Liberalism
Center to Center-left Forward Euclea
The oldest still active political party in Amathia, the Constitutional-Democratic Union was founded in 1870 as a liberal and constitutionalist political force. Although outlawed throughout much of its history, particularly during the Amurgist and Equalist regimes, the party has enjoyed a continued existence in exile, where it chaired the royal government in exile until in 1981, when it returned to the country. Historically a center-right force, the party has leaned more and more to the left, culminating with the official adoption of a social liberal platform in 1996, and it has several times been in government as part of the "red-blue" coalition with LED. Despite a somewhat declining popularity, the party has remained incredibly stable, free of any scandals and it enjoys a loyal voter base, espousing progressive ideals, and advocating for grand left-right coalitions of national unity in order to aim for political stability.
LZLogo.png Legion of the Dawn
Ⰾⰵⰳⰹⱆⱀⰵⰰ Ⰸⱁⱃⰹⰾⱁⱃ
Legiunea Zorilor
Corneliu Vadim Tudor - Declaratii la BEC.png Tudor Veleanu
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Amathian ultranationalism
Far right Movement for a New Democratic Euclea
Founded in 1979 in the Soravian West-Arciluco, the Legion of the Dawn has from its inception between a far-right and ultranationalist party with roots in the Great War-era Amurgist movement in Amathia. Originating from among anti-Equalist protesters and opponents, the LZ has been virulently anti-leftist, and has opposed Amathia's entrance into the Euclean Community, instead advocating for joining Samorspi. The party has often alternated between stronger stance and attempting to look moderate, and it has been accused of populist practices, particularly after 2016, when it has started to take inspiration from the Etrurian Tribune Movement. It was the target of several formal requests to the Constitutional Court to be banned as an extremist party. It entered government in 2018 as part of the victorious right-wing coalition, but it opposed several of the measures of the coalition and it eventually withdrew from government, starting the 2022 Amathian political crisis.
PNTSDLOGO.png Sotirian Democratic National Peasants' Party
Ⱂⰰⱃⱅⰹⰴⱆⰾ Ⱀⰰⱌⰹⱁⱀⰰⰾ Ⱌⱐⱃⱐⱀⰵⱄⰽ Ⱄⱁⱅⰹⱃⰹⰰⱀ-Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⰽⱃⰰⱅ
Partidul Național Țărănesc Sotirian-Democrat
Crin Antonescu Senate of Poland 01.JPG Călin Iglăireanu
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Sotirian democracy
Conservative liberalism
Center-right Alliance of Conservatives and Democrats for Euclea
The Sotirian Democratic National Peasants' Party was formed as a merger between the National Sotirian Democratic Party, one of the successors of the Sotirian Democratic Centrist Front, and the National Peasants' Party, one of that party's coalition allies in the 2000-2004 government. It is often considered to be the party of the rural Episimialist population, even if its popularity in rural areas has been eroded in time, and it supports moderately conservative Sotirian democratic and agrarian policies, advocating for a greater development of Amathia's rural regions and for protectionist measures to protect the country's agriculture. It has soft Euclosceptic positions, opposing further integration and the open Euclean market, but advocating for Euclorealist measures. It strongly supports the Amathian Episemialist Church and a modification of the Constitution with its addition as Amathia's official religion.
Surlogo2.png Left United for the Republic
Ⱄⱅⰻⱀⰳⰰ Ⱆⱀⰹⱅⱐ ⱂⰵⱀⱅⱃⱆ Ⱃⰵⱂⱆⰱⰾⰹⰽⱐ
Stânga Unită pentru Republică
Mitingul Electoral al Aliantei PSD-UNPR-PC, Galati - 10.05 (14) (14278213368) (cropped).jpg Maria Marcu
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Democratic Socialism
Left-wing populism
Left to Far-left Mixed Radical Left
The Left United for the Republic was created in 2015 as a coalition of left-wing and radical left members from more traditional political parties, united around the belief that the mainstream left-wing parties in Amathia had shifted too much to the center, and that councilists and equalists had to cooperate within the democratic framework of the constitution in order to obtain real, socialist reforms. Following good results in the 2016 local elections, the coalition was transformed into a merger, with the newly created party taking on the position of the Amathian Section in the Workers' International. After good results in the 2018 elections, and four years in the opposition, SUR has been entrusted with leading the caretaker government and preparing new elections, with Maria Marcu as the Prime Minister. The party advocates for democratic socialist and democratic councilist reforms, supporting gradual reforms, workers' rights, a strengthening of workers' unions and the expansion of social measures. It maintains Euclorealist and Eucloscepticist views in lines with other Euclean councilist parties.
UNPALOGO.png National Union for the Progress of Amathia
Ⱆⱀⰹⱆⱀⰵⰰ Ⱀⰰⱌⰹⱁⱀⰰⰾⱐ ⱂⰵⱀⱅⱃⱆ Ⱂⱃⱁⰳⱃⰵⱄⱆⰾ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰵⰹ
Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul Amathiei
EPP Summit; Meise, Dec. 2013 (11449226465) (cropped 2).jpg Mihael Vătaru
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Social Conservatism
Big tent
Alliance of Reformists and Conservatives
The National Union for the Progress of Amathia is a big tent populist party formed by the supporters of former Prime Minister Mihael Vătaru following his expulsion from the Center Front in 2016. It has been accused of lacking coherent political positions and of merely been organized around the views and under the command of Vătaru, who frequently changed the party's ideological stance based on his political needs. Describing itself as anti-establishment, pro-EC and Sotirian-conservative, the UNPA was the big revelation of the 2018 election, its success being sometimes compared to that of the Etrurian Tribune Movement, but Vătaru's decision to enter the right-wing coalition led by the Center Front alienated many of his supporters and broke the myth of its anti-establishment positions. The erratic actions of the UNPA and its leader led to significant tensions within the ruling coalition, and Vătaru's indictment for having been a collaborator of the Equalist secret police has been a further blow to its popularity.
CELOGO.png Faith and Equality
Ⰽⱃⰵⰴⰹⱀⱌⱐ ⱎⰹ Ⰵⰳⰰⰾⰹⱅⰰⱅⰵ
Credință și Egalitate
Lech Kuropatwiński Sejm 2015.JPG Vlad Zornor
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Sotirian Equalism
Sotirian socialism
Left Mixed Radical Left
Faith and Equality is a Sotirian left-wing party, founded by a former faction within the All-Euclean League of Equalists which supported Sotirian socialist positions. It combines these positions with moderate Sotirian conservative beliefs, and with a firm opposition to the Euclean Community and Amathia's membership in it. Although relatively small, the party has managed to attract votes from both sides of the political spectrum and it has remained in the Senate ever since 1990, taking part in several ruling coalitions alongside the League of Equalists and Democrats. A rupture between the two parties has seen CE swing to the right, joining the right-wing coalition of the 2018 elections and the new government, but the corruption scandals which affected it led to the removal of the previous leaders of the party, and under Vlad Zornor, CE has broken all ties to the Center Front and reaffirmed its left-wing stance.
APAV.png Rally for the Green Amathia
Ⰰⰴⱆⱀⰰⱃⰵⰰ Ⱂⰵⱀⱅⱃⱆ Ⰰⰿⰰⱅⱍⰹⰰ Ⰲⰵⱃⰴⰵ
Adunarea pentru Amathia Verde
Victor Ponta la semnarea declaratiei politice privind infiintarea USL 2.0 - 14.11 (4) (15621866127) (cropped 2).jpg Gheorghe Raina
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Green Politics
Center-left Green and Ecologist Movement
The Rally for the Green Amathia was formed in 2004 as a merger of the Amathian Ecologist Party and the Amathian Equalist Party of the Greens. It supports center-left green politics and Ecosocialism, opposing globalization and capitalism and advocating for sustainability and radical reforms. Despite its positions however it notably supports the Euclean Community, though not in its current form, believing that a properly reformed Euclean Community can be the beginning of a new green Euclea. The Rally is also the only Amathian party to support the phasing out of nuclear power in the country, the shutting down of all nuclear power plants and switching to alternative power sources, because of its claims that the nuclear reactor type used in Amathia is highly dangerous and could lead to a nuclear disaster.
ANRMLogo2.png National Alliance for the Restoration of the Monarchy
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Alianţa Naţională pentru Restaurarea Monarhiei
2013-08-23 - Wolfgang Kubicki - 8689.jpg Cătălin Gerda
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Big tent
Center to Center-right Forward Euclea
The National Alliance for the Restoration of the Monarchy has its origins in an alliance of various monarchist groups which were trying to push for a referendum for the restoration of the monarchy in 1981. Although such a referendum was never organized, these groups eventually merged into a party which entered the Senate for the first time in 1986, and has remained there ever since. Its popularity has grown considerably ever since 2006, as the increased political instability in the country has shown the potential of the monarchy as an alternative political system. ANRM is a big-tent party, mostly unified in its support for a referendum on the monarchy, but it is generally espousing liberal and progressive views. It is a strong supporter of the Euclean Community and of Amathia's membership, and it believes that a restored Kingdom of Amathia could play a bigger role in the EC.
MAELOGO.png Movement of the Equalist Alternative
Ⰿⰹⱎⰽⰰⱃⰵⰰ Ⰰⰾⱅⰵⱃⱀⰰⱅⰹⰲⰵⰹ Ⰵⰳⰰⰾⰹⱄⱅⰵ
Mișcarea Alternativei Egaliste
Victor Ponta debate November 2014.jpg Constantin Rotaru
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Far-left Mixed Radical Left
The Movement of the Equalist Alternative is the direct successor of the League of Equalist Unity, the Amathian section of the All-Euclean League of Equalists. The party was only registered in 1989, as the democratic government of Amathia refused to recognize it until it was convinced to by the ICD and the EC. The MAE maintains far-left Equalist views, supporting a referendum to restore the Equalist regime, and advocating for a reunification of Amathia and Champania under a restored South Euclean People's Republic. The Movement also controversially supports the Champanian political Reformation, advocating for similar policies in Amathia, even if notably disagrees with the Champanian views on Etruria. The Equalists oppose Amathia's membership in the EC and support an immediate departure of Amathia from the Community's structures, and even if it is officially a member of the Mixed Radical Left, the MAE has boycotted all Euclean elections in Amathia ever since the country joined the EC in 1995.
AMI.png Amathia Together Movement
Ⰿⰹⱎⰽⰰⱃⰵⰰ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ Ⱏⰿⱂⱃⰵⱆⱀⱐⰰ
Mișcarea Amathia Împreună
Alina Zotea deputat.jpg Cristina Verci
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Anti-political instability
Economic liberalism
Big tent none
The Amathia Together Movement is a new political party in Amathia, founded in 2019 by the members of several non-governmental organizations, and by various other civil society groups, with the stated aim of creating a truly new political force in the country, without any affiliation to the existing political structures. A big-tent, progressive party, AM+ supports progressive views and advocates wide-spread reforms to Amathia's Senate, Presidency, and elections. It has syncretic ideological positions, and it has been described as less of a party and more of a group of activists from both sides of the political spectrum, united around the three main issues that Amathia has in the party's conception. An irresponsible political class, political corruption, and political instability. With a clear pro-EC position, the party won 6 seats in the 2019 Euclean Parliament election, and has gained two members in the Senate of Amathia, as the Senate's two longest running activists and independent senators have announced their support for the project.
Logo of the National Minorities Parliamentary Group.png Parliamentary Group of the National Minorities
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Grupul parlamentar al minorităților naționale
EPP Congress 7615 (8100155267) (cropped).jpg Damyan Popov
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Ethnic minority interests Big tent none
The Amathian Constitution provides a seat in each of the two chambers of the Senate for the political parties and organizations which represent the officially recognized national minorities in Amathia. Each minority has a single representing organization which is recognized by Amathia's Constitutional Court, and that organization acts in the manner of a political party, sending a representative and a deputy to the Senate, without having to take part in elections and without taking the electoral threshold into account. In Senate, the senators representing the national minorities are part of the Parliamentary Group of the National Minorities and seek to support the interests of Amathia's ethnic minorities, but they usually simply vote alongside the current government.

Ethnic minority parties

Logo Party Leader Seats in the Chamber of the Nation Seats in the Chamber of the People Seats in the Euclean Parliament Ideology Position Euclean affiliation
KPALogo.png Community of the Piraeans in Amathia
Ⰽⱁⰿⱆⱀⰹⱅⰰⱅⰵⰰ Ⱂⰹⱃⰰⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⱏⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Comunitatea Piraenilor în Amathia
Κοινότητα των Πιριαεοσ στην Αμαθία
Koinótita ton Piriaeós stin Amathía
Kelemen (cropped).jpg Tassos Siskakis
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0 / 71
Piraean minority politics Big tent none
The Community of the Piraeans in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Piraean minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed a seat in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Piraean minority in Amathia. The KPA has generally been flexible in terms of political views and it has merely advocated for the interests of the Piraean community and for an improvement of the Amathian-Piraean relations.
Blason ville fr Branceilles (Corrèze).svg Democratic Association of Miruvians
Ⰰⱄⱁⰽⰹⰰⱌⰹⰰ Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⰽⱃⰰⱅⱐ ⰰ Ⰿⰹⱃⱆⰲⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ
Asociația Democrată a Miruvienilor
Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⰽⱃⰰⱅⱄⰽⱁ ⱆⰴⱃⱆⰸⰵⱀⰻⰵ Ⰿⰹⱃⱆⰲⰰⱌⰰ
Demokratsko udruženje Miruvaca
Slavica Djukic Dejanovic (1).jpg Mirka Vasić
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0 / 71
Miruvian minority politics
Big tent none
The Democratic Association of Miruvians is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Miruvian minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed a seat in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Miruvian minority in Amathia. The DUM has consistently espoused right-wing, conservative, Episemialist and Miruvian nationalist views, and has been accused of having connections to various Miruvian groups in Etruria. It has constisently opposed any sort of Amathian-Etrurian relations, being described as "Etrurophobic", and it has repeatedly pushed for the creation of an autonomous Miruvian state in Etruria and Amathia.
Arms of Illyrian Slovenia.svg Federation of the Carinthians and Novalians in Amathia
Ⱇⰵⰴⰵⱃⰰⱎⰹⰰ Ⱌⰰⱃⰹⱀⱚⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⱌⰹ Ⱀⱁⰲⰰⰾⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Federația Carinthienilor și Novalienilor din Amathia
Federacija Korušana i Novaljana u Amatiji
Zveza Korošcev in Novaljanov v Amatiji
Darius Bogdan Vâlcov @ HotNews.png Dinko Tomaškovi
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Carinthian and Novalian minority politics Big tent none
The Federation of the Carinthians and Novalians in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Carinthian and Novalian minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Carinthian and Novalian minority in Amathia. The FCNA is somewhat unique as far as Amathian ethnic minority parties are concerned as the two officially recognized associations of the Carinthians and Novalians have decided to create a joint political party to represent both minorities, a decision recognized by the Amathian Constitutional Court.
Trump coa.svg Forum of the Tengarians in Amathia
Ⱇⱁⱃⱆⰿⱆⰾ Ⱅⰵⱀⰳⰰⱃⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Forumul Tengarienilor din Amathia
Форум на тенгарците в Аматия
Forum na tengartsite v Amatiya
EPP Congress 7615 (8100155267) (cropped).jpg Damyan Popov
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Tengarian minority politics Big tent none
The Forum of the Tengarians in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Tengarian minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Tengarian minority in Amathia.
GaullicaCoatofArm.png League of Gaullicans in Amathia
Ⰾⰹⰳⰰ Ⰳⰰⱆⰾⰹⱌⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Liga Gaulicienilor din Amathia
Ligue des Gaulliciens en Amathie
5. Reuniunea BPN al PSD - 17.03.2014 (13216493103) (cropped).jpg Eugène Hardy
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Gaullican minority politics Big tent none
The DLeague of Gaullicans in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Gaullican minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Gaullican minority in Amathia.
National Cockade of France.svg Democratic League of the Champanians in Amathia
Ⰾⰹⰳⰰ Ⰴⰵⰿⱁⱌⱃⰰⱅⰹⱌⱐ ⰰ Ⱌⱍⰰⰿⱂⰰⱀⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Liga Democratică a Champanienilor din Amathia
Ligue démocratique des Champaniens en Amathie
File:Monica Babuc (02) (cropped).jpg Orianne Hébert
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Champanian minority politics Big tent none
The Democratic League of the Champanians in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Champanian minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Champanian minority in Amathia.
Coat of arms of Bistravia.png Association of the Bistravians in Amathia
Ⰰⱄⱁⱌⰹⰰⱎⰹⰰ Ⰱⰹⱄⱅⱃⰰⰲⰹⰵⱀⰹⰾⱁⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Asociația Bistravienilor din Amathia
Sdružení Bistraviánů v Amathii
NataliaGherman̠Wien.jpg Renáta Sucharová
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Bistravian minority politics Big tent none
The Association of the Bistravians in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Bistravian minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Bistravian minority in Amathia.
DezevauFlag.svg Cultural Union of the Dezevauni in Amathia
Ⱆⱀⰹⱆⱀⰵⰰ Ⰽⱆⰾⱅⱆⱃⰰⰾⱐ ⰰ Ⰴⰵⰸⰵⰲⰰⱀⱆⰾⰹⱃ ⰴⰹⱀ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰰ
Uniunea Culturală a Dezevanunilor din Amathia
Rosnah Shirlin.jpg Jana Mangime
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Dezevauni minority politics Big tent none
The Cultural Union of the Dezevauni in Amathia is not a legally registered political party, but a union of Dezevauni minority rights and cultural advocacy groups, which is guaranteed two seats in the Senate in accordance with the Amathian Constitution as the representative of the Dezevauni minority in Amathia.

Other parties represented in the Parliaments of the Constituent Republics

Logo Party Leader Ideology Position Regional parliament Seats
Ouroboros-simple.svg United for Preida
Ⱆⱀⰹⱌⰹ ⱂⰵⱀⱅⱃⱆ Ⱂⱃⰵⰹⰴⰰ
Uniți pentru Preida
Ⱄⰰⱀⱅⰰⰽⰰ ⰽⰰ Ⱂⱃⰵⰹⰴⰰ
Santaka ka Preida
Eugen Teodorovici (cropped).JPG Călin Irsescu Preidan nationalism
Preidan independence
Center-right to Right Parliament of Preida
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Parties without elected representation