List of presidents of Aucuria

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The President of Aucuria (Ruttish: Aukurijos prezidentas) has been the country's head of state since 1793, when the office formally superseded the presidency of the Revolutionary Saeimas. The president also acted as head of government of Aucuria from 1793 to 1843 and from 1935 to 1980; under the current constitution, however, the powers of the head of government are instead held by the Chancellor. The president is elected by direct popular vote. A presidential term currently lasts six years, but the office had a four-year term from 1793 to 1843 and a five-year term from 1935 to 1980.

The first president of Aucuria was Bendiktas Klimantis. The longest-serving president of Aucuria was Fridrikas Dabrauskas, who held the title for 22 years, 2 months, and 14 days before his assassination; the shortest-serving president, Juozapas Juknevičius, held the title for only five days before being forced from office by the Velvet Revolution. Of those presidents officially recognized as having held the office by the Aucurian government, twelve left or were removed from office before the end of a presidential term; of these, one (Antanas Endrijauskas) resigned, one (Petras Erenbergas) was impeached and removed from office, two (Valdemaras Slankauskas and Kestutis Ambrulaitis) ceded power to military rulers, two (Mindaugas Ulpis and Albertas Kalvaitis) died in office of natural causes, three (Liudvikas Šrioderis, Martynas Sprogys, and Juozapas Juknevičius) were deposed, and three (Fridrikas Dabrauskas, Hektoras Kuprys, and Adrianas Volpis) were assassinated. The three individuals who claimed the presidency but are not regarded as legitimate presidents by the modern Aucurian government - Eimuntas Lukauskis, Izoakas Kačinskas, and Karolis Tarvydas - were all either deposed or assassinated.

The incumbent president of Aucuria, since 2016, is Žygimantas Barauskas of the Social Democratic Party.


Political Parties:


  National   Conservative   National Renewal

Liberal and radical

  Federalist   Republican   Liberal   Liberal Democratic   New Liberal

Social democratic and socialist

  Democratic   Social Democratic


  Independent   Military

Italicized numbers are used for the presidents of the First and Second Aucurian States, who are not regarded as legitimate presidents by the Aucurian government and are thus counted separately.

Portrait Name Took office Left office Days Election Political party
Aucurian First Republic (1793-1821)
1 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (painted portrait).jpg Bendiktas Klimantis
May 1st, 1793 May 1st, 1801 8 years 1793, 1797 Federalist
Highly regarded for his role in leading the Revolutionary Saeimas during the Aucurian Revolution, Klimantis was elected to the presidency with no serious opposition in 1793. As political rifts formed in the young republic, Klimantis opted to side with the Federalists, who emphasized states' rights, agrarianism, and limited government. He defeated his former friend Klemensas Brazauskas, who had sided with the rival Republican Party, in 1797 and subsequently served a second term which saw a continuing widening of the rift between the Republicans and Federalists. He retired in 1801, hoping to set a two-term precedent for future presidents to follow.
2 02 - Antonio José de Sucre (CROPPED).png Juozapas Kairys
May 1st, 1801 May 1st, 1809 8 years 1801, 1805 Republican
A hero of the Aucurian Revolution, Kairys succeeded Klemensas Brazauskas as head of the Republican faction after Brazauskas's death and was subsequently elected president in 1801. As president, Kairys sought to centralize authority in Kalnaspilis and develop domestic industry and commerce; to this end he established a national bank and instituted a series of tariffs on finished goods. He won reelection in 1805 and sought a third term in 1809 but, facing increasing antagonism from rural landholders and state governments due to his efforts to centralize power, he was voted out of office in 1809.
3 Mariano Moreno (La Mujer, 1900).jpg Izoakas Poškus
May 1st, 1809 May 1st, 1813 4 years 1809 Federalist
A longtime ally of Bendiktas Klimantis, Poškus was elected to the presidency in 1809. As president, he successfully supported the passage of several laws protecting individual rights and the authority of state governments and overturned some of the tariffs enacted by the Kairys administration; however, his efforts to abolish the National Bank of Aucuria, one of his primary campaign promises, were unsuccessful. This failure sparked a rivalry between Poškus and Antanas Endrijauskas, who regarded Poškus as ineffective; the ensuing split in the Federalist Party caused Poškus to lose the 1813 election.
(2) 02 - Antonio José de Sucre (CROPPED).png Juozapas Kairys
May 1st, 1813 May 1st, 1817 4 years 1813 Republican
Reelected in 1813, Kairys became the first Aucurian president to serve three terms and to serve non-contiguous terms. During his third term, Kairys resumed his efforts to enact tariffs and increase the power of the central government. An economic downturn resulting from the partial failure of the country's 1816 coffee crop ultimately resulted in Kairys losing the 1817 presidential election, in which he sought a record fourth term; as a lame duck, he sought to prevent his successor, Antanas Endrijauskas, from overturning his policies by installing Republican-sympathetic judges to the national judiciary.
4 Manuel Blanco Encalada (Nataniel Hughes, 1853).jpg Antanas Endrijauskas
May 1st, 1817 December 27th, 1820 3 years, 7 months and 26 days 1817 Federalist
A prominent commander during the Aucurian Revolution, Endrijauskas was elected president in 1817 having pledged to reverse the policies of Juozapas Kairys. Stymied in this goal by judges appointed by Kairys late in his third term, Endrijauskas resorted to court-packing to prevent his policies being overturned. He also initiated several campaigns against indigenous tribes in the Sythe-Juoda Rainforest. In 1820, several members of Endrijauskas's cabinet, including Rimantas Čepulis, Liudvikas Požela, and Nikiforas Dovydavičius, were implicated in an embezzlement scheme; Endrijauskas was not implicated in the scheme itself, but had attempted to cover it up. Threatened with impeachment, Endrijauskas resigned the presidency in 1820.
- Juan Martínez de Rozas.jpg Kesgaila Vidugiris
December 27th, 1820 May 1st, 1821 4 months and 4 days - Federalist
Chosen by the Saeimas to serve as ad interim president following Antanas Endrijauskas's resignation, Vidugiris only served as Aucurian president for four months; his only major act of note was pardoning Endrijauskas, Čepulis, Požela, and Dovydavičius, which was deeply controversial and further weakened the standing of the Federalist Party going into the 1821 election.
Aucurian Second Republic (1821-1843)
5 Nariño by Acevedo Bernal.jpg Fridrikas Dabrauskas
May 1st, 1821 July 15th, 1843 22 years, 2 months and 14 days 1821, 1825, 1829, 1833, 1837, 1841 Republican
The longtime protege of Juozapas Kairys, Dabrauskas was elected president in 1821 on a platform of centralization and reform. While the Republicans held a majority in the Saeimas, the use of obstructionist policies by the Federalists prevented Dabrauskas from implementing his policies; frustrated, Dabrauskas and sympathetic forces in the army initiated an auto-coup, granting himself extraordinary powers and de facto reducing the Saeimas to a consultative body. He then forcibly suppressed the Federalists, reorganized Aucuria's states to reduce their size and power, enacted new tariffs, and abolished property requirements for suffrage. Under Euclean pressure, Dabrauskas also banned the slave trade in 1829. Buoyed by economic prosperity and his expansion of suffrage, Dabrauskas remained broadly popular through much the 1830s; corruption coupled with economic stagnation and social unrest steadily sapped his popularity, however, and in 1843 he was assassinated by members of the army sympathetic to the opposition.
- Andréssantacruz2.jpg Jonas Petkevičius
July 15th, 1843 September 13th, 1843 1 month and 29 days - Military
Petkevičius, a general, was a leading figure in the plot to assassinate Fridrikas Dabrauskas and, following Dabrauskas's death, named himself the interim president of Aucuria, vowing to run the country until a new constitution could be drafted. After the 1843 constitution was ratified, he ceded power to civilian politician Vilimas Sagaitis, who was to serve as interim president until an elected president was inaugurated in May 1844.
Aucurian Third Republic (1843-1885)
- Jjolemdo.jpg Vilimas Sagaitis
September 13th, 1843 May 1st, 1844 7 months and 18 days - Independent
Sagaitis, the primary author of Aucuria's 1843 constitution, was selected by Jonas Petkevičius to serve as interim president until an elected president was inaugurated in 1844. While Sagaitis considered running for the presidency, he ultimately decided to run a seat in the Saeimas in the hopes of being chosen for the newly-created position of Chancellor, an endeavor in which he was ultimately successful.
6 Domingo Elias.jpg Juozapas Maskoliunas
May 1st, 1844 May 1st, 1850 6 years 1844 Liberal
Elected to the presidency in 1844, Maskoliunas was a major landholder who had been a vocal opponent of the Dabrauskas regime. Alongside Sagaitis, now Chancellor, he pushed for the large-scale repeal of tariffs and a devolution of authority to state governments; he also proposed anti-corruption legislation, though this legislation was relatively weak and would not have impacted the patronage networks being established by fellow Liberal politicians at the state level. He declined to seek a second term in 1850.
7 Juan Antonio Ribeyro.jpg Ignacas Jaudegis
May 1st, 1850 May 1st, 1856 6 years 1850 Liberal
Jaudegis, a lawyer, was elected in 1850. He was broadly perceived as caring little about his presidential duties, particularly after the National Party, led by Rudolfas Česnauskis, took control of the Saeimas in 1853. He sought reelection in 1856, but his personal unpopularity saw him lose the presidency to Aleksandras Vilkauskas even as the Liberal Party retook the Saeimas.
8 Gabriel García Moreno.jpg Aleksandras Vilkauskas
May 1st, 1856 May 1st, 1862 6 years 1856 National
A prominent general who was widely popular for his exploratory and military expeditions into the Sythe-Juoda Rainforest, Vilkauskas accepted the National Party's nomination for president in 1856, and easily defeated Ignacas Jaudegis. The National Party did not, however, obtain a majority in the Saeimas in the 1856 or 1859 legislative elections; opposition from a Liberal-Radical-Civilist coalition in the Saeimas combined with the limited powers of the presidency under the 1844 constitution frustrated Vilkauskas, who ultimately decided that he would run for a seat in the Saeimas in the hope of becoming chancellor instead of seeking a second term as president.
9 Manuel Costas Arce.jpg Mindaugas Ulpis
May 1st, 1862 June 3rd, 1872 10 years, 1 month and 2 days 1862, 1868 National
Previously the longtime governor of Bendrieji Laukai and Aucurian ambassador to Gaullica, Ulpis succeeded Aleksandras Vilkauskas as president in 1862, and almost universally lended his support to the conservative legislation pushed by Vilkauskas, who served as chancellor through most of Ulpis's time in office. He became the first person elected to a second six-year term in 1868. Legislative elections in 1871 saw a Democratic-Liberal coalition headed by Vykintas Obrikas eke out a narrow victory over the National Party; Ulpis regarded Obrikas's reformist tendencies as destabilizing and publicly vowed that he "would sooner die than work with such a radical". He suffered a fatal heart attack in 1872, becoming the first Aucurian president to die of natural causes while in office.
- Manuel de Ascásubi y Matheu0001.jpg Vaidotas Simenas
June 3rd, 1872 May 1st, 1874 1 year, 10 months and 28 days - Independent
A former judge and professor of law, Simenas was chosen by the Saeimas as a compromise candidate to fill the vacancy left by the death of Mindaugas Ulpis. Simenas typically worked to find compromises between Aucuria's major political parties in the hopes of opposing political polarization, but did intervene on certain issues where he held strong opinions; among these were Vykintas Obrikas's efforts to abolish slavery and pass anti-corruption legislation, efforts which passed in large part due to Simenas's support. While he contemplated running for a second term in 1874, he ultimately decided against it, opting to retire from politics instead.
10 J. Balta.jpg Jurgis Čekauskas
May 1st, 1874 May 1st, 1880 6 years 1874 Liberal
A lawyer, Čekauskas was elected president in 1874. As a result of an unsuccessful assassination attempt in October 1874, he spent much of the first half of his term recuperating and largely absent from the national political scene; improvements to his condition and the ascension of fellow Liberal Kirilas Griškenas to the chancellorship allowed him to take a more active role in the second half of his term, however. As part of this, Čekauskas pushed heavily for rapprochement between Aucuria and Ardesia; these efforts resulted in the formal ratification of the Treaty of Defensive Alliance shortly after he left office.
11 José Jorge Loayza.jpg Valdemaras Slankauskas
May 1st, 1880 February 28th, 1885 4 years, 9 months and 27 days 1880 Liberal
Elected in 1880, Slankauskas vowed to back efforts to support Aucurian agriculture and to stimulate domestic industry without enacting tariffs; the outbreak of the War of the Arucian in 1883, however, largely prevented him from advocating domestic policy changes. Regarded publicly as a mediocre wartime leader and, alongside other Liberal politicians, widely blamed for the country's defeat, Slankauskas survived multiple assassination attempts and avoided capture during the 1885 coup attempt only by sheer luck. Alongside Chancellor Jurgis Armaitis, he ceded his office and powers to General Žygimantas Ramanauskas only weeks after the outbreak of the Aucurian Civil War.
First Aucurian State (1885-1891)
1 Morales Bermúdez1.jpg Eimuntas Lukauskis
February 2nd, 1885 April 24th, 1888 3 years, 2 months and 22 days - Military
A general who blamed civilian mismanagement for Aucuria's defeat in the War of the Arucian, Lukauskis - with the backing of much of the army and the National Party - launched an attempted coup d'etat in 1885; after the effort failed to capture President Slankauskas or Chancellor Armaitis, Lukauskis proclaimed himself president of the First Aucurian State, starting the Aucurian Civil War. While initially holding the upper hand, struggles between individuals and factions within Lukauskis's forces undermined his efforts, allowing the forces of Žygimantas Ramanauskas to gain ground. Lukauskis was shot and killed in 1888 by General Steponas Narusis, who believed that Lukauskis was denying his troops supplies due to his rivarly with Lukauskis's ally Soterijonas Jonavičius.
2 Ismael montes 2.jpg Izoakas Kačinskas
April 24th, 1888 June 7th, 1891 3 years, 1 month and 14 days - Military
Kačinskas succeeded Eimuntas Lukauskis as leader of the First Aucurian State in 1888. He proved unable to prevent the further fragmentation of the forces nominally under his command, ultimately alienating many of his subordinates and allies. He was ultimately captured in 1891 while attempting to flee to Satucin, ending the Aucurian Civil War, and executed the following year.
Aucurian Fourth Republic (1885-1928)
12 Floriano Peixoto (1891).jpg Žygimantas Ramanauskas
February 28th, 1885 May 1st, 1892 7 years, 2 months and 3 days - Military
Granted "the chancellorship with dictatorial powers" by the Saeimas following the outbreak of the Aucurian Civil War, Ramanauskas was never formally named as Aucuria's president but is nonetheless broadly recognized as having held both the chancellorship and presidency de facto. Ramanauskas exploited increasing factionalism within rebel forces to reverse the situation for the Aucurian Republic, ultimately ending the war in 1891 with the capture of Izoakas Kačinskas. After the end of the war, Ramanauskas refused to concede his powers until suffering a non-fatal stroke in January 1892; he ceded the presidency to the democratically-elected Bernardas Šmitas in 1892, but continued to rule as chancellor until 1895.
13 Carlos Freile Zaldumbide.jpg Bernardas Šmitas
May 1st, 1892 May 1st, 1898 6 years 1892 Democratic
Of Weranian ethnic origins, Šmitas promised to oversee a full Aucurian return to democracy following the Ramanauskas years, which was accomplished in 1895. He subsequently worked with Liberal Chancellor Viltautas Talačka to encourage Aucurian light industry, pass worker and consumer protection legislation, and switch Saeimas elections from first-past-the-post to a party-list proportional system. Šmitas also advocated for land reform to benefit small farmers, but clashed with Talačka on this count and was ultimately unable to get any sort of legislation passed on the issue.
(11) José Jorge Loayza.jpg Valdemaras Slankauskas
May 1st, 1898 May 1st, 1904 6 years 1898 Liberal
Blamed by many for Aucuria's defeat in the War of the Arucian, Slankauskas was reelected narrowly to the presidency under contentious circumstances regarding vote counts in several states. During his second term, Slankauskas largely supported the legislative agendas of Viltautas Talačka and Paskalis Kalėda; however, he was largely absent from the public eye for fear that his presence or active support would prove politically toxic. He declined to seek reelection in 1904.
14 Emilio Estrada Carmona.jpg Karolis Motieka
May 1st, 1904 May 1st, 1910 6 years 1904 Conservative
Motieka, a former governor who had sided with the republic during the Civil War, was elected president in 1904. During his presidency, Aucuria was pressued into making trade concessions to Euclean countries, which damaged his popularity. In 1908, Motieka and Chancellor Metjūs Cibauskas successfully oversaw the beginning of an infrastructure construction scheme; this scheme was ultimately marred by widespread corruption, however. He sought reelection in 1910 but lost the election to Baltramiejus Rimeikis.
15 Aníbal Capriles Cabrera.jpg Baltramiejus Rimeikis
May 1st, 1910 May 1st, 1922 12 years 1910, 1916 Liberal
Elected in 1910, Rimeikis was widely regarded as a puppet of Paskalis Kalėda and broadly supported Kalėda's legislative agenda. He clashed regularly with Ervinas Antanavičius of the Conservative Party after the latter's ascension to the chancellorship, and, following the start of the Great Collapse, sought to blame Antanavičius for the lack of government response. He was narrowly re-elected to the presidency in 1916; with Jokūbas Vasauskas, a fellow Liberal, as chancellor, Rimeikis sought to alleviate the effects of the Great Collapse through limited intervention to support businesses and plantations; this was unpopular with much of the public and he was voted out of office in 1922.
16 German Arenas.jpg Hektoras Kuprys
May 1st, 1922 October 14th, 1925 3 years, 5 months and 13 days 1922 Democratic
A former journalist, Kuprys worked with Chancellor Leandras Naraškevičius and his Democratic-DIAS coalition to propose and pass a slate of reforms aimed at alleviating the Great Collapse, including unemployment benefits, debt relief, land reform, infrastructure and modernization projects, and the nationalization of certain industrial sectors. Kuprys also lent his support to Naraškevičius's efforts to create the National Aboriginal Foundation and extend the franchise to women. Naraškevičius was replaced as chancellor by Pilypas Lušys in 1925; Kuprys clashed regularly with Lušys, who sought to overturn the policies passed by Kuprys and Naraškevičius in the preceding years. Kuprys was assassinated by a functionalist in October 1925 amidst worsening political polarization.
- Carlos Arenas y Loayza.jpg Kestutis Ambrulaitis
October 14th, 1925 [February?] Nth, 1928 tbd - Independent
An economist and bureaucrat, Ambrulaitis was chosen to replace Hektoras Kuprys by the Saeimas. Largely aligned politically with the Conservatives, his support for the domestic policies of Pilypas Lušys, his irredentist and militaristic tendencies, and his inability to stop growing street violence made him a deeply controversial figure. Ambrulaitis encouraged Lušys to invade Satucin in order to reclaim territories lost by Aucuria after the War of the Arucian, believing the Gaullican-controlled colony would be preoccupied with the Great War; this proved a disastrous miscalculation, and Aucurian forces quickly found themselves pushed back by Satucine and Nuvanian troops. Alongside Lušys, he ceded his office and powers to General Karolis Tarvydas in 1928.
Second Aucurian State (1928-1934)
1 Sánchez Cerro.jpg Karolis Tarvydas
[February?] Nth, 1928 [???] Nth, 1934 tbd - Military
With Aucurian forces being pushed back on both the Satucine and Nuvanian fronts, Tarvydas was granted "the chancellorship and presidency with dictatorial powers" by the Saeimas; unable to stop the enemy advance, and seeing no way to win the war, he opted to capitulate to the Entente, placing the country under partial Entente occupation and establishing an authoritarian collaborationist regime, the Second Aucurian State. Working with domestic functionalists, Tarvydas sought to reshape Aucurian politics and society around paternalism, corporatism, and social conservatism. His regime was opposed by the National Redoubt Government, which waged guerrilla campaigns throughout the Great War and initiated a nationwide liberation campaign in 1934 as the Entente collapsed; again seeing no way to win the situation, Tarvydas surrendered and allowed himself to be captured, ending the Second Aucurian State's brief existence. He was executed for treason in 1935.
National Redoubt Government (1928-1935)
17 Sosabowski.jpg Feliksas Lupeikis
[February?] Nth, 1928 May 1st, 1935 tbd - Military
A colonel at the time, Lupeikis and a portion of the Aucurian Armed Forces who refused to accept the country's capitulation to the Entente established what they termed a "National Redoubt Government" with Lupeikis as its leader; joined by several left-wing, indigenous, and other resistance groups, the National Redoubt Government became a coherent military and political entity capable of challenging the Tarvydas regime, conducting coordinated guerrilla warfare campaigns against the Second Aucurian State and Satucine-Nuvanian occupation forces. As Entente forces in Euclea and the Asterias were pushed back by the Grand Alliance, Lupeikis launched a successful nationwide liberation campaign in 1934; after the end of the Great War, Lupeikis stayed on as interim leader, overseeing the drafting of the country's 1934 constition and ceding power peacefully to the democratically-elected Dominykas Dabrickas.
Aucurian Fifth Republic (1935-1949)
18 Retrato del Presidente Juan Antonio Ríos.jpg Dominykas Dabrickas
May 1st, 1935 May 1st, 1940 5 years 1935 Liberal Democratic
Heading a Liberal Democratic-Social Democratic coalition, Dabrickas supported a series of reforms as president, limiting immunity from prosecution for corrupt officials, increasing government transparency, implementing a national minimum wage, regulating the financial sector, and extending suffrage to women in 1937. He simultaneously pushed for economic liberalization, repealing tariffs and altering the country's subsidies regime, in the hopes of using the market to stimulate economic growth. Widely popular during his time in office, Dabrickas initially intended to run for a second term but retired from politics after being diagnosed with cancer.
19 José María Velasco Ibarra.jpg Petras Erenbergas
May 1st, 1940 November 9th, 1943 3 years, 6 months and 8 days 1940 Liberal Democratic
A sometimes-rival to Dominykas Dabrickas, Erenbergas succeeded Dabrickas as president and head of the Liberal Democrats in 1940. Establishing an alliance with the Civil Alliance instead of the Social Democrats, Erenbergas continued his predecessor's economic liberalization while slowing his social reforms and devolving power to state governments. After it was revealed that Erenbergas had accepted bribes from economic interests in exchange for appointment of business leaders to government offices, he was impeached and removed from office.
- Laureano Gómez (c. 1925-1926).jpg Valdemaras Jakys
November 9th, 1943 May 1st, 1945 1 year, 5 months and 22 days - Liberal Democratic
Named interim president by the Saeimas, Jakys focused primarily on attempting to reconcile Erenbergas's supporters with the remainder of the Liberal Democrats by pardoning Erenbergas and continuing many of his policies. These actions were politically controversial and Jakys was voted out of office in the 1945 elections.
20 Juscelino.jpg Adrianas Volpis
May 1st, 1945 August 7th, 1949 4 years, 3 months and 6 days 1945 Social Democratic
The son of Etrurian immigrants, Volpis was elected president in 1945 at the head of a Social Democratic-DIAS coalition. As president, Volpis proposed a series of left-wing economic reforms, including the nationalization of the "commanding heights" of the economy, legal recognition of the right to unionize, infrastructure construction and modernization, large-scale land reform and debt relief, an expansion of welfare and public education, and the creation of a public healthcare system. Working alongside the NRKK and KIDF, Volpis also proposed a scheme providing limited self-government for majority-indigenous regions of Aucuria, but was unable to get it through the Saeimas. These reforms were broadly popular, but antagonized economic interests and conservatives within the military, and Volpis was subsequently deposed and murdered in a 1949 military coup.
Aucurian Sixth Republic (1949-1980)
21 GralHugoBanzerSuarez.jpg Albertas Kalvaitis
August 7th, 1949 March 22nd, 1966 16 years, 7 months and 15 days 1955, 1960, 1965 Military
Kalvaitis installed himself as president after leading the military coup which deposed and killed Adrianas Volpis, and initially focused heavily on overturning Volpis's reforms and crushing political dissent, banning all political parties, creating the NŽIRA, and "disappearing" large numbers of dissidents; these actions provoked a prolonged low-level conflict against leftist and indigenous groups, which was exacerbated by the 1964 Sugar Crash. He collaborated heavily with the country's economic elite and permitted the widespread growth of corruption. Kalvaitis died of a cerebral hemorrhage while in office in 1966.
22 Augusto Hamann Rademaker Grünewald, Vice-presidente da República..tif Liudvikas Šrioderis
March 22nd, 1966 February 10th, 1969 2 years, 10 months and 19 days - Military
An admiral and close ally of Albertas Kalvaitis, Šrioderis succeeded him as president in 1966. He oversaw a program of economic liberalization and political repression aimed at countering the lingering effects of the 1964 Sugar Crash; however, he proved largely unable to find allies in the country's military government following Kalvaitis's death, and was ultimately ousted and replaced by General Martynas Sprogys.
23 Pinochet-estampilla (extracted).jpg Martynas Sprogys
February 10th, 1969 January 6th, 1980 10 years, 10 months and 27 days 1970, 1975 Military
After becoming president in 1969, Sprogys continued the economic liberalization overseen by his predecessors and intensified the regime's anti-insurgency efforts. The economic resurgence brought by the the 1971-1974 "sugar high", combined with intensified government persecution, largely ended the protracted insurgency and seemingly guaranteed the stability of Sprogys's regime; however, rapidly rising inequality, the fallout of the 1979 Coian economic crisis, and anger at continuing repression provoked the start of the Velvet Revolution in late 1979. In 1980, as protests continued to escalate, Sprogys was deposed and jailed by his fellow generals in a desperate effort to appease the public and end the protests.
- File:Celso Torrelio.jpg Juozapas Juknevičius
January 6th, 1980 January 11th, 1980 5 days - Military
Juknevičius was named president following the deposition and jailing of Martynas Sprogys in a desperate gambit to end the Velvet Revolution, with military leaders hoping that Sprogys's jailing would end the protests. This did not happen, and, facing continued public pressure, Juknevičius agreed to cede power to an interim civilian government after only five days in office.
Aucurian Seventh Republic (1980-)
- (Rodrigo Borja) Felipe González junto al presidente de Ecuador. Pool Moncloa. 12 de septiembre de 1989 (cropped).jpeg Goštautas Jasaitis
January 11th, 1980 May 1st, 1980 3 months and 20 days - Independent
An Aucurian expatriate who had been a critic of the military regime, Jasaitis returned to Aucuria to serve as the country's interim president. He oversaw the drafting of the current constitution of Aucuria and the country's first democratic elections in thirty-five years; Jasaitis ran for the office of president but ultimately lost the election to longtime dissident Maksymas Užugiris.
24 Andres Perez President of Venezuela 1977.jpg Maksymas Užugiris
May 1st, 1980 May 1st, 1986 6 years 1980 Independent
A journalist and longtime dissident, Užugiris worked alongside Chancellor Feliksas Ikedas to depoliticize the Aucurian military and civil service and prosecute the individuals responsible for human rights abuses between 1949 and 1980. Užugiris also campaigned against government corruption, promoted "responsible liberalism" in economics, and called for the expansion of public services in disadvantaged communities. He retired in 1986 after deciding not to pursue a second term.
25 Mahoney Mahuad Roca (cropped).JPG Haidaras Sakras
May 1st, 1986 May 1st, 1992 6 years 1986 National Renewal
The son of Sotirian Rahelian immigrants, Sakras was elected president by advocating for traditional values while repudiating the authoritarianism of the Kalvaitis and Sprogys regimes. As president, he worked alongside Feliksas Ikedas of the New Liberals in promoting neoliberal economic policy and supporting infrastructural programs, and alongside fellow National Renewal Party member Kazimieras Mironovas in pushing conservative stances on social issues. He was defeated by Ikedas in the 1992 elections.
26 Al Fujimori (cropped).jpg Feliksas Ikedas
May 1st, 1992 May 1st, 1998 6 years 1992 New Liberal
Ikedas, son of Senrian immigrants and chancellor from 1980 to 1989, was elected to presidency in 1992. As president, Ikedas continued to advocate for liberal economic and social policies and promoted human rights protection efforts in Aucuria and the Asterias; he also pushed for a closer Aucurian relationship with the Community of Nations, led at the time by Vytautas Šeduikys, formerly Ikedas's foreign minister. Longstanding allegations of nepotism damaged his reputation and he narrowly lost office in 1998.
27 Portrait of roberto danino.jpg Rudolfas Kasneras
May 1st, 1998 May 1st, 2004 6 years 1998 National Renewal
Of Weranian and Estmerish ethnic origin, Kasneras was elected to the presidency by a slim margin and largely sought to continue the policies of Haidaras Sakras and Kazimieras Mironovas. He got along poorly with Social Democratic Chancellor Žygimantas Barauskas, with the two often seeking to obstruct the others' efforts; Kasneras was subsequently blamed for slowing government responses on several issues and voted out of office in 2004.
28 Marisol Espinoza 2.jpg Magdalietė Kudirkaitė
May 1st, 2004 May 1st, 2010 6 years 2004 Social Democratic
Kudirkaitė, the first woman elected to the Aucurian presidency, was a political ally of Žygimantas Barauskas and backed his agenda of political and economic reforms. She also advocated forcefully for social reforms, particularly with regards to women's rights, and renewed anti-corruption efforts; her campaigns on the latter count saw her dubbed a hypocrite after she described the corruption allegations surrounding Eugenijus Vamanas as "politically motivated". She opted not to seek reelection in 2010, with Vamanas ultimately becoming the Social Democratic nominee that year
29 2020-07-16 Solenidade de Posse do senhor Milton Ribeiro, Ministro de Estado da Educação (videoconferência) 03 (cropped).jpg Jozijas Aleliūnas
May 1st, 2010 May 1st, 2016 6 years 2010 National Renewal
The first Amendist President of Aucuria, Aleliūnas followed in the footsteps of previous NAP presidents in using the presidency to promote socially conservative stances; alongside Chancellor Daumantas Lapinskas, however, Aleliūnas also emphasized "tough on crime" policies and called for aggressive cuts to government programs. He was also accused of trying to whitewash the reputations of Kalvaitis- and Sprogys-era figures, which provoked intense controversy. He sought a second term in 2010 but was defeated by Žygimantas Barauskas.
30 LENÍN MORENO SE REÚNE CON EL LÍDER MEXICANO LÓPEZ OBRADOR (36186836092) (cropped).jpg Žygimantas Barauskas
May 1st, 2016 incumbent 8 years, 5 months and 24 days 2016, 2022 Social Democratic
Previously chancellor from 1998 to 2007, as president, Barauskas has continued to support progressive economic and social measures, including the expansion of welfare programs, a renewed effort to bolster public services, and better protection of indigenous rights; he has also called for an increased domestic and global focus on environmental regulation. He worked with New Liberals chancellor Endrijūs Žebrauskas on anti-corruption and human rights efforts while opposing him on economic policy; following the ascension of fellow Social Democrat Petras Uspelevičius to the chancellorship in 2019, Barauskas has pushed more openly and successfully for economic reforms. He was reelected in 2022, becoming the first Aucurian president reelected to the office in a free election in a century.